CDIH SOCOM Clan Signup - Seals or Terrorists? - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 03-10-2003

slack, where you at mofo?

- LZMF1 - 03-10-2003

slackjaw took the day that game was released off just so he could play it.

i'm sure he'd be more than happy to be the guild leader........count me outta this one...i couldn't get into it.

- Keyser Soze - 03-10-2003

im willing to give it a shot, i stopped playing on the pc cause i can't sit in front of my pc and play games, i prefer the comfort of the couch.

- LZMF1 - 03-10-2003

see i have a question concerning it..........

it's free for the 1st month then they charge $9.99 monthly does the game come with it's own registration code? or do you make an account? i may "get" a copy and i'm curious.

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-29-2003

I just wanted to say that I played SOCOM the other night for the first time, and within the 4 rounds that I played I actually got 2 kills, even one was a head shot. :banana:

- LZMF1 - 03-29-2003's pretty cool game isn't it? :thumbs-up:

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-30-2003

I've watched eric play it a hundred times. I find it amusing to talk to the people in the headset while he plays. The other day he made me play since I make fun of him when he messes up, and I rocked it. :bouncer:

- LZMF1 - 03-30-2003


maybe we should get the CDIH clan together for a few games online. i know that some have heen hooked on EverCrack.....i must admit i saw a friend playing it and it does look rather good.

- Mad - 03-31-2003

It has come to my attention that the CDIH clan has a new member; Goatweed!

Goat please post your username; [CDIH]Goat? So I can send you an Invite to the clan.

Lets get a game going tonight. Everyone who's plays SOCOM is invited to join us in online slaughter and debauchery.

We're not a serious clan, we're more of a "social clan."

We'll set up a private room, password protected and the blood will flow.

- LZMF1 - 03-31-2003

i'm in!!!!

Mad are we gonna do the usual? you IM me or vice versa?

will it be the "usual" password?

- Mad - 03-31-2003

Yes, we will do the usual IM and password stuff. How's 9 pm tonight?

We'll also post the Server (?) and room name [CDIH] with the password; ymb

I'm requesting Goat and any other newer players to be on my team.

- LZMF1 - 03-31-2003


this should be fun!

i wonder if rape is gonna play using crack's name?

- Goatweed - 03-31-2003

if I can play tonight, I'll give it a go - might be home a little late and I have some actual work to do on the computer - what time do you guys play?

and my name is simply Goatweed, I didn't add the []tags but I believe I can on the PS2, right?

- Mad - 03-31-2003

Game time 9 pmish, server who knows right now. Create a new user-name as follows:

We'll most likely be on for a couple of hours. So AIM me or LZ if you want to know where we're at.

- Goatweed - 03-31-2003

will do, I also forgot the Yankee game is on tonight, as is RAW - so many decisions, so little time...

- Mad - 03-31-2003

You could do what LZ does, PIP on his 55" TV. He watches hockey while "playing" SOCOM if thats what you'd call it.

TIVO or Tape the game.

- Rape Fantasizer - 03-31-2003

Quote:i wonder if rape is gonna play using crack's name?
I've got my own name, PutItInMe. I've actually been in one clan but they suck and another clan asked me to join last night, but i'll put the cdih in front tonight and play you guys. Crack cant be online and play socom at ther same time, his router broke, so you guys will have to tell me where youre playing and what room before hand.

- Mad - 03-31-2003

Which do you prefer Rape?

[CDIH]Rape or [CDIH]PutItInMe?

- crack hitler - 03-31-2003

It won't let me use the word rape, unless i use the fancy foreign letters, so just go with [CDIH]PutItInMe.

- Mad - 03-31-2003


All info will be posted here on what server and room we are on.