Message boxes - Clean 'em out already! - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 05-14-2002

Nice assortmant of Avatars you're going thru there Skitc

- Skitchr4u - 05-14-2002

who me? i don't know what you are referring to. i don't have an avatar

- Hey Ladi - 05-14-2002

Whatever you say Chief :moonie:

- Skitchr4u - 05-14-2002

what do you mean? what is an avatar? i thought it was a japanese tv show from the 80's...

- Skitchr4u - 05-14-2002

ken clean out your damn box you f'ing moron

- kindred - 05-14-2002


- Luna - 05-17-2002

Hello??? Clean out that box, YO! :bouncer:

- Ken'sPen - 05-21-2002

I am attempting to send your daily dose of drivel.

- Luna - 05-21-2002

My box is cleaned out...drivel me up, YO! :bouncer:

Are you going to send me the Ken'sPen Nemesis Handbook? I'm-a waitin'! :bouncer:

- Metalfan - 05-21-2002

Rule #1: Always hate teh Ken
Rule #2: When in doubt, see Rule #1

There ya go Luna

- Hey Ladi - 05-23-2002

KEN!! You slut, clean out your box!

- Ken'sPen - 05-23-2002


- Luna - 05-23-2002

Quote:KEN!! You slut, clean out your box!
He is a :wilbur:, isn't he, Ladi? :lol:

I say he be renamed "OINK-BOY"! :-p

Edited By LunaBabe on May 23 2002 at 11:10

- Sluggo - 05-25-2002

:lookatme: :disappointed: :lookatme:

- Hybrid - 05-25-2002


- Jack - 05-25-2002

Me and my 26 post's are getting lonesome too!

- virgingrrl - 05-27-2002


- Maynard - 05-27-2002


- virgingrrl - 05-27-2002

clean out your filthy box numbnuts!:rofl:

- Ken'sPen - 05-28-2002

time to scrape yer box again.