Punk i'll kick your ass!!! - Fighting, what's your take? - Printable Version

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- DGW - 04-04-2002

My last ballz out fight was in Hoboken about 6 years ago. I was waiting for my friends outside Bahama Mama's, they're inside getting some pig's number, and some dork want's my straw hat that I got from inside. Hey, I like straw hats! Plus I had hat hair. Anyway I tell him to beat it and he asks again, "my friends are visiting from Boston and I want the hat" I tell him no again, and then he calls me a fucking asshole. I think that's when the bell inside my head went off. Yah know when you feel yourself boiling inside??? That rush just before unleashing all you have?? Oh it was on Charlie. I push through 3 of his friends and grab him by the neck and start dropping rights onto his left eye and head, only to be tackled seconds later by his boys. My buds came out and it ended quickly. Just before the boys in blue rolled up too. All I lost was my shirt, ripped to shreads. Maybe I should have just given him the hat?? Nahhhhh.

I seem to get in confrontations alot. Don't think it's me, just where I tend to go. Actually it's usually backing up a friend who opens his big mouth. Like others have stated I'm more of a peacekeeper now. When you were younger you just didn't care. Nowadays I don't need to go to work and someone ask what happened to all my knuckles.

Also something I learned in my youth. Don't get into bar fights unless you think you can take the bouncers too. If you're in Belmar at DJ's, where the bouncers look like the guys competing in the World's Strongest Man competition on ESPN, your best bet is to take the guy outside. Other wise you will get a beat down even if you woop the first guy. If you're at BarA in Belmar, do all the fighting you want. They work by numbers, they got a bunch of little dudes with their sleeves rolled up. As where DJ's goes for mass, 5 or 6 guys that are 6'5 and 280 lbs. Their fists hurt.

- Brokenjaw - 04-06-2002

Quote:If you're in Belmar at DJ's, where the bouncers look like the guys competing in the World's Strongest Man competition on ESPN, your best bet is to take the guy outside. Other wise you will get a beat down even if you woop the first guy. If you're at BarA in Belmar, do all the fighting you want. They work by numbers, they got a bunch of little dudes with their sleeves rolled up. As where DJ's goes for mass, 5 or 6 guys that are 6'5 and 280 lbs. Their fists hurt.

STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING TOWN, GOD damn IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited By Brokenjaw on April 05 2002 at 8:02

- Sluggo - 04-06-2002

Fuck you BJaey...

- Brokenjaw - 04-06-2002

Thats right, my fuckin town. I am sick and tired of all the assholes that come here every summer and do nothing but cause trouble, trash up the town, and then just pack up and leave. What the fuck????

p.s. It was a joke between me and DGW. He knew what I was talking about.

- Sluggo - 04-06-2002

Quote:p.s. It was a joke between me and DGW. He knew what I was talking about.
damn...If I knew it would be that easy to get your tail between your legs... :lol:

- Sean Cold - 04-06-2002

Quote:trash up the town

Speaking of easy, this one makes me feel like Bonds on an inside pitch.

- Lord Magus - 04-06-2002

Quote:but now im a lover not a fighter
SHENANIGANS!! you are NOT!!! Just look at your screenname!!

Oh.. as far as me... I'm the guy everyone beatup to feel better about themselves.
Of course.. I'm the same way physically as I am socially.. as Seph put it.. i take a LOT of shit.. but when pushed over the edge I loose it. LITERALLY.
I mean... I'm not kidding... I have a low pain tolerance, am AFRAID of pain, have no upper body strength..
But I've also got a really WIERD mix of heritage.. that tends to boil to the surface when people just don't back off.... I go berserk. I don't mean I get all hyper and aggressive, I mean the ORIGINAL definition of berserk, loss of survival-instinct, bloodlust, rage, non-recognition of pain.. the whole Norse viking thing... I have little recolletion of what spawns an episode or the specifics of the ensuing fight.. but I often "come to my senses"(even though I was aware the whole time, just not cognizant, so to speak) being pulled off of someone with a blue face who I had been attempting to choke.
Of course.. this was in highschool.. the few times I've lost it since then all involved a friend who wrestled in school, and he was able to put me in holds and keep me from hurting anyone till i calmed down.
I'll usually follow such an episode by crawling off to a corner and crying (yeah, i know, "what a pussy"), because I'm ashamed that I can so utterly loose control of myself.

Oh, yeah.. I don't like fighting... I think sometimes it's necessary.. though i myself would never attempt to start a fight.

(god.. I wonder how much shit I'm going to get for revealing this aspect of my life and personality..)

- The Sleeper - 04-06-2002

First tatoos, now fighting, I swear its like I don't know you people anymore.

- McBourbon - 04-06-2002

Is it just me....or is this thread too "pussy" to be in Anger Management?

- The Painter - 04-09-2002

Sean Cold is right . The adrenaline rush is amazing. I haven't been in a fight in many years. I've won a few, and lost a few. Never been knocked out, or even knocked down. I've always been bigger than most people, and can take a punch rather well. I can remember the first time I got hit, and thinking, that's not so bad. Now, I'm just way to old to fight. I do think sometimes you just gotta' take your lumps. It's better to do that, then be labeled a coward.

- Arthur Dent - 04-09-2002

DGW, didn't you get into a scrape when we were walking from WWF to Hooters once because the asshole was drunk and thought you were the guy who walked into him? :punch:

I can remember one time one of my friends in highschool was in a bad mood and felt like taking it out on someone and there I was. He pushed me against a car and started mouthing off and acting tough while I tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. He made the mistake of trying to knee me in the groin like a punk. I instantly went from confused to raging fury. In less than a second, I grabbed him, threwing him on the floor, put my knee on his chest and almost broke his face open. One of my other friends grabbed my arm before I threw the punch.

Turns out it was all a dare. Everyone else was laughing behind my back until I went nuts. Taught them a lesson. Then we all laughed about it and moved on.

That's one thing I always thought was great. Getting into a fight with someone, kicking each other around for a while, and then laughing about it and being friends. Happened more than once when I was a kid. Became friends with guys I hated after getting into a brawl with them in the schoolyard. Guess it's just weird guy stuff women never understand.

- DGW - 04-09-2002

Quote:DGW, didn't you get into a scrape when we were walking from WWF to Hooters once because the asshole was drunk and thought you were the guy who walked into him?
No scrap. Just looking out for a fellow board member.