Vegan parents neglect child - Die motherfuckers!! - Printable Version

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- Skitchr4u - 05-02-2002

pot, meet kettle

- Arpikarhu - 05-02-2002

ssshhhhhh! dont say the p-o-t word or danked will be all over this thread like a cheap suit

- Ken'sPen - 05-02-2002

Arpi doesn't that last comment belong in the Ahlexus thread???

- Sluggo - 05-02-2002

These people have to realize, the Human body cannot develop without certain nutrients...
A Vegan lifestyle is not going to give them these nutrients...
OK, so you don't have to feed the kid a steak, but jeezus kee-rist...At least some goddamn formula...
Throw them in prison so they can go on hunger strikes and feel what their child felt.

- Maynard - 05-02-2002

But Sluggo, they just dont understand that. These hardcore vegan/vegetarian types look at meat as if it's terrible. And vegans are even worse. They think it's wrong to have any animal products. It's very strange.

- Sluggo - 05-02-2002

I know this, I had a few friends that were vegan...
One super strict, he wouldn't even use a camera because of the geletin used in the film...
Babies at least need mothers milk...
How is that an animal product?
Is the baby being a parasite?
If that's how they feel they should have killed it in the womb, because it was living off of moms body then...

- Ken'sPen - 05-02-2002

From the condition of the baby, this conversation is moot. They SHOULD be up on charges.

- IkeaBoy - 05-02-2002

I think we're being unfair to these people. I mean it's not child abuse to let their daughter grow up like this. It's teaching her the true goodness that stuff from animals and things that might have been seen by an animal sometime in its life should NEVER be eaten or absorbed by us. I think the child would have lived a much better life appreciating animals and the evilness of humans than how she lives now getting all her needed nutrients and vitamins. :disappointed:

- Luna - 05-02-2002

Humans are carnivores. We need meat.

- Sluggo - 05-02-2002

I hope you dropped these; [sarcasm][/sarcasm], Ikea...

- Ken'sPen - 05-02-2002

unga bunga has spoken......

- virgingrrl - 05-02-2002

Quote:Humans are carnivores. We need meat.

not meUndecided

- Luna - 05-02-2002

Yeah...but, must take some sort of iron supplement, then...don't you?

- Sloatsburgh - 05-02-2002

You know, the only vegans I have ever met live in cities. You don't have anything against eating a cow after a bear almost kills you.

- virgingrrl - 05-02-2002

Quote:Yeah...but, must take some sort of iron supplement, then...don't you?

yeah i take vitamins and things like that....actually, i do eat chicken on a rare occasion. i know my body, and when it has me craving meat then i know i need it, i will eat chicken only.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-02-2002

TOG "How about trouser snake" /TOG

- Arpikarhu - 05-02-2002

Quote:i know my body, and when it has me craving meat then i know i need it,
i am so hot right now

- Ken'sPen - 05-02-2002

hold me Arpi.

- SexxyNette - 05-02-2002

Quote:But Sluggo, they just dont understand that. These hardcore vegan/vegetarian types look at meat as if it's terrible. And vegans are even worse. They think it's wrong to have any animal products. It's very strange.

These 2 careless heartless pieces of shit deserve to wither away to less than half their normal bodyweight and see how they like it. This child weighed 10 lbs I believe when she was found, and could barely lift her head up. She's still not speaking yet and because of these animals who gave her life, she probably wont have a normal one.
Yes, vegan/vegetarianism can be weird to understand,and yes these hardcore freaks deserve to die, but not every one is strange. Not everything thinks meat is terrible. I know I'm not strange. I'm not a vegan, but just choose not to eat meat. I used to. Used to all the time. Stopped after high school, once I got to college definitely knew I never would again when I was able to see first hand what the whole process entails. Definitely stopped when I had to take care of these animals. When I had to keep calves from dying since they were going to be made into veal, but we're abandonded. But thats just me, my personality. It's not strange, cause anyone can just as easily say,"God, people who eat meat are so strange." I mean dont get me wrong, the people like talked about above, are complete retards, the people who think they can force their vegetarianism etc. on others, thats not right either.
I dont think meat is terrible, boyfriend eats meat and its not like I wont sit at dinner with him if he's eating a steak, I just chose not to, cause I dont want to eat things that lord knows what happened to it in the hands of others before it was on my plate (yes you can say that about anything, but I've seen this stuff firsthand). The only way your safe is if you eat Grade A (VERY expensive, high class etc etc) meat, and sometimes Grade B. If I ate McDonalds, etc. I might as well open up a can of dog food, and most dog foods now have a higher grade than fast food joints.
I dont know why,..well yes I do, I felt the need to reply cause it's not all strange. Yes some or most, but not all of it. Some people have f-ed up reasons for it, but it doesnt mean everyone should be labeled as a whacko.

And, these parents wouldn't even breast feed?? Well, if the woman didnt want her child to have her milk, how can she live with the fact that she produces it. Cut her tits off!!!!!
(i'm done now, i feel better :-p )

- Sloatsburgh - 05-02-2002

<span style='font-size:77pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:tahoma'>WARNING!!