How much is a cup of coffee? - Size, Not Price - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 05-03-2002

I mean the topic of fucking one's dead sister is something brought up anecdotally, you know "So I was fucking my dead sister" rather than just screaming out to no one that "I am currently fucking my dead sister"

- The Sleeper - 05-03-2002

you really are no fun

- IkeaBoy - 05-03-2002

Quote:you really are no fun
That was actually something I was thinking about tonight. How I am, in fact, no fun. I think that's on my 'con' list, if not I should add it.

- crx girl - 05-03-2002

about a buck 50

- Luna - 05-03-2002

Coffee.....yummm....good..... :bouncer:

I drink about 2 cups a day....I can't wake up without the stuff. :crackhead:

- Metalfan - 05-03-2002

I drink the mud they try to pass off as coffee here....but nothing beats DD coffee...nuttin

- Luna - 05-03-2002

Quote:but nothing beats DD coffee...nuttin

Yes.....I know...lately I have been getting DD by the pound for the house......that's some goooooood stuff. [Image: coffee.gif]

- Metalfan - 05-03-2002

I used to do that.....but it really never tastes like when I just buy a cup there....isn't that odd?

- Skitchr4u - 05-03-2002

i drink between 1 and 4 cups per day depending on my stress level...more stressful days = more coffee...when at work i usually go the kona or jamacian blue mtn route...on the road i will pick up dd or the deli around the corner or even stop n shop has good coffee

- OAS - 05-03-2002

DD coffee is the best. Fuck this foo foo shi shi Starbucks crap. Next to DD, Folgers is the best store bought brand. I drink coffee all day, my drive to work, all day in my office and on occassion after dinner.

- Metalfan - 05-03-2002


Good effin choice that stuff!! I'm referring to the coffee of course Confusedmokey:

- Sloatsburgh - 05-03-2002

I figure a cup is what the K-Cup machines produce. The size of the Sweatheart model P510 paper cup. I believe that is 12 fl oz. (so 1 1/2 dry measure cups).

- Grumpy - 05-03-2002

The average size of a "regular" cup of coffee is 12 oz. There are the chinsey little shit shops that screw you with the 8 oz'ers but for the most part 12 oz. is par. Medium being 16 and large being 20 or 22 oz. For me, it's 3 large cups by 10:30 AM over a period of 3 hours.

Luna - DD's is good coffee and I've bought it by the pound. For some reason though it doesn't taste the same at home. I think you need their cups too. The wax or lining on the inside of the cup must add something to the flavor.

- OAS - 05-03-2002

Quote:For some reason though it doesn't taste the same at home. I think you need their cups too. The wax or lining on the inside of the cup must add something to the flavor.
Or the greasy Pakistani help's fingers inside your cup before they fill it.

- Hey Ladi - 05-03-2002

Quote:Doing that is not logical.
I completely see this being said by an automated computer voice..... :Confusedhudder::

Quote:but it really never tastes like when I just buy a cup there....isn't that odd?
Everything is better when someone else makes it for you.

- Luna - 05-03-2002

Quote:Luna - DD's is good coffee and I've bought it by the pound. For some reason though it doesn't taste the same at home.
Are you guys buying it ground?
I get it by the bean and grind it at home.
It could also be your coffee maker.....????

- OAS - 05-03-2002

Will you grind my beans Luna? :bouncer:

- Hey Ladi - 05-03-2002

I'm sure she has some high heels that'll do you right OAS. :Confusedtomp stomp:: ;-)

- OAS - 05-03-2002

Your such the tease Ladi.:fucking:

- Luna - 05-03-2002

Quote:I'm sure she has some high heels that'll do you right OAS.
Oh yeahhh...that's the only way to grind coffee beans! :-D