Israel suicide bombings- care??? - Yet another debate - Printable Version

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- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:Yes we need to re-teach them but it's not just going to work with a nice cornucopia.
Yes. I agree. It's not a quick process. But is our Country giving it a shot? Should we even be in charge of that?

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

Remember 1984? The number one concern of anyone in power is to retain said power. 1984 was all about a government that cannot be overthrown.

And as for other cultures being raised to hate us, for some reason I remember growing up learning to hate CCCP, as well as OAS hating Krauts and Nips, etc....

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Sloats, I'm not saying America never taught people to hate but we hate the right people.
The Communists are people trying to corrupt us, the Germans are deeply tied to the occult, the Jews bake crackers with baby blood and the Nips, well they are a sneaky people who with two pencil marks can cause milliosn to sprout from the trees.

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:I'm not saying America never taught people to hate but we hate the right people.
:rofl: :rofl:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-07-2002

Quote:But is our Country giving it a shot? Should we even be in charge of that?

Absolutely not...I'm sick and tired of our government running out to help people who can't and won't help themselves. Before 9/11, I used to care about what was going on over there because hey people were dying and I thought it was awful...but you know what? People I know and love died and I stopped caring about the animals in Israel. It's a fight over land, it's a fight over religion, it's a fight that all the education in the world won't long as someone's belief in God is stronger than their belief in common human decency, the bombings will continue, and you can't teach someone decency....

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-07-2002

Quote:Remember 1984? The number one concern of anyone in power is to retain said power. 1984 was all about a government that cannot be overthrown.

Hmm reminds me of a place I live in. If people openly rebelled aganist the government(not necesarily violently) in massive numbers do you think the government would hesitate to crush resistance.

I don't think we should support either side because getting involved in political squabbles across the world really serves no purpose.

Indocrination and lying to children to further your political agenda is pretty commonplace and happens in just about every planet on the country.

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Quote:I don't think we should support either side because getting involved in political squabbles across the world really serves no purpose. Indocrination and lying to children to further your political agenda is pretty commonplace and happens in just about every planet on the country.
:confused: But I saw a commercial that said the saudis are our friends, was THAT a lie too?

- Sluggo - 05-07-2002

Quote:Indocrination and lying to children to further your political agenda is pretty commonplace and happens in just about every planet on the country.
Typo of the day.

- OAS - 05-07-2002

It was the gooks Sloat, not the Krauts and Nips.

We accepted the principal of being the polic force of freedom. Someone needs to do it, why not us?

- LZMF1 - 05-08-2002

Quote:Personally, I've never cared
i couldn't give a rat's ass concerning the situation there.
the palestinians and the israelis both think that they are in "the promised land"

why can't they coexist and live in peace? fuck it, let them battle it out over a stretch of desesrt and let the strongest survive.

this is just my opinion.......and i know none of you care so i'm expressing anyway.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-08-2002

So you're not that old, OAS.

How about this thought: In Isreal, we support a people whose whole claim on the land is based on their religious beliefs and in the Arab countries we support the tyrannical monarchies. Sounds to me like we support two groups that run contrary to the base American beliefs.

- IkeaBoy - 05-08-2002

Well we all know why we support the Arab countries (oil)

- The Sleeper - 05-08-2002

fun game

- Arthur Dent - 05-08-2002

What we need is a little less faith and a lot more common sense.

What's really dissappointing is Sharon is going to give the terrorists EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT!!
Think about it. In the last week, AMAZING progress has been made toward peace. The troops pulled out, the siege in Ramalla was ended, the siege at the Church of the Nativity is almost over, and people were actually sitting down and talkng seriously about the next steps. That TERRIFIES the extremists. The extremists don't want a Palestine and an Isreal, just a Palestine. So, they set off another bombing and derail the whole process AGAIN! And Sharon is inevitably going to help them by sending in troops and "cracking down" again.

It's just like the Northern Ireland peace process. Every time they got close to an agreement on a shared government, another bombing went off. Eventually, everybody involved had to say no matter how many bombs go off, we don't stop talking and negotiating. And at the same time, the IRA and Sin Fein had to crack down on there own people and stop the violence. And it's worked so far.

And on an "enlightened self-interest" front, I want this damn crisis over so the stock market can fully recover and the value of my stocks go back up.

Suspected Pipe Bomber Arrested
If your too lazy to complete the FREE registration for, tough shit.

Edited By Arthur Dent on May 08 2002 at 04:40

- crx girl - 05-08-2002

it's tragic that any innocent people die, but i learned a long time to stop caring about these things too much because there's nothing i can do about it. there's enough shit going on in my vicinity that i can't afford to give my thoughts to things like this, intellectually but mostly emotionally, it's not healthy. quite frankly, i wasn't too happy to see this thread because i can so deal without another ct/am political discussion thread.
Quote:Hey Ladi, what about the Northern Irish Catholics?
ok, i don't know much about this, but i do know a little bit more than i know about the middle east and i wouldn't call the ira a society. i'm pretty sure the majority of the british population would be perfectly happy if northern ireland became a part of the republic. the thing keeping it a part of the uk is that there is a huge population of unionist/protestants who were born and grew up in northern ireland but consider themselves citizens of the uk and don't want to change. i'd speculate that it's basically that people fear change. for example, let's just say: if you grew up in maine, i'm sure you wouldn't want to become part of canada. the problems arise from a small group of people whose brains are so stuffed full of religious bullshit, or just use that to further their own well being; and these people cause the problems for everybody else. there are a lot more bombings that happen than cnn and all the other news channels might lead you to believe

- Spitfire - 05-08-2002

It just makes me sad...but there's never going to be a good solution, not in our lifetimes anyway

Quote:As long as Cardassia occupies Bejora, or were the Bejoran supposed to be the Polish Jews and Cardassians Nazis? Fuck it. The Kligons were Navajoes and there extinct. We need racist violent shit like this or else we won't have anymore Star Trek spin offs.

Wait Wait. Sauruman was the French and the Urul'erek were SS Troopers? The Men were the British and the Americans were the Hobbits? But then who were the Elves based on?

I got it. Sheridan was Gandalf. The Minbari and Vorlons were the Elves. The Shadows were the Nazguls. and Z'ha'dum was Kzha'dum!
Teh Funny :rofl: Sloatsburg!

- Sloatsburgh - 05-08-2002

Glad that didn't totally get passed over..... But damnit, they still went the serious path.

psst. (h)

- crx girl - 05-08-2002

oh, i got a giggle out of it too, but then i got drunk and went a rambling, sorry :bow: