Fringe beliefs - Do you have any? - Printable Version

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- DGW - 05-10-2002

I think robots will one day takeover man. You know like the Matrix.

Quote:I also kinda sorta believe in voodoo because this witch doctor who used to clean where I worked put a spell on my ex and it worked...
A spell to wake him up?:-D

- IkeaBoy - 05-10-2002

I also believe that some sorts of magicks are possible and the occult is something quite real and if you have the skills you can manage to use it towards your advantage. And for psychic powers I also believe that something like telekinesis can be done as well as talking to the dead. I also feel that if a person CAN talk to the dead they wouldn't be whoring themselves out on national tv.

- Arpikarhu - 05-10-2002

Quote:I also believe that some sorts of magicks are possible and the occult is something quite real and if you have the skills you can manage to use it towards your advantage
you are a real wack job, i mean it.

- DGW - 05-10-2002

Quote:I also feel that if a person CAN talk to the dead they wouldn't be whoring themselves out on national tv.

I don't see any dead people, but I sure see some stupid ones:rofl:

- fbd - 05-10-2002

this kinda goes with spit's...

atlantis did exist, somewhere in the mediteranian or mid-atlantic.they were more advanced of then the cultures of the somehow sunk(volcanic explosion or a large flood), and THIS is where spit's fits in.the atlantians evacuated and gave their secrets to whoever they settled with.
evidence-almost every major group of people has a story of a great flood.the aztecs had legends about the white man, and a language similar to some early european languages.the egyptians have a legend about people who came from afar who tought them to build the pyramids, and the aztecs were taught by the white god

i also kinda think telekenises is possible

- DGW - 05-10-2002

Then what am I thinking now???

- fbd - 05-10-2002

telekenises is moving shit, not telling what you're thinking.thats telepathy

- DGW - 05-10-2002

Okay, well I just moved my junk to the left...move it back to the right. Mr SmartyPants

- OAS - 05-10-2002

Pssst DGW, wouldn't it be more fun to ask "Ms Smartypants"?

- Black Lazerus - 05-10-2002

so if my mind commands my hand to move a piece of paper is that telekenises?

- DGW - 05-10-2002

No, that would have been me farting in your general direction.

Yes OAS, it would.

- Spitfire - 05-10-2002

I agree fbdgkldjgklfj about Atlantis...

I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows...
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night a candle glows.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-10-2002

I believe in the myth of the female orgasm.

"The CLIT, that's real!!"

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-10-2002

I believe that some of these ideas are plausible but unless you have proof they aren't valid at all.

- crx girl - 05-11-2002

Quote:I believe that some of these ideas are plausible but unless you have proof they aren't valid at all.
i'm sorry, but i'm failing to see how an idea can be invalid. it's an idea, a thought, a possibility...

and just because there's no proof of something doesn't mean it isn't. and aren't some ufos possibly proof of extra terrestrial life? personally, i find the possibility that we're the only planet in the universe with intelligent life completely implausable. i mean, really, we can't be the only ones...

- Black Lazerus - 05-11-2002

God this planet full of losers representing the only life in the universe
Now that is the scariest thing i have ever heard

- Arthur Dent - 05-13-2002

Quote:the Egyptian pyramids, Easter Island heads, Atlantis, Olmec negroid head carvings, Stonehenge, and other ancient wonders are over 12,000 years old. The architecture and placement coincides with the star patterns at that day, like the pyramids of Egypt line up with Orion's belt in the sky in the year 10,500 BC and similarly the temple of Angkor in Cambodia lines up with Draco, the constellation of a dragon in the sky above, coincidentally in the year 10,500 BC. There's a few others existing today that also match up with constellations....
(I believe that there was an ancient advanced civilization that imparted its knowledge by traveling to lesser advanced cultures. That would explain all of the similarities in the ancient world)

Show me proof against any of can't carbon date rock.

You can't carbon date it, but a geologist did an errosion survey on the great pyramid and the sphinx. His findings say they're both a lot older than egyptologists say.

I've heard a theory that there were several human civilizations between the period when homosapiens first evolved and the beginning of recorded history. They were periodically wiped out by natural disasters such as the ice age. Basicly, a civilization would rise, spread, and develope only to be knocked back down to primitive wondering tribes by a cataclysm with all records lost. We are the first civilization to make it to the point of an industrial revolution. All the others stopped somewhere around the bronze age. Atlantis may have been an island nation that survived a cataclysm in tacked while everyone else had to rebuild. Then they were wiped out by a volcano (at least according to Plato).

- The Painter - 05-13-2002

Quote:evidence-almost every major group of people has a story of a great flood.
Maybe that was Noah's flood. You know, Noah and the Ark.

Quote:personally, i find the possibility that we're the only planet in the universe with intelligent life completely implausable. i mean, really, we can't be the only ones...
Check out the Chaos theory. According to it, we live in one of the few oasis of order in the universe. This makes the posibility of life elsewhere in the universe very small, if at all.

- Arthur Dent - 05-13-2002

Quote:evidence-almost every major group of people has a story of a great flood.
Maybe that was Noah's flood. You know, Noah and the Ark.
There is no geological evidence of a flood at the time as told in the Bible, even plus or minus a thousand years. Most likely, it's an oral tradition passed down through generations (like Genesis and other stories). It may, however, be loosely based on an actual event. Namely, the melting of the Ice Age polar caps causing the sea levels to rise dramatically. Seen that way, it give credibility to the Cycle of Civilizations theory I mentioned before.

There's also a very famous equation (I can never remember the name of it) that shows that there are so many stars in so many galaxies that even the smallest probability of life means there are thousands of civilizations out there. The big question is if they could or would make the journey here to continuouly investigate us or if we will ever be able to or willing to visit them.

Anybody hear about the prediction that a chamber would be found under the Sphynx that would contain the lost writings of Atlantis? Heard that a siosmic survey of the valley showed a chamber, but nobody can get permission to excavate because of the risk of damage to the Sphynx.