Warped Tour!!!! - Who's going? - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 08-06-2002

the only bands in this whole thread i've even heard of are nofx and bad religion. does that mean i'm old like arpi? :-(

- HedCold - 08-06-2002

[Image: old%20couple%20eating%20lunch.jpg]
you and arpi in the park

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

I know noone cares but I'll write a review anyway, so fuck off:

I got there around 10:30, and finally got in just before 12. I caught the end of the Used set, which was cool cause I only like 2 songs by them, and they played one. Good start to the fest. Then Thursday came on, and I was completely surprised that they were playing so early. They only played 5 or 6 songs, including the new one, and moshing in a dustball isn't the most pleasant thing ever. Nothing wrong with their performance, but it was probably my worst Thursday experience thus far, though its all relative, still a great time. I drank beverages and watched the Movielife. They sucked. Caught the end of Flogging Molly's set, seemed like a very fun band live. Ozma was on that stage next, and bored me to tears. I left after 2 songs. Went back to the Drive-thru stage cause Finch was gonna play soon. I went into the pit for the Starting Line to get good position for Finch. This band is worse than the Movielife and getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers while watching a shitty band isn't as fun as you'd think. Nevertheless, Finch came on next and I got the front row for them. Good times, even though there was more crowd surfing crap. They should all die. Seriously. I was completely exhausted after Finch and chilled for an hour. Then I caught Bad Religion, although I was way in the back for them. I'm not a huge BR fan, but they are a good band and I enjoyed the songs that I knew. Then, I ran to the stage where FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES were playing. I didn't even know they were playing this date. Best surprise of the day and also best performance by far. They fucking owned. I really love this band now. I went back to the main stage and made fun of New Found Glory, then left after one NOFX song, cause I was so exhausted. Only band I missed that I wanted to see was Alkaline Trio but they played the same time as Finch and I had my priorities. Overall great but very exhausting time. Blowing brown snot is cool. That's all.

Edited By The Sleeper on Aug. 11 2002 at 12:27

- GonzoStyle - 08-11-2002

so when did the exciting stuff happen?

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

Me getting kicked in the head numerous times doesn't excite you?

- GonzoStyle - 08-11-2002

You still have your motor skills, so no.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-11-2002

Pfft bad religion is the best band and you only say they are ok.

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

I said that they were "good". Not great, kinda overrated in my opinon, but good.

- GonzoStyle - 08-11-2002

Was Jay-Z there?

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

No, but someone was rockin a Wu-tang shirt, which was a tie for best shirt, along with one that said "I listened to N*sync when they were underground", that made me chuckle.

- HedCold - 08-11-2002

if wu would have been there i would have been all up in that piece

- criticslovesnatch - 08-11-2002

fucking amazing day....lets recap...

Got there as Thursday was going on, got right in the middle of the dust bowl they fucking ruled
Wandered for a while, then watched Reel Big Fish...very cool band
Then saw Lagwagon, who fucking rocked. they are an awesome punk band that i didn't know much about, but they played an awesome set
I then jetted over to the drive thru stage to jockey for position for Finch, so i sat through half of the starting line's set. it worked though, i got right up front for Finch, who kicked my ass. they fucking rock as always.
Back to the main stage for No Use for a Name, who are one of my favorite bands, it ruled to finally see them live, they did a killer set.
Caught some of Bad Religion, then ran to see From Autumn to Ashes, who were ridiculously good. Melanie from One True Thing was there to sing Short Stories, which helped make my fucking day.
I caught some of the bosstones, but i was so exhausted by that point i ended up getting out of there and collapsing.

The dust sucked...i was blowing my nose and it was coming out black...not fun.

overall, amazing show. had a great time and saw all the bands i wanted to see except for alkaline trio (Finch > Alkaline Trio).

Don't listen to gonzo sleeper...we rule and he knows it


- GonzoStyle - 08-11-2002

Quote:Don't listen to gonzo sleeper...we rule and he knows it
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

yea, i forgot Reel Big Fish. I watched their set. The A-ha cover was good.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-11-2002

Did anyone see the Damned? Or the Casualties?

- Hybrid - 08-11-2002

ok. i should have fun tomorrow then, even though the used isnt playing. Sad

you guys like reel big sad...

- Hybrid - 08-11-2002


ugh. awful

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

I don't like them that much, but they are 10 times better than any of those shitty Drive-thru pop-punk bands.

- crx girl - 08-11-2002

i saw them in 98, does that make me cool like you kids?

- The Sleeper - 08-11-2002

not really