Auto Modellista - Beta Test - Printable Version

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- QuickStop - 03-27-2003

why the fuck arent i a member of that? another kid i know is a member, and he has only done one ps2 beta test, and ive done 2. fucking sony

- LZMF1 - 03-27-2003

Quote:im a member of the gamer advisory panel, why dont i get these wonderful toys??
me too!!! did you like that snazzy big envelope that you got in the mail with the certificate that states that you are on that advisory panel with the uber cool hologram sticker?

- QuickStop - 03-28-2003

fuck you guys!

P.S. i got auto garage is crazy cool gonna go play it soon

- LZMF1 - 03-28-2003

like i far i really like the game.

- LZMF1 - 03-28-2003


did you get this email yet?



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- QuickStop - 03-28-2003

just rub it in my face, why dont ya!

P.S. this game fucking rocks...except for the pricks that have played the game so much in one day that their fully tricked out Nissan Skylines are unbeatable

- LZMF1 - 03-28-2003

fuck that......i'm using a an NSX.

- QuickStop - 03-28-2003

are you racing single player to open up car adjustments like weight reduction and new engines? cause customizing these cars is really crazy.

- LZMF1 - 03-28-2003

yes....i started to play the single player mode to get all of the NSX is SICK!!!!!

- LZMF1 - 03-28-2003

the fucking downhill races are a pain in the balls!!!!!!

- QuickStop - 03-28-2003

i recomend going with something like a mitsubishi lancer with fast acceleration for those turny races. they have nice handling

- LZMF1 - 03-29-2003

keyser...have you played AM online yet?

- Keyser Soze - 03-29-2003

yes, it rocks, i want to race you guys.

i got that email and voted for the first artwork.

did you get the cool binder with your member card and notebook with sleeves for cds and memory card holders?

- LZMF1 - 03-30-2003

ok.........the tamiya races online are kewl as Hell.

it's fun racing remote control versions of your cars!

- LZMF1 - 06-03-2003

Quote:did you get the cool binder with your member card and notebook with sleeves for cds and memory card holders?
it just came in the mail today.....the little binder with the lanyard , the playstation pen, the membership card...all that good shit.

it's about fucking time!!!

- Keyser Soze - 06-03-2003

nice holders for memory cards too.