Bowling For Columbine - Printable Version

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- Galt - 08-29-2003

I don't know if he's ever won an Oscar, but he sure has done a shitload of fictional films.

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

there's a difference between Stone and Moore. Stone makes stories for entertainment. Moore passes lies off as truth.

- Galt - 08-29-2003

Stone passed of lies as truth in JFK

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

thats different. JFK wasn't a documentary. It was a film for entertainment. Stone wasn't lying, and he never claimed he was telling the truth.

Besides, I don't understand why we're arguing about this, unless you're trying to defend Moore in some backwards way.

- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

Quote:I liked the part of Bowling for Columbine when Michael Moore just made shit up and edited things to his point of view.

i don't think its possibly to make any movie without having a point of view. its nearly impossible to be totally impartial.

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

Of course you can never truely be impartial, but that's not even the problem here. HE ACTUALLY MADE SHIT UP AND PASSED IT OFF AS FACT. There's a difference between favoring one point of view, and making up facts and editing the truth to make it seem like your point of view is right.


- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

how do you really feel about the NRA?

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

the question holds no relevence to this discussion.

- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

do i need to start a new topic?

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

nah, just say that Michael Moore is a liar who should not have been given the Oscar.

- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

he's a liar, which is why he should win the oscar. hollywood is full of em.

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

Astounding logic, buddy. Keep it up, you win all arguements with stuff like that.

- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

the oscars are bullshit anyway. look at the crappy movies they give awards to.

clearly moore editorialized when he was not supposed to, its far from a documentary except in the fact it consists of unscripted (mostly) footage.

furthermore, i dont think we were arguing, unless you think that the oscars are anything more than a marketing device created by hollywood, for hollywood.

- The Jays - 08-29-2003

so just fucking say you hate moore like the rest of them!

- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

oh i dont hate him, i think he's brilliant!

- The Jays - 08-29-2003


- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

im an independent.

- The Jays - 08-29-2003


- Keyser Soze - 08-29-2003

whatever, dittohead.

- GonzoStyle - 08-29-2003

what exactly did he lie about in the documenarty?