Hoon Vs. Next Best Thing Lumberjack match thread...... - Printable Version

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- Hoon - 10-16-2006

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:I assumed it had somehting to do with not posting members pics without permission or some shit. I could be wrong and probably am. I'm not here enough to fully understand vague references. I have to summarize.

Doesn't matter though. I digress on that point.
The crux of the issue is Thing broke the rules.
Don't like the rule? Big deal.
Ultimately it wasn't the rule that got Thing booted.
It was his response to the warnings.

Was the making fun of baby ugly the rule he broke? Is it because it was a baby? Or like if she posted pics of her husband and people were mocking him, would that be ok?
it's pretty much to protect people who want to post pictures of their kids.
it's really not that difficult to not comment on them.
she had a picture of her two year old baby in her avatr and Thing made some tasteless remarks.

i told him to leave it alone.
he didn't.
dawn kept going crazy over it.
i told her to be quiet, it was being handled.
Thing made a few more jokes in public.
I told him it was basically his last chance.
he told me to go fuck myself, he didn't need that place.
I gave him 30 days.

Now, the same place that sucks and he don't need is the same place he and ken are angry he was banned from.
That board is not this board. There, you can't use racial remarks etc...
That's why we have this place. This is really pretty simple if you ask me.

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

this double post has been brought to you by teddy grams.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

how many ugly chicks have their kids mocked?
Can you REALLY look me in the eye and say dawn didn't get a little extra protection?

Plus NBT was already banned for a bogus reason the day before, his attitude reflected the modding style being used.

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

you're talking about DOF.
Dof's son is 16 or 17 and was even a registered memeber. This excludes him from any expectation of protection. Then there is Ilene and her child isn't ridiculed, he is pitied. Those jokes are on her, not him.

Both a big difference from calling a two year old child the names Thing did. And I repeat, that wasn't why he was banned. He was banned for publicly telling us to go fuck ourselves after the warningS he received.

he acted like a bitch and got spanked like one.

as for the banning the previous day, i have no earthyly idea what you're even talking about.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

so he wasn't banned for an actual rule,
but because he told you to fuck off?

I read the thread,
didn't see him say that.

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

Ken'sPen Wrote:so he wasn't banned for an actual rule,
but because he told you to fuck off?

I read the thread,
didn't see him say that.
then you didn't read it well enough.

in the end, you won't get it because you don't want to get it.
this has been explained and no new angles can be covered.
i'm not skye. i'm not there to make folks happy. if they don't like it [which most of them don't], tough. i don't lose a minute of sleep over it.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

You realize when you posture like a bad ass,
about your job modding a message board,

you sound like a jackass.......


- Hoon - 10-16-2006

i'm not posturing.
when i say i am completely uneffected by criticizm
i mean it.

you're incapable of getting under my skin and it kills you.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

Hoon Wrote:i'm not skye. i'm not there to make folks happy. if they don't like it [which most of them don't], tough. i don't lose a minute of sleep over it.

no I meant posturing,
talking tough about how you do your job,
modding a message board......

you sound ridiculous.

ps glad you aren't losing sleep.

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

you don't take that schtick seriously.

Thing was more relevent calling me a cunt.
At least he really believed it.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

well yeah.....

though I found it odd that you held him accountable for Shay, and for being a Ninja hitman....
both were obvious jokes.

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

Ken'sPen Wrote:well yeah.....

though I found it odd that you held him accountable for Shay, and for being a Ninja hitman both were obvious jokes.

he never said ninja/hitman. if i recall he'd elludedto being a body guard or security of some sort. you know, the type of tough guy positions alot of 45 year old men hold down.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006


since you stopped me for busting your posturing,
did you think he said it for humor?
or because he thought he'd be believed?

- Hoon - 10-16-2006


Doesn't matter if it's a joke or not.
The DB has rules, ridiculous or not.
he wasn't treated any differently than I was when I told Skye to go fuck herself after she'd warned me to shut up 3 times. And Rey when he did the same. Neither of us were banned for what we said. We were banned for the same thing Thing was.

But I took my whipping like a man.

- Ken'sPen - 10-16-2006

god don't be so stupid,
his job/occupation,

was he saying it for a joke?
or because he'd be believed,

do you think he was hitting on Shay,
cause he thought she was hot?
or the opposite?

- Hoon - 10-16-2006

who fucking cares?
all i did was offer him the chance to clear it up, which he never did.

- GonzoStyle - 10-16-2006

Well I honestly see both sides of the argument. This board and the other board are different, its all down to the people who run it and what types of rules they install. I felt that in the end there really should be little to no rules and everyone should be free to speak their minds. Though I also see the benefits of having a set of rules, as to what can or can not be discussed, there will always be pros and cons and people for or against either one. A lot of people didnt like that there were no rules here.

So if a board has rules, I think they should be followed, so I agree with hoon in that sense. You are a member and can choose to not be if you do not like the rules.

Is the rule stupid? I think it is very stupid, so I agree with ken in that sense. If you choose to post an IM, a picture, or whatever other personal shit, you are now open to ridicule for it, as well as praise. So if you can take the compliments on your kid, you should take the negatives as well. What is attractive, funny, interested, etc. to one person, is not to another. That is why you can never please the entire board, everyone has their own idea of what should be discussed, what shouldn't, how it should be run, etc.

I think its a dumb thing to throw a hissy like that cause someone said your kid was ugly. Argue with that person, discuss it but dont censor them.

But the final say is that the people who run the board, want that rule set in that way. So its a stupid rule but it's the rule and you can question it but that's how it is.

- Goatweed - 10-16-2006

.Net's rules > all other rules!!!!

(that was for Hoon)

- faceman802 - 10-16-2006


- GonzoStyle - 10-16-2006

I really do wanna see what the fuss is about.