CDIH MUSIC EXCHANGE - 1st post - list of who's swapping - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 07-18-2002

spit would have to be the ambassador of addresses.

each one of us would provide spit with a pseudonym which only you and her know and that will be the name you place on the address you send your mix out to

- Maynard - 07-18-2002

It depends on how its done Polly. We don't have to necessarily match two people up. It could be set up that you just have a person that you send stuff to. You may get your cd's from someone totally different.

Or we could do the pseudonym idea.

spit!! Help us....explain.....

- Sean Cold - 07-18-2002

Quote:Like a secret music fairy

I don't usually harp on the gay jokes, but, fuck, you just dressed this whole idea up in a pink dress and called it Suzie.

- Maynard - 07-18-2002

Quote:I don't usually harp on the gay jokes, but, fuck, you just dressed this whole idea up in a pink dress and called it Suzie.
Kinda like AIMP's sig?

- Spitfire - 07-18-2002

I was thinking that all addresses would be emailed to me...If you guys can trust me.
The only addresses you'll get are where to send the cd's you're making...I'll mix it up, you won't necessarily get cd's from the person you're making them for.

Hmmm....we could can make up pseudonyms (I mean "I") I would assign one to everyone involved "secretly" -- though some will be easy to figure out.

see, but then you wouldn't know who to customize your mix disk for...

Or, just don't put a return address on the package to make it secret!

I dunno...what works best?

This was such a simple idea that's getting way too complicated...:crackhead:

Edited By Spitfire on July 18 2002 at 3:04

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-18-2002

I think it would be good to know who you're sending it to, I think we all have a good idea what to send certain people and not others...I personally would rather get a CD from someone that they thought I would like, not a CD that was put together for a mystery person.

- Keyser Soze - 07-18-2002

to keep it simple, lets leave it up to the person making it CD whether or not they want to remain anonymous.

less work for spit, the better.

- Maynard - 07-18-2002

You're right spit. Keep it simple.

Just tell us when so we can start making the cd's. :thumbs-up:

- Spitfire - 07-18-2002

I'll wait a day or 2 and see if anyone else signs up...and draw names on this weekend so we can get going on this by Monday. If you want to send the mix disks out sooner than September 15, it's up to you!

- criticslovesnatch - 07-18-2002

i'd rather know who i'm sending to. i think it would work better if we're introducing people to music that they would like, rather than just making up cds of stuff we like.

- Hybrid - 07-18-2002

i'd rather just make a cd of stuff i love. i enjoy forcing my music on others. :-D

- Luna - 07-18-2002

Ok...count me in. I'll do this. :-D

- AdolescentMasturbator - 07-19-2002

Sorry for coming in late but wouldn't it be easy if there was an ftp server that someone would run(I suppose I could do it) were people could upload the songs that they want people to check out and the rest of us can grab them off the server.

It doesn't have to be the only thing it can be used as an addition to the snail mail exchange.

- LZMF1 - 07-19-2002

<table style=filter:glow(color=steelblue)>K.I.S.S.</table>
keep it simple, stupid!

- GonzoStyle - 07-19-2002

I'd love to participate, I actually have a request for spit. For some Dream Theater cd's. I've got most everything else I need though but any suggestions would be cool. I also have tons of a wide range of eclectic(sp?) types of music. Ranging from classical, jazz, blues, rock, rap, classic rock, etc.

Whatever you decide I am in.

- Spitfire - 07-19-2002

:lookatme: :lookatme: Anyone else interested?????? :lookatme: :lookatme:

- Arpikarhu - 07-19-2002

count me in. i wont ruin the ending this time. promise

- Maynard - 07-19-2002

Do NOT give Arpi my address.... :crackhead:

- Keyser Soze - 07-19-2002

I better be getting a mix from Arpi that sounds oddly reminicent of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music.

- Maynard - 07-19-2002

arpis mix will be full of Elvis Costello.......

and of course, his very own drunken singing...