CDIH Radio - It's back - Printable Version

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- Danked - 01-14-2003

No candles here at work. But I'm flicking my banjo lighter.

- Hybrid - 01-14-2003

play more good music. thanks.

- Hybrid - 01-14-2003

play every time i die. i know you have it.

- Maynard - 01-14-2003

This song is from Hybrid, for Danked. :crackhead:

- Hybrid - 01-14-2003


- Danked - 01-14-2003

I don't hear anything at all. *Just froze on my end. Fixed.

Play Phish playing Frankenstein for Hybrid. From Vol 13, Disc One

Edited By Danked on 1042569172

- Keyser Soze - 01-14-2003

play some =W=

- Hybrid - 01-14-2003

you dont hear anything? what do you mean.... Undecided

- Danked - 01-14-2003

Just froze. I fixed it and heard it.


- Hybrid - 01-14-2003

haha nwa roooooooock

- Maynard - 01-14-2003

NWA ownz you.

West Side mothafukkas!

- Danked - 01-14-2003

I'm straight out of Irvington, NJ.

That's ghetto, right? Lok at me! I'm ghetto!

- Maynard - 01-14-2003

More Phish?? :crackhead:


- Danked - 01-14-2003


I have to turn the radio down everytime someone says "nigger." They're looking at me funny.

Edited By Danked on 1042569513

- Maynard - 01-14-2003

I'll play Frankenstein, but I'm gonna play Godzilla right behind it.

- Danked - 01-14-2003

That works. Can I give a shout out?

Props to my buds, Sunshine and Dog Faced Boy! Yo, Veggie Burrito! You da man!

- Maynard - 01-14-2003

Wait! You know veggie burrito too??

- Danked - 01-14-2003

Do I? Only went to Kindergarten with the motherfucker!

- Hybrid - 01-14-2003

i like how i can turn off the feed for a few minutes to listen to a song i downloaded, and come back and still have 19 minutes of phish to listen to.

- Danked - 01-14-2003

I like how I was nice enough to listen to Hybrid's request but he blows me off.