Delahoya Vs. Hopkins this saturday - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 09-18-2004

oscar does have a chance as long as he boxes and the judges see that. i think he won the first trinidad fight and was robbed.

however, i think hopkins by a knockout.

- Gooch - 09-18-2004

oscar wouldn't take this fight if he didn't have a shot. i think he's willing to stick and move, take a few, and try to box him. hopkins will try to cut off his escape. only thing about hagler vs leonard is that i felt hagler won. but leave it to the judges, and things happen. oscar can take a decision. but i still think hopkins is the better man, the better fighter. and i think that de la hoya is no leonard...and hopkins isn't the dumb stump that hagler was, just chasing and chasing looking for the knockout, letting points be racked up.

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

Well Hopkins has said in the past few weeks that he doesn't see this is hagler leonard but hagler hearns. He says he is going to come out at a fierce pace and if he does that I believe it may hurt him, Oscar is no chump by any means and he isnt easily knocked down or out. He's only been down a couple times in his entire career and never seriously hurt, he may have been stunned a few times by Trinidad and Mosley but never to a point where he lost his composure.

It's a toss up for me pretty much, I am just excited for the fight and hope it lives up to the hype and we dont get a boring back and forth chess match.

Both mens legacies lie in the balance, while whoever loses will no be tarnished by any means the man who wins is secured immortality.

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

I just heard that 2 of the 3 judges scoring the bout are the same judges who scored Oscars last fight which was a debacle of a decision in Oscars favor. They were also complaining that Joe Cortez wasn't the ref but I've seen Kenny Bayless for years and he is a very good ref and I don't see the problem but it does seem fishy for the vegas commision to appoint 2 judges fresh off a controversial decision in favor of all people Oscar Delahoya to judge tonights fight where one of the biggest concerns is fair scoring. On top not getting the top ref in the business to oversee the action between the ropes, plus they are saying Oscar cut his hand in training camp this week and has been taking painkiller injections and the painkiller he was taking is a banned substance so they are going to have after fight tests to see if he has had any recently other than the initial one he had earlier in the week. Conveniently no one mentioned this until tonight to hopkins or his camp, he had to hear it from Jim Lampley during the pre-fight interview.

So somethings fuckin fishy so far.

- Arpikarhu - 09-19-2004

the hand is de la hoyas way of leaving a back door to save face in case he loses.

- Gooch - 09-19-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:I just heard that 2 of the 3 judges scoring the bout are the same judges who scored Oscars last fight which was a debacle of a decision in Oscars favor. They were also complaining that Joe Cortez wasn't the ref but I've seen Kenny Bayless for years and he is a very good ref and I don't see the problem but it does seem fishy for the vegas commision to appoint 2 judges fresh off a controversial decision in favor of all people Oscar Delahoya to judge tonights fight where one of the biggest concerns is fair scoring. On top not getting the top ref in the business to oversee the action between the ropes, plus they are saying Oscar cut his hand in training camp this week and has been taking painkiller injections and the painkiller he was taking is a banned substance so they are going to have after fight tests to see if he has had any recently other than the initial one he had earlier in the week. Conveniently no one mentioned this until tonight to hopkins or his camp, he had to hear it from Jim Lampley during the pre-fight interview.

So somethings fuckin fishy so far.
i agree. we had same reaction hearing about the judges. very odd. more odd is the "illegal" substance and cut hand fiasco. this boxing match is already rife with strangeness.

time to smoke a bowl. more later :thumbs-up:

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

If fan man comes back from the dead and glides down into the ring I will not be surprised.

- Goatweed - 09-19-2004

so who won?

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

Hopkins knocked out Oscar in round 9, one body shot and oscar couldn't get back up. Then proceeded to lay on the canvas and pound his gloves into the mat like a crybaby.

It wasn't hagler leonard or even screech vs. squiggy. Hopkins coulda finished Oscar off much earlier but he fought a very slow pace till he figured out oscar had no power and was losing stamina.

- Arpikarhu - 09-19-2004

boring fight. de la hoya is a pussy.

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

I bet if crack hit you under the cage like that you'd fold like a pussy.

- Arpikarhu - 09-19-2004

i would take that bet.

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

fights on!!!

I need to psych eric up for this one.... ARPI KILLED YOUR CAT!!

- Arpikarhu - 09-19-2004

i love cats and would never intentionally hurt one.

- Gooch - 09-19-2004

just hand him a few bottles of beer.

Hopkins did exactly what i figured, though later that i thought, b/c he had in his muddled head to try to outbox Spicorama at first.

- diceisgod - 09-19-2004

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>X</span>

- Gooch - 09-19-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:i love cats and would never intentionally hurt one.
yeah, i hear you matyr yourself for pussy.

- GonzoStyle - 09-19-2004

intentionally, there see!!!

- Arpikarhu - 09-19-2004

cats are cute and fuzzy. they purr and play with string.
how could anyone hurt a kitty cat?

- diceisgod - 09-19-2004

I predicted that death. I should get bonus points in our dead pool