Hey mayfag!!! - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 07-22-2002

Quote:Make friends off the board? I'm not the one who begs for forgiveness at parties scumbag.
begs for forgiveness? what color is the sky in your world? I went to a softball game thinking that people could differentiate a message board from reality. that's the day I realized just exactly how pathetic your meager existence is.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2002

I'm not talking about the softball game.

Don't act like you didn't make friends off the board. Don't be a hypocrite, inviting people to your place when you first got it. Don't pretend like you never came out and you never made friends. Your attitude sucks and you just can't keep them. I'm here to relax and just bullshit. I was making jokes in jest, I don't have anything personal against you or maynard. I like you both, atleast I used to. Yeah call me a sucker for liking you and always defending you on both boards.

I knew you could be an ass but never would I think you'd stoop so low. Yeah call it fair game but there is also fuckin human dignity involved, I guess that word means nothing to you.

- Ken'sPen - 07-22-2002

are you ladies done with this slap fight yet?

- The Sleeper - 07-22-2002

They just ain't got it like that

- Kid Afrika - 07-22-2002

please share with me when I begged forgiveness... I'd love to know.

dignity? surely you jest.

I never said I didn't make friends with some people from the boards. Only that I don't let my life revolve around the boards. I don't come here for validation. I didn't walk around with my head held high, telling people that I was finally a mod. I have consistently been an asshole, and you know it as well as anyone. That's me, like it or leave it.

- HedCold - 07-22-2002

nobody answered my question from before. :-(

- Maynard - 07-22-2002

Quote:I didn't walk around with my head held high, telling people that I was finally a mod.
And who did?

No one that I know of come's here for validation either.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2002

Quote:thinking that people could differentiate a message board from reality.

Practice what you preach. Learn to differentiate personal shit from a message board. It's not my fault you can't take a joke or throw back without going to personal shit like the immature child you are. You constantly have to make up for your own personal short comings by arguing with people. Comin here and acting like you mean something to someone by telling off maynard. You've argued with several people in less than a 24 hour period. I though Jeff was the bi-polar one. One minute you're havin fun the next you're mister internet tough guy acting like your word is final.

I've never bragged about being a mod, I've never once tried to throw any power around. I don't revolve my life around a message board. I also don't take my personal frustrations out on people who don't fuck with me at all.

I'm not even gonna continue arguing with you, you can have the last word. I can be at peace cause I know your life is so empty and shallow that you can't get along with anyone. Yeah I made friends here it's called life, you make friends. I've had friend before and will have friends after, sorry I possess social skills.

I'm not gonna ruin this board with this old bullshit that I left behind on I'm not gonna help you ruin it either, yeah when maynard feels like putting something in anger management he will. Cause yeah he has it like that and you have jack and shit. Put that together and have a good life k1d.

- Maynard - 07-22-2002

So I got's the bling bling now?

- The Sleeper - 07-22-2002

Quote:nobody answered my question from before.
Yes, you are a faggot.

- Silera - 07-22-2002


- HedCold - 07-22-2002

but, that wasn't the question Undecided
i don't come here for your opinions on my life, and such

- Kid Afrika - 07-22-2002

Quote:Put that together and have a good life k1d.
How sweet of you. I didn't know you cared. Sorry to see you go so soon... "Here's your hat. What's your hurry?"

Ya know what man, I want to act surprised that you are walking away from this, but I simply can't. I overstand that you would take this way too personally to be able to continue it. I hope you will be able to cry yourself to sleep tonight, ya big bitch.

Trust me when I tell you, I couldn't give a fuck less about most of the people here, you included. Most of them know it, the rest don't give a shit. But rest assured, those people who are my friends know that they are. They don't need me to be falsely nice to them, or put on any fake persona to entertain them.

Far be it from me to go around acting like a fag to hide my own insecurities. And even further that I should play the part of a kid toucher, and then in one fail swoop change to emotionally disturbed poet.

Collect some more movies, write some more poetry when you can't handle the shit that happens in your life. hell, why don't you take a break from the board to lick your wounds?

- The Sleeper - 07-22-2002

Quote:i don't come here for your opinions on my life, and such
speaking of life, at least I HAVE one outside of a message board. blah blah blah. You mean nothing to me. blah blah blah. How dare you such and such you pathetic this and that. Die.

- HedCold - 07-22-2002

Quote:speaking of life, at least I HAVE one outside of a message board. blah blah blah. You mean nothing to me. blah blah blah. How dare you such and such you pathetic this and that. Die.
i know i'm better and stuff, and i don't need to take this. so like, yea. blah blah, take that, good day.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2002

Quote:How sweet of you. I didn't know you cared. Sorry to see you go so soon... "Here's your hat. What's your hurry?"

Ya know what man, I want to act surprised that you are walking away from this, but I simply can't. I overstand that you would take this way too personally to be able to continue it. I hope you will be able to cry yourself to sleep tonight, ya big bitch.

Trust me when I tell you, I couldn't give a fuck less about most of the people here, you included. Most of them know it, the rest don't give a shit. But rest assured, those people who are my friends know that they are. They don't need me to be falsely nice to them, or put on any fake persona to entertain them.

Far be it from me to go around acting like a fag to hide my own insecurities. And even further that I should play the part of a kid toucher, and then in one fail swoop change to emotionally disturbed poet.

Collect some more movies, write some more poetry when you can't handle the shit that happens in your life. hell, why don't you take a break from the board to lick your wounds?


- Maynard - 07-22-2002

Quote:speaking of life, at least I HAVE one outside of a message board. blah blah blah. You mean nothing to me. blah blah blah. How dare you such and such you pathetic this and that. Die.
You know....up until now, I didn't realize that that is pretty much what's said in every board argument. :-o

- Kid Afrika - 07-22-2002

Quote:I'm not even gonna continue arguing with you, you can have the last word.
Change your mind about the whole last word thing?

- The Sleeper - 07-22-2002

An emoticon isn't a word

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2002

Quote:Change your mind about the whole last word thing?
