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- Danked - 02-26-2003

I always intended to call my first dog Jiboo, but she was supposed to bigger, possibly a black lab, and a boy.

But I still love her. :loveya:

- LZMF1 - 02-26-2003

Quote:I wanna get my puppy a puppy.
i did.....that's why i got my dalmatian.

we got him so he could be our yellow lab's pet.

- Hey Ladi - 02-26-2003

Quote:bob told me he wants to hump your leg.

I'd like to have a dog, only ever had cats :loveya:

- Luna - 02-26-2003

Quote:a while ago, my mom and i were in a pet store, and they had a boston terrier, he was really sweet, i was going to name him gilbert. call him gilby for short. he was cute
Oh no......nooooo...don't get a pup in a pet store, VG. :disappointed:

Quote:I wanna get my puppy a puppy.
I have a puppy gestating as I type.....due to be born between the 11th and 17th of March. I is soooo excited. :bouncer:

- Hey Ladi - 02-26-2003

Quote:I have a puppy gestating as I type....
congratulations ..... but, ewwww, that just doesn't read right :crackhead:

- Luna - 02-26-2003

Not in me, silly woman :poke:

- Hey Ladi - 02-26-2003

well, you know, maybe you got too in touch with Nature ;-)

what's a good first dog? I like short hairs

- virgingrrl - 02-26-2003

Quote:Oh no......nooooo...don't get a pup in a pet store, VG.

i would NEVER. we were just looking.
i would rather save a life and adopt, like we did my last pup.

Quote:I have a puppy gestating as I type.....due to be born between the 11th and 17th of March. I is soooo excited.

the 11th is my birthday! :bouncer: what kinda puppy? it could be my birthday present..wink wink nudge nudge..hee hee

- Keyser Soze - 02-26-2003

he was so subdued and sleepy the first few days i had him. little did i know he would be the hyper hypo he is today. bob is a very active boston terrier these days.

- Luna - 02-26-2003

Quote:what's a good first dog? I like short hairs
What kind of lifestyle you have? Active or sedentary?

Quote:i would NEVER. we were just looking.
i would rather save a life and adopt, like we did my last pup.
There are more reasons than just that and if you want to know I will PM you.
Quote:the 11th is my birthday! what kinda puppy? it could be my birthday present..wink wink nudge nudge..hee hee
Oh WEEEEEEEE!!! Maybe you can help me think of a name! :bouncer:
Same kind of dog a Rupert and a true blood sister. :-D

- Hey Ladi - 02-26-2003

yeah, pretty sedentary ... if I got an active dog with the intention of keeping up, I probably wouldn't

- Luna - 02-26-2003

Don't get a lab. If you are serious, I will do some research for you. Also, dogs just shed.....all the time.....whether they have short or long hair.

- Hey Ladi - 02-26-2003

Quote:If you are serious, I will do some research for you.
i have to move first Undecided just asking for reference, mostly

- Luna - 02-26-2003

Ok, I'll still do it, it will be fun. :thumbs-up:

tiny dog? small dog? medium dog? big dog? or giant dog?

Edited By LunaBabe on 1046294308

- Sweet Angel - 02-26-2003

Here's our puppies:


[Image: shelby.JPG]

[Image: fletchshelby.JPG]

Both of them in the snow:
[Image: feb17_2.JPG]

- Danked - 02-27-2003

My dog gained a pound. I had to weigh myself with her in my arms and then without her and she weighed out at a portly 27 pounds.

I gained 3.

- virgingrrl - 02-27-2003 thats little
she adorable though :loveya:

- LyricalGomez - 02-27-2003

My mom and dad had 3 dachshounds, 2 of them got very sick and died within weeks of eachother, and they never thought they'd get another one. Soon afterwards my dad's health began failing, around the same time a stray dog turned up at the house my parents rented out, the current tenant already had a dog and basically didn't give a shit about a stray, she just let her live off of garbage, so my mom and dad drove down to pick up the dog and bring it to a shelter, but wound up bringing her home instead, and called her Dusky. Soon afterwards they adopted me, and she immediatlly took to me, we have plenty of pictures of her guarding me while I'm lying in my crib. My dad passed away two years later, I'm told Dusky was howling at the funeral. I grew up with that dog. Then on New Years Eve 3 years ago she passed away, and my mom and I were convinced we'd never get another dog. A pet is hard to lose no matter how old they get, but when you have the same dog for 18 years, it becomes just that much harder.

But lo and behold, we went on an america tour with some friends, and for some reason we always wound up getting stuck at a campground next to a family with a dog, and eventually we decided when we got home we'd adopt a dog from the local shelter. So we were driving through Florida to visit some friends, and my mom, who loves flea markets, wanted to go to this really big one in Jacksonville. So we go, and the third place we see in the flea market is this awful little pet store, I mean it was just painful to see how they kept these animals, they had a ferret which is usually a very lively creature in a cage, the ferret looked half dead, there were snakes and turtles and just terrible conditions, but then we heard this little yelp, and there in a small cage were two nearly identical puppies and a big basset hound, the hound and the other puppy were sleeping, but this one was lively, and pressed its face against the cage as I walked up.

It was this little spotted thing, and as I tried petting it, it began chewing on my finger. Played with it for a bit before moving on, but needless to say we wound up getting the puppy, and although we didn't get a pound puppy I still feel as if we saved a dog, because honestly these people had no idea what the Hell they were doing (when we asked if they sold cages they gave us like this oversized chinese takeout carton and tried to shove her in it, luckily we found a nice big cage that allowed plenty of room for her to run around in. The reason I was so drawn to the puppy is because she is basically the reverse color of my old dog who was black with a few white spots.

I later named her Pepper because she looked like she had had pepper poured over her. As it turns out Pepper is a pointer and Dalmation mixture, Dusky was a Pointer, Dalmation and Lab mix. If you wonder what she looks like here's a picture I took outside the apartment during the snowstorm, my mom was out of town at the time so I took care of Pepper

Sorry for rambling on, just feels good sometimes, especially today.

[Image: dogsnow2.jpg]

- virgingrrl - 02-27-2003

cute puppy gomez.

thank all of you for making me feel like less of a freak for still missing my puppa. :loveya:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 02-27-2003

Mousers don't shed much...also LZ you've got an iradessent shark...those are my favorites...too bad they all died from that pH tank though...I'm better with fish now...I've just had a bad history... :disappointed: