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- Goatweed - 07-06-2006

we all have our vices...

- Keyser Soze - 07-06-2006

no bashing fighters? these guy beat the living shit out of each other and these computer geeks are worried about their feelings being hurt by a couple of internet nerds?

- Charles Manson - 07-06-2006

It's a sad state of affairs but I think they have started to lighten up. I haven't been banned yet (fwill be the 5th time) but then again the scum bag that was doing it might be on vacation or something. I'm going to start posting some of the just mind blowing comments that come off this board. An MMA board....bareknuckle's unreal. It is almost in the wackbag dimension. Stay tuned!

- Charles Manson - 07-08-2006

the most popular phrases are "WAR!" and "nuthugger"

For example if someone likes tito ortiz they'll be like "WAR TITO! "or "WAR ORTIZ!" Along these same linese, if you want to mock someone who likes tito you call him a "tito nuthugger" or that they are "nuthugging tito"

I should become a messageboardocologist and write about all of the subleties of message boards, their culture, their social interactions, their hierarchical structure, roles, etc. That could be a facinating book maybe even publishable in a serious sociology journal.

- Charles Manson - 07-09-2006

Bitter Rivals time, baby! This is gonna rule!

- PatCooper - 07-09-2006

give it up shamrock your embarrising yourself now. ortiz is fucking animal. and damn i like joe stevenson.

- Charles Manson - 07-09-2006

I dunno, that fight was stopped way too early for my liking. I'm fucking pissed and I hope that spook retard ref never works again. But part of it was Shamrock's fault for getting himself into such a bad spot but he should have been given a little bit more time to at least put his hands up. Such bullshit.

- PatCooper - 07-09-2006

i dont know he was getting pounded with elbows and didnt even respond tho them. plus shamrock has now lost 5 out of 6 of his last fights. he's done its time to retire. i would have liked it to go longer but since i didnt pay for it who cares.

- Charles Manson - 07-09-2006

I agree that shamrock is done and I hope those two don't fight again. Tito is getting nowhere fighting him. He's done and beating him won't make him a better fighter or poise him for a title shot. I think it's time to put that crap behind him and focus on fighters that matter, focus on his career and stop wasting time with that schmuck. However, I did want to see them fight longer and it might have only taken tito 5 more seconds to finish him. If the spook ref allowed that it would have been over and shamrock would have no shot at getting another fight. Now shammy's gonna bitch and bitch and bitch until he gets another shot and he'll stalk the shit out of Joe Rogan to make it happen. ugh

- PatCooper - 07-10-2006

i'd like to see ortiz vs ladell. as far as the spook goes shamrock took 6 answered elbows to the head and didnt even raise his arms to protect or to guard or anything. ortiz even said he felt ken go limp after the first elbow and he didnt know what hit him.

- Charles Manson - 07-10-2006

i meant bug the shit out of dana white not rogan....and i had a feeling you would appreciate the way I threw the word 'spook' in the mix

- PatCooper - 07-11-2006

why wasnt rogan on the ppv? or was he and i missed it. they had randy courtere sp? doing the after match interviews.

- Charles Manson - 07-12-2006

he wasn't there, not sure why

- Keyser Soze - 07-12-2006

when ricky the steamboat jumped off the turnbuckle and body slammed george the animal stelle, that was fucking awesome!

- Gooch - 07-12-2006


- release the bats - 07-13-2006

horrible ppv. the main event was beyond boring. tim sylvia is a goof and i expected more from arlovski. im looking forward to seeing sylvia fight jeff monson though.

anyone catch the post ppv press converfence? the clips are on youtube. sylvia talks about the fighters in pride and how he wants to fight crocop and the emilianko brothers. he thinks he can beat fedor. what a turd.

- Charles Manson - 08-18-2006

TUF 4 baby! I love the concept this time around - Title Fights! Real cool. Winners get thrown to the wolves against either Franklin or Hughes - The Beasts! Dana White is a genius; it's an amazing concept for a show series. Best thing on TV in 30 years.

And what a card on UF Night! Leben with the monster left hook. The Diego-Parisian fight was a slobberknocker too with teethflying (literally), crazy lightning fast judo throws, ground 'n pound galore. Just fucking love it!

- Mad - 08-18-2006

That was a great fight, spic verus spic.

- Gooch - 08-18-2006

tonights Fight Night was excellent, and TUF 4 was great too. I am disappointed that Karo didn't take out Diego.

- Galt - 08-18-2006

Remember that thing I posted on the UFC board about Joe Rogan and Wesley Snipes? That was great.

I'm such a card.