Yankees try to finish what boston couldn't. - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 02-18-2004

Galt Wrote:"Soriano has more road homers (45 to 44), many more runs scored (133 to 108) and a much higher batting average (.311 to .279) than A-Rod over the last two seasons. Hmmmm."
he also wilted in the clutch and had many errors in the field.

- Gooch - 02-18-2004

Galt Wrote:"Soriano has more road homers (45 to 44), many more runs scored (133 to 108) and a much higher batting average (.311 to .279) than A-Rod over the last two seasons. Hmmmm."
he also wilted in the clutch and had many errors in the field.

- Galt - 02-18-2004

Was that a reply for each fold of backfat?

Edited By Galt on 1077117784

- Keyser Soze - 02-18-2004

First of all I want to say that the Yankees are lucky to have someone like Stienbrenner, who constantly funnels his profits back into his team. There are other owners in baseball that take the money they earn, or receive from collective bargaining, and stick it right back in their pockets.

As a Mets fan, I wish the Mets had an owner who cared about his team as much as George does. I can't hate the Yankees cause they do what it takes, within the rules of the game. I'm more jealous than anything else that they have a front office and ownership that truly wants to win. Sure there are cases where teams simply cannot afford to compete, and the big teams like the Yankees subsidize them. There comes a point where you have to say, sorry guys, you just don't have the fan base to support baseball in your town. This isnt a charity, this is a business.

I can understand the perspective, however, that its more rewarding to win with homegrown talent than to buy your way to a championship. The Yankees have more pressure on them to win now more than ever and will be mocked endlessly if they wind out losing to a team built from the ground up.

- Arpikarhu - 02-18-2004

arod will add to the numbers of everyone hitting around him. anyone who thinks this was abad deal in terms of stats is completely unknowledgable about baseball and should go watch hockey.

- Galt - 02-18-2004

There's no question, it's a good deal, just not an amazing deal.

- HedCold - 02-18-2004

soriano admits to being 28 yrs old, not 26
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- Arpikarhu - 02-18-2004

Galt Wrote:There's no question, it's a good deal, just not an amazing deal.
you are wrong, again.

- Goatweed - 02-18-2004

Quote:<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Steinbrenner dismisses Henry's 'sour grapes'</span> news services
BOSTON -- Red Sox owner John Henry now believes a salary cap could be good for baseball after watching the rival Yankees trade for Alex Rodriguez -- a deal his own franchise could not complete.

Henry said in an e-mail response to reporters early Wednesday morning that he is changing his mind on whether the sport needs a salary cap "to deal with a team that has gone so insanely far beyond the resources of all the other teams."

Yankees' owner George Steinbrenner called Henry's comments "sour grapes."

"We understand John Henry must be embarrassed, frustrated and disappointed by his failure in this transaction," Steinbrenner said in a statement on Wednesday. "Unlike the Yankees, he chose not to go the extra distance for his fans in Boston. It is understandable but wrong that he would try to deflect the accountability for his mistakes onto others and to a system for which he voted in favor. It is time to get on with life and forget the sour grapes."

The Yankees' payroll is about $186 million after they acquired Rodriguez from the Texas Rangers earlier this week in exchange for Alfonso Soriano and a minor leaguer to be named.

But the number could come down if third baseman Aaron Boone is released. Boston is expected to be second at about $125 million.

"One thing is certain the status quo will not be preserved," Henry wrote.

"There must be a way to cap what a team can spend without hurting player compensation ... without taking away from the players what they have rightfully earned in the past through negotiation and in creating tremendous value. There is a simple mechanism that could right a system woefully out of whack."

Henry's comments come after his team failed in its bid to land the reigning American League MVP.

The Red Sox tried to trade Manny Ramirez, the second highest-paid player in baseball, for Rodriguez this winter. But talks fell apart because the two sides could not agree on how to divide the remaining $179 million on Rodriguez's contract.

The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.

"Baseball doesn't have an answer for the Yankees," Henry said. "Revenue sharing can only accomplish so much. At some point it becomes confiscation. It has not and it will not solve what is a very obvious problem."

in other words Boston... :21:

link here.

- Galt - 02-18-2004

Quote:The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.

Is everyone fucking retarded? In a week, Soriano went from the next Willie Mays to being an afterthought.

Arod is better than Soriano. No question. But it's not like this deal is going to make the Yankees a 120 win team. I bet they won't win more than 10 games more than they won last year. And I'm not even giving them that.

Edited By Galt on 1077142642

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 02-18-2004

Soriano may have had a bad post season...but he's only been in the league but 3 years. No one complained about Giambi's lack luster performance in the post season, nor did any one mention Boone's shitty post season. He had one good hit, and sure it was clutch and won the game, but he had nothing else the whole post season worth writing home about.

Soriano's post season performance is just an exscuse to bring A-rod over. The Yankees would be wise to pick Soriano up in 2006 when he's a free agent because he's going to be great.

- Arpikarhu - 02-18-2004

Galt Wrote:
Quote:The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.

Is everyone fucking retarded? In a week, Soriano went from the next Willie Mays to being an afterthought.

Arod is better than Soriano. No question. But it's not like this deal is going to make the Yankees a 120 win team. I bet they won't win more than 10 games more than they won last year. And I'm not even giving them that.
10 wins difference is alot of wins from just one player. you know zero about baseball

- The Jays - 02-18-2004

Galt Wrote:I would tend to agree that Soriano + Player X would combine for better offensive numbers than Arod & Erique Wilson
You shouldn't even make an attempt to make it seem like you really care about the offensive potential of the left side of the in-field.

- The Jays - 02-18-2004

Quote:I can understand the perspective, however, that its more rewarding to win with homegrown talent than to buy your way to a championship.

This homegrown talent thing seems kinda iffy. If the Yankees trade a bunch of Triple A prospects to, say, the Seattle organization, and those prospects end up playing for the Mariners, they ain't homegrown. They were traded from the Clippers. How fucking often is it that a player starts his career for a minor league team and makes his way to to play for the majors, staying within the same organization? The only way it would seem to define home grown properly is if a player ends up playing better than he was before he was traded.

- Galt - 02-18-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:
Galt Wrote:
Quote:The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.

Is everyone fucking retarded? In a week, Soriano went from the next Willie Mays to being an afterthought.

Arod is better than Soriano. No question. But it's not like this deal is going to make the Yankees a 120 win team. I bet they won't win more than 10 games more than they won last year. And I'm not even giving them that.
10 wins difference is alot of wins from just one player. you know zero about baseball
It's not one player you fucking idiot.

Sheffield, Brown, Vazquez, Quantrill, Gordon.

You have an opinion on everything, but facts about very little.

- Arpikarhu - 02-19-2004

Galt Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Galt Wrote:
Quote:The Yankees were able to absorb Rodriguez's salary without dumping a major star.

Is everyone fucking retarded? In a week, Soriano went from the next Willie Mays to being an afterthought.

Arod is better than Soriano. No question. But it's not like this deal is going to make the Yankees a 120 win team. I bet they won't win more than 10 games more than they won last year. And I'm not even giving them that.
10 wins difference is alot of wins from just one player. you know zero about baseball
It's not one player you fucking idiot.

Sheffield, Brown, Vazquez, Quantrill, Gordon.

You have an opinion on everything, but facts about very little.
that is not what you said. youwere talking about arod and then you brought up the ten game thing. dont backpedal now saying that you meant all of those other players as well. weak

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1077148935

- The Jays - 02-19-2004

We should check the Win Shares from the players of the team before and after this off season. Where's Bill James???

- Galt - 02-19-2004

Yeah, nice try. Sorry if I jumped from subject to subject too fast for you. By saying that I thought 10 games was for AROD is implying that I thought there was no improvement from all of the other upgrades the Yankees made.

You jumped the gun, and didn't think before you wrote. Once again, your knee-jerk reaction of "everyone is is stupid and I am smarter, let me jump down their throats" philosophy backfired.

Think before you type.

- Arpikarhu - 02-19-2004

Quote:Arod is better than Soriano. No question. But it's not like this deal is going to make the Yankees a 120 win team. I bet they won't win more than 10 games more than they won last year.
read the sentence. you wrote it. it obviously implies that you meant the addition of arod . i dnt see sheffield, vasquez, brown, or quantrills name anywhere near this sentence.
you are a backpedalling wussy boy.

- The Jays - 02-19-2004

Haha, score another one for Galt!!