Fu to winter - Enough already - Printable Version

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- Weird NJ - 01-24-2003

The worst part is the wind. :-(

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003

What an invigorating walk from the Port Authority this morning [Image: tdo12.gif]

- Luna - 01-24-2003

Nice out there isn't it? :crackhead:

At least you don't have to walk a canine, Metal. I swear the colder it gets the more he wants to stay out there. :crackhead:

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003

Can't ya just open the door and let Poopert run wild on his own?

- Luna - 01-24-2003

Not here in NY. :disappointed:

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003

get a reallly long leash :lol:

- virgingrrl - 01-24-2003

this thread is old.

BUT, spit still = piney :lol:

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003


- virgingrrl - 01-24-2003

dont you shake your head at me mister man!

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003

ha! you just sit in your bergen county ivory tower and try to pretend it isn't like the arctic outside :poke:

- Goatweed - 01-24-2003

you know it's cold out when the ferry has to cruise through ice to dock :crackhead:

- SBB - 01-24-2003

You know it's cold when you finally stop seeing your breath in the car when you get where your going.

I love winter. I love snow, but without snow and it's thick cloud cover, all you get is this fucking cold. And I fucking hate that. It's not winters fault it's so cold, it's the snow fault for not falling recently. Fuck You lack of snow.

- Keyser Soze - 01-24-2003

more snowboarding for me!

- Danked - 01-24-2003

I'm determined to try snowboarding this winter. I will go when I have the money.

- Keyser Soze - 01-24-2003

CDIH snowboard trip?

- Danked - 01-24-2003

If it's after Valentine's Day weekend then yes.

- Keyser Soze - 01-24-2003


I'm going snowboarding in vermont that weekend, its Presidents Weekend!!!!!!

- Danked - 01-24-2003

Wha'er. I don't observe either. Rolleyes

- Danked - 01-24-2003

Have you decided which one of the 14,367 ladies in your big little black book gets your attention that weekend?

- Metalfan - 01-24-2003

Quote:Have you decided which one of the 14,367 ladies in your big little black book gets your attention that weekend?


The sad thing is that with a little effort, he could get it up to 14,400 before then :clueless: