The 100 Greatest Americans - Printable Version

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- Sir O - 06-08-2005

Apparently, Discovery Channel is having some special on the 100 Greatest Americans as decided by viewers or something. Sorry for the sloppy C+P, but I don't really give a fuck. It's just nice to know that Tom Cruise and Dr. Phil are greater Americans than, say, Eli Whitney...

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A - BAli, Muhammad
Angelou, Maya
Anthony, Susan B.
Armstrong, Lance
Armstrong, Neil
Ball, Lucille
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush, Laura

CCarnegie, Andrew
Carson, Johnny
Carter, Jimmy
Carver, George Washington
Charles, Ray
Chavez, Cesar
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Cosby, Bill
Cruise, Tom

D - EDeGeneres, Ellen
Disney, Walt
Douglass, Frederick
Earhart, Amelia
Eastwood, Clint
Edison, Thomas Alva
Edwards, John
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight

F - GFavre, Brett
Ford, Henry
Franklin, Benjamin
Gates, Bill
Gibson, Mel
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glenn, John
Graham, Billy

H - JHamilton, Alexander
Hanks, Tom
Hefner, Hugh
Hepburn, Katharine
Hope, Bob
Hughes, Howard
Jackson, Michael
Jefferson, Thomas
Jobs, Steve
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jordan, Michael

K - LKeller, Helen
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy Onassis, Jacqueline
King Jr., Dr. Martin Luther
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lucas, George

M - OMadonna
Malcolm X
McGraw, Dr. Phil
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Michael
Murphy, Audie
Nixon, Richard
Obama, Barack
Owens, Jesse

P - RParks, Rosa
Patton, George
Powell, Colin
Presley, Elvis
Reagan, Ronald
Reeve, Christopher
Rice, Condoleezza
Robinson, Jackie
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ruth, Babe

S-TSagan, Carl
Salk, Jonas
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Sinatra, Frank
Smith, Joseph
Spielberg, Steven
Stewart, Jimmy
Stewart, Martha
Tesla, Nikola
Tillman, Pat
Truman, Harry
Trump, Donald
Tubman, Harriet
Twain, Mark

W-YWalton, Sam
Washington, George
Wayne, John
Winfrey, Oprah
Woods, Tiger
Wright, Orville & Wilbur
Yeager, Chuck

- jewdown - 06-08-2005

While there are some great people on here, how the fuck can you lump Brett Favererv in with the likes of Albert Einstein (who was German i might add) and Thomas Edison?

If you have to add guys like that on this list just to make 100, then cut it down to 50 and stop kissing ass.

Edited By jewdown on 1118243098

- fbd - 06-08-2005

why the fuck are three first ladies on there, and not any of the sufferage bitches?

- Keyser Soze - 06-08-2005

some people on that list boggle the mind

Madonna? Tom Hanks?? BARBARA BUSH????

- diceisgod - 06-08-2005

This would be my Mount Rushmore

1) Andrew Dice Clay
2) Charles Manson
3) Noam Chomsky
4) Amy Goodman

- Sir O - 06-08-2005

Quote:This would be my Mount Rushmore

1) Andrew Dice Clay
2) Charles Manson
3) Noam Chomsky
4) Amy Goodman

This is why DIG is one of the 100 greatest Americans.

Or at least better than Dr Phil...

- The Jays - 06-09-2005

No one wants to put Eli Whitney on that list; he invented the cotton gin, which led to the increased suffering of slaves. And no Discovery Channel list wants to have to deal with those complain letters.

- Goatweed - 06-09-2005

Christopher Reeve is a great American because he had a crippling accident and then worked his ass off to try & overcome his disability? Isn't that more of a human quality?

This is why I hate top 100 lists in general - they're all ridiculous.

- drusilla - 06-09-2005

if anything, i would say that he's on the list for the way that he & his wife fought for stem cell research. but thanks to the moron running the country, its going no where.

- jewdown - 06-09-2005

& yet, that moron is on teh list.

- Arpikarhu - 06-09-2005

where is meyer kahane?!?!?

- drusilla - 06-09-2005

i didn't say it made sense

- Buttmunch - 06-09-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:where is meyer kahane?!?!?
In Zion.

- GonzoStyle - 06-09-2005

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they have it down to 25 and I guess are goin for the top 5

This list is such a sham its not even funny, laura bush, tom cruise, dr phil, wtf!!! All these actors yet no mention of Brando or say Paul Newman who atleast dedicates so much time to fund raising. Barack Obama cause he's the flavor of the month for like 5 seconds. All these athletes but what about Ted Williams who unlike the majority of athletes actually saw action and served not once but twice both in WW2 and In Korea several years later as a pilot.

Howard Hughes? Why, because leo made a movie about him. Well what about William Randolph Hearst, why isnt he on the list in that case.

The lack of writers on this list is astounding as well, where's hemingway, steinbeck, faulkner, whitman, dickinson, etc?

- Buttmunch - 06-09-2005

Why isn't Alfred E. Newman on this list considering his contribution to american literature?

- Keyser Soze - 06-09-2005

worst list ever

- lush - 06-09-2005

The average american is retarded. Plain and simple.

- Arpikarhu - 06-10-2005


- diceisgod - 06-10-2005

[Image: greatest-american-hero2.jpg]

- GonzoStyle - 06-28-2005

I watched this shitfest last sunday when they voted on the top 5.

Naturally it was little surprise that in this gold fish sized attention span society that Reagan was voted in at #1 over Lincoln.

I was content with 4 of the top 5 when they were announced, Lincoln was 2nd, follwed by Dr. King, Washington and Ben Franklin.

What completely blew me away was when they did a quick recap of the top 10, I was blown away when I saw #10-6.

Now #10 was FDR so it wasn't too surprising, I figured people like Thomas Edison, The wright brothers, etc were to follow.

But #9 was Oprah.... yeah the american public believes Oprah is a greater contributer to american society and history than FDR, The wright bros and Thomas Edison.

#8 was Elvis... an entertainer, a great voice but a flawed junkie, might as well put sinatra in there.

#7 shocked me more, Bill Clinton. Though I have always been for Clinton and it was good times during his presidency.. lets get real.

#6 didn't shock me as much as just prove everything said about this culture, none other than George W. Bush. He's the 6th greatest american only behind the top 5 of reagan, lincoln, king, washington and franklin.

This is what happens when you leave things to democracy, you get shitty polls.