XBOX 360 Hacked Already - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 11-26-2005

I posted this here cause I can't find the thread where Quickstop said it would take months if not longer or at all for them to hack an XBOX to be used as a Media Center and add on hard drives......

Linux on the 360

- HedCold - 11-26-2005

its not cracked yet, they just figured out how all the stuff inside works with each other

- Mad - 11-26-2005

That didn't take too long.

- The Jays - 11-26-2005

like it's gonna take months for a dude who'se got some computer experience to take a screwdriver to a box and find out what's inside. come on, this is the 21st century, you oughta know better by now.

Edited By The Jays on 1133034477

- Charles Manson - 11-26-2005

i know a guy who took a screw driver to some girl's box and all he did was make a mess on the carpet

- The Jays - 11-26-2005

he was obviously a novice

- QuickStop - 11-26-2005

i said it would take months for them to be playing burned games on the 360. i stand by that.

- Charles Manson - 11-26-2005

haha he showed you!

- Keyser Soze - 11-27-2005

he hacked into the box!!!

- Mad - 11-27-2005

That's the only box QS will ever get. Sad, but true.

- Goatweed - 11-27-2005

burned games might take some time, Im sure the 360 dvd's have shitloads of DRM & encoded numbers that need to match to play. Once they get around that pesky 360 BIOS, it's all over.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

keyser hates semantics.

- Keyser Soze - 11-27-2005


- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

he opened the box, that counts!

- QuickStop - 11-27-2005

Mad Wrote:That's the only box QS will ever get. Sad, but true.
in time....

- Mad - 11-27-2005

You're almost half way in your first year of college, it's do or die time with less the two minutes on the clock.

- GonzoStyle - 11-27-2005

sleeper graduated, what are you sayin!

- Keyser Soze - 12-26-2005

<a href="">Xbox 360 mod chips due in a few weeks?</a>

Posted Dec 21st 2005 9:00AM by Paul Miller
Filed under: Gaming

Hacked Xbox 360 Ok, it was cute and all when Microsoft came out with their statements about how "hack-proof" the Xbox 360 was going to be, and they even admitted themselves that "sooner or later someone will work out how to circumvent security," but it seems like we're going to see some hackage sooner rather than later. SPOnG is reporting that the first mod-chips for the 360 will be available within a month, allowing the play of "backup" game copies, which, with the recently released software that allows Xbox 360 game data extraction, means that Microsoft might have some piracy on their hands before too long. Though, if it's any consolation for the boys in Redmond, SPOnG is reporting that "Microsoft's security is the best we've seen to date for a disc-system. It it weren't for the fact that DVD is used, it's likely that further development wouldn't have been worth anyone's time.” Oh the irony.