Show us your hole. - Not that one...shithead! - Printable Version

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- McBourbon - 04-05-2002

So....what neanderthal cave covered with troll dolls and bobbleheads you got for free at a monster truck rally do you post from?

Here's the Casa Del McBourbon:
<center>[Image: mikeshole.jpg]</center>

- McBourbon - 04-05-2002

[Judge Smails voice] "Don't you people have homes?" [/Judge Smails voice]

- DGW - 04-05-2002

Yeah but no digital camera or webcam.

- McBourbon - 04-05-2002

I thought that might be a problem when I started this.....

- Ken'sPen - 04-05-2002

Could this be the first thread to reach a hundred replies????
with 98 of them being from McBourbon???!!!

- Galt - 04-05-2002


- Maynard - 04-05-2002


- Arthur Dent - 04-05-2002


How about if I draw it in MSPaint?

- LZMF1 - 04-05-2002


damn you dent,you beat me to it

Edited By LZMF1 on April 05 2002 at 11:09

- McBourbon - 04-05-2002


I would probably pay to see that.

- Grumpy - 04-05-2002


- Hey Ladi - 04-05-2002

I was going to resond with 96 after Galt, but I figured no, two times it too long for the joke. 97 was original. But, lo & behold, you are all a bunch of joke beaters. :lol:

- HedCold - 04-05-2002


- barch97 - 04-05-2002

"Show us your hole."

[Image: colon.jpg]

WOW!!! I'm getting all kinds of milage outa this pic today Big Grin

- Maynard - 04-05-2002

88 :lol:

- Hey Ladi - 04-05-2002

Ahhhh, what the fuck is that!

- barch97 - 04-05-2002

What? Doesn't everyone ask for photos to bring home and share with friends and family during a coloscopy?

Yeah, right... I'm the only one...

- McBourbon - 04-05-2002

That's a fine lookin' colon ya got there, barch? Has Arpi seen that yet?

- barch97 - 04-05-2002

Why thank you mr. bourban. And, as you can plainly see it is now pollyp free Big Grin

- HedCold - 04-05-2002

edit- whoops, 85
and to steal the idea from dent
[Image: desk.jpg]

Edited By HedCold on April 05 2002 at 11:51