Jay Leno Apologizes to A viewer - Printable Version

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Jay Leno Apologizes to A viewer - GonzoStyle - 03-16-2006

Quote:Jay Leno Apologizes to Offended Viewer
Wednesday March 15 11:26 AM ET

Jay Leno knows that comedy means sometimes having to say you're sorry. After Leno's "Tonight Show" aired a sketch that compared Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident to a 2003 videotaped shooting outside a Los Angeles courthouse, he received a letter of complaint from a viewer.

Wendy Brogin, a friend of shooting victim Gerald Curry, wrote to Leno condemning the recent sketch as offensive and asking him to "do the right thing relative to this matter."

Within days, Leno responded with a phone call that greatly impressed Brogin, the Daily News of Los Angeles reported Tuesday.


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"He said, `Hello, Wendy, this is Jay Leno'," she said. "`I'm calling about the letter you wrote and I want to apologize. I just want to let you know we make mistakes sometimes and we don't mean to hurt people.'"

It's not unusual for Leno to make such calls, an NBC spokeswoman said Tuesday.

In February, he contacted Thomas B. Mudd of Saginaw, Mich., to apologize for a mistake he made in talking about Mudd's great-grandfather, Dr. Samuel Mudd, who set John Wilkes Booth's broken leg after Booth assassinated President Lincoln.

Curry, an attorney whose shooting has been fodder for several Leno jokes, said he appreciated the call to Brogin but bears no ill will toward the "Tonight" host.

"I like Leno, so it doesn't bother me," Curry said. "I don't take it personally, so I wasn't upset with him. He's just making fun, but I think this says a lot about him, that he'd take the time to apologize."

I didn't really care about the main story, what got me was the mention of the previous incident. He made a lincoln/booth joke involving the doctor who set booth's leg. It's fuckin 140 years ago, how offended could this fucker be? Like he knew his great grandfather or something, be happy you got some little claim to fame. It's not enough this pussification of entertainment and media to be Politically Correct, has everyone scared to say the wrong ting. Now you gotta worry about offending the great great great great grand cousin of Socrates when making a greek anal joke.

Lets all apolgize to the last scion for making jesus jokes!!!

Plus what kind of brokeback bitch is leno for apologizing to A SINGLE viewer about a SINGLE letter, fuckin cockrider.

- Goatweed - 03-16-2006

he should apologize for that awful fucking chin of his.

- HedCold - 03-16-2006

he should apologize for his awful show

- Keyser Soze - 03-16-2006

gonzo should apologize for using the phrase 'brokeback bitch'

- Sloatsburgh - 03-16-2006

He should apologize for Doritos.

- Goatweed - 03-16-2006

Gonzo created Doritos?

- GonzoStyle - 03-16-2006

Keyser Soze Wrote:gonzo should apologize for using the phrase 'brokeback bitch'

It's the new slang nigga, get on it.

- GonzoStyle - 03-16-2006

Goatweed Wrote:Gonzo created Doritos?

don't mind sloats, he thinks I am an unfunny hack and he points it out all the time not realizing he is semi retarded and no one cares.

- Goatweed - 03-16-2006

I was actually setting up the "no, but he sure eats a lot of them!!!" reply

- GonzoStyle - 03-16-2006

another shining example of your wit, no doubt.

- Sloatsburgh - 03-16-2006

Goatweed Wrote:Gonzo created Doritos?

Keyzer slipped in and fucked up the thread.

Gonzo doesn't apologize for anything.

- GonzoStyle - 03-16-2006

yeah it was keyser.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 03-16-2006

this sloatsburgh guy is a riot!