Nyr - Ha ha!!!!! - Printable Version

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- LZMF1 - 04-12-2002

ok, so i promised sean that i wouldn't talk shit but i just can't resist this one. the broadway blueshirts have to be a huge disappointment to all of the diehard rangers fans.

ok so they beat the devils during the regular season but come on. look at the talent that they have and what do they have to show for it?

they will definitely be working on their golf games next week.

- DGW - 04-12-2002

Golf games? I think I used that when I was in third grade. :punch:

- LZMF1 - 04-12-2002


you're just pissed because i stated the obvious.:fart:

- Sean Cold - 04-12-2002

Yup, another year of ranger hockey, another year of me pulling for the Avs in the playoffs.

Yes, the rangers disgust me to no end and I might post in one of the other threads concerning what should be done but some serious shit needs to go down and won't. Garden brass just seem to think they can just trade for name power and everything will be fine. Well, I think this group of under achieve dog fuckers proved this simply is not the case.

I do take some solace though. The NYR will beat the ever loving shit out of The Devs and Islanders in golf after they both get decimated in the play offs.:firebounce: :bouncer: :firebounce:

then again, if you put a stick or a club in Fluerry's hands this year, he is liable to get called for cross checking or a two stroke penalty, so, they will suck at golf as well.

Edited By Sean Cold on April 12 2002 at 08:43

- LZMF1 - 04-12-2002

you may be right about the golf, but the rangers may have to wait a few weeks for that oppotunity to present itself.

- Tequila - 04-13-2002

Quote:then again, if you put a stick or a club in Fluerry's hands this year, he is liable to get called for cross checking or a two stroke penalty, so, they will suck at golf as well.
Now that is a classic line.

But how could you not root for the Isles in the playoffs this year?

- LZMF1 - 04-13-2002

hey tequila, don't you remember me saying that it'll be nice to see the isles get into the playoffs?

tell ya what........ you root for the isles and i'll root for the devils. meanwhile, sean cold will root for the avalanche.

- Kid Afrika - 04-14-2002

I just like seeing my name as the last poster. Sorry.

- LZMF1 - 04-15-2002

it aint the last anymore!!


- Maximus - 04-17-2002

, l<div align="left">Rangers suck AAAAAAAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! 5 years in row?! AAAHAHHAHA!!:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

But I do realize that they should and probly will do much better next year though. So I guess all you Rangers fans will have to wait and see. As for me, I'll be cheering on my Devils and Isles. I can't fuckin wait.</div>

- Sean Cold - 04-17-2002

Quote:As for me, I'll be cheering on my Devils and Isles

How the fuck do you actually root for two bitter rivals anyway? I don't know, it would be like rooting for both boxers in a match against each other. I love hockey trough and through, but, I root for every Alantic Division rival to get thier fuckin asses handed to them on a nightly basis.

- Maximus - 04-18-2002

Hey if i were to root for the Rangers and Devils than thatd be a problem, but thats not the case. I've always liked the Isles for as long as I can remember. They always sucked though so there was never a problem come playoff time. I just the sport too so i enjoy any hockey i watch or listen to.

- LZMF1 - 04-21-2002

hey sean c0ld, if the devils keep this shit up the rangers may be spanking them on the golf course soon enough.

- Sean Cold - 04-28-2002

Quote:hey sean c0ld, if the devils keep this shit up the rangers may be spanking them on the golf course soon enough.

Well, Captian Fucknut, I do believe the Devils did keep up thier absolutly stellar play and now they get to blay table hockey with leetch and the gang. Now, if only the Leafs take carry of these damned Isles, I can watch the playoffs with out the bitter hatred I have for them.

- LZMF1 - 04-28-2002


i can't fucking believe it!!!!!!!!!

that's ok, now the devs can beat the rangers on the golf course!:fart: :fart: :fart:

- Tequila - 05-01-2002

Quote:I can watch the playoffs with out the bitter hatred I have for them.

- Sean Cold - 05-01-2002

Happiness comes in many ways, and in playoff hockey when your team sucks donkey dick, you recieve such pleasure by watching teams you hate lose.:firebounce:

- LZMF1 - 05-04-2002

i'm rooting for the san jose sharks in the western conference and montreal in the eastern conference.

and i agree with you sean, it was great watching the rangers futile attempt to make the playoffs.