A Blow Job Will Cost You 10 Years - Printable Version

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A Blow Job Will Cost You 10 Years - Keyser Soze - 01-25-2007

Outrageous Injustice

Once, he was the homecoming king at Douglas County High. Now he's Georgia inmate No. 1187055, convicted of aggravated child molestation.

When he was a senior in high school, he received oral sex from a 10th grader. He was 17. She was 15. Everyone, including the girl and the prosecution, agreed she initiated the act. But because of an archaic Georgia law, it was a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex.

Afterward, the state legislature changed the law to include an oral sex clause, but that doesn't help Wilson. In yet another baffling twist, the law was written to not apply to cases retroactively, though another legislative solution might be in the works. The case has drawn national condemnation, from the "Free Genarlow Wilson Now" editorial in The New York Times to a feature on Mark Cuban's HDNet.

"It's disgusting," Cuban wrote to ESPN in an e-mail. "I can not see any way, shape or form that the interests of the state of Georgia are served by throwing away Genarlow's youth and opportunity to become a vibrant contributor to the state. All his situation does is reinforce some unfortunate stereotypes that the state is backward and misgoverned. No one with a conscience can look at this case and conclude that justice has been served."

Wilson's mother, Juanessa Bennett, certainly doesn't understand. She has just bought a new house the next county over, hoping that a change of scenery might do her good. The past few years have been hard on her.

"You think, what in the world could I have done to God to make him punish me like this?" she says. "Am I that terrible a person?"

- The Jays - 01-25-2007

I've always said our sex with minors laws are just too lax!

- Mad - 01-25-2007

This is complete bullshit, twelve is the new eighteen. Nobody forced themselves on the chick, she was a willing knob gobbler.

No victim, no crime.

Re: A Blow Job Will Cost You 10 Years - Galt - 01-25-2007

Keyser Soze Wrote:But because of an archaic Georgia law, it was a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex.

I keep reading this and re-reading this to see what I'm missing.

Are they saying that it's NOT a misdemeanor for teenagers MORE than three years apart to have sexual intercrourse? If not, that entire sentence serves no purpose. If it's just illegal for teenagers to have sex, then why not write it that way.

- GonzoStyle - 01-25-2007

I remember Real Sports did a segment about a story like this a few years back, its fuckin beyond awful. This HS athlete kid who already had lik e7 strikes against him cause he was a black kid in a cracker town, adopted by white parents, etc. So he banged some chick and he was 17 and she was 15 or 16 and he also go tossed in jail for it, even though the judge, and everyone else knew the girl was lying but he was forced to by law to give him time.

Thankfully after the segment aired there was an outcry and the kid was released.

- The Jays - 01-25-2007

isnt this how Patrice went to jail?

- GonzoStyle - 01-25-2007

in a nutshell but he only did like a few months or something but it wasnt mandatory, just a judge with a bug up his ass who sent him in to teach him a lesson.

- drusilla - 01-25-2007

patrice's judge had gotten a lot of heat in the past for being to lenient, so he sent him to prison to make a statement. but yeah, the girl lied about the whole rape thing just so she wouldn't have seemed like whore.

- HedCold - 01-25-2007

he shouldn't have been such a flamer

- diceisgod - 01-26-2007

You know who that guy needs representing him don't ya?


- GonzoStyle - 01-26-2007


- The Jays - 01-26-2007

Now, how do you like your grits, regular, creamy, or al Dente?

- crack hitler - 02-17-2007

every state has old archaic laws that need to be changed. maybe things have changed but new york used to throw the book at people for small amounts of pot if a person went up against the wrong judges. nobody should be serving time for a few joints. the laws will probably stay on the books many years to come. just accept it and don't brag about your blowjobs Smile