Lz's neighbor - Wonder what he thinks of him? - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 04-19-2002

How can it be that I am reading about LZ's neighbor in more threads than I can read about Maynard's brain farts?

- Luna - 04-19-2002

Love thy thy neighbor...... :crackhead:

- LZMF1 - 04-19-2002

cuz this is serious and i have a bad feeling that the situation may get ugly tomorrow..

- LZMF1 - 04-19-2002

luna, all i am doing is reciprocating the hatred that he shows me on a daily basis.

ooooppppppsssssss!!! double post

- Ken'sPen - 04-19-2002

LZ fulfills his destiny tomorrow, and is filmed for an episode of COPS......
remember to take your shirt off.

- Keyser Soze - 04-19-2002

...wear a wife beater and hide under the kiddy pool.

- Sluggo - 04-19-2002

Don't let it get ugly, man...
Remember...You're gonna move...
Ignore the sore...

- Ken'sPen - 04-19-2002

:Confusedhoves Sluggo aside::
::Opens another Bud for LZ::
Yo man, I catch him gawking at your wife, ALL the time.

- LZMF1 - 04-19-2002

keyser, i was wearing a wife beater yesterday while working on my lawn for hours. i gots me a mean wife beater farmer's tan.

- Luna - 04-19-2002

Quote:Don't let it get ugly, man...
Remember...You're gonna move...
Ignore the sore...

I'm agreeing with the Sluggpoo on this one.
For what it's worth, LZ, you're gonna move. Don't lose sight of that. He's not going to be your neighbor forever.
Don't annoy him. Don't prove him right in his own mind. As a matter of fact, be nice to the guy.
Pack up the wife, the kiddlet, and the pooches and get out of the house. Go for a drive. Go to a park or something. You just might enjoy it and have some fun.

- Ken'sPen - 04-19-2002

Luna is talking sense LZ.....
sometimes it's better to run away (like a pussy) and avoid a fight (fag) than to be caught up (like a man) defending your principals (are you a man or a mouse).

- LZMF1 - 04-19-2002

sluggo knows the whole story and you have all made valid points but i have reached my boiling point.......
ahhh fuck it and fuck him and his entire family including all past, present and future generations.

i will just angrily turn away and let him continue on his merry way. it just annoys the shit out of me that i've had so many problems with him and it all started over my dalmatian. ponderous.....f'n ponderous!!!

- Grumpy - 04-19-2002

Confusedtupid: two posts up.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-19-2002's what you do...tell me his address time I'm on the rag, I'll save all the tampons I use and send them to him from the post office near my office. He'll never know it was you. :bouncer:

- LZMF1 - 04-19-2002

PAF46 if you're serious i'll give you his address{Big Grin}{Big Grin}{Big Grin}

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-20-2002

Just tell me the address oh yea and pay the shipping! :moonie:

- Ken'sPen - 04-20-2002

Was all this just a ploy for LZ to add to his used tampon collection???

- LZMF1 - 04-20-2002

ken, you rooned it!!!!! DEEK!

- Luna - 06-20-2002

YIPEEE!!!! :bouncer: My neurotic neighbors moved!!!!!

- LZMF1 - 06-21-2002

did they move back to kentucky?

as for my neighbors, unfortunately they're still breathing.

that's ok though, i'm moving soon!!