Question about norton anti-virus - ... how do i stop making it annoying? - Printable Version

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- Ahlexus - 04-23-2002

I've got Norton Anti-Virus running and every time it scans out-going email, this obnoxious message pops up to let me know it's scanning and what the progress is. I checked the settings to see if I could somehow turn that option off, but I can't see where I can. I've got the "tray icon visible" thing, but I don't see an option to turn off that huge pop up window.

Can someone please tell me how to make this program less annoying?

- Arthur Dent - 04-23-2002

Scan's out-going e-mail? I can understand why it would scan in-coming e-mail, but if it's doing it's job then your computer is clean and won't be SENDING viruses. And why would it care if someone else got infected. It's job is protecting YOUR computer not theirs. In other words, stop scanning out-going e-mail entirely. Just scan the in-coming stuff.

- Paper Boy - 04-23-2002

open Norton, click on options, click on mail uncheck scan outgoing mail.

- Ahlexus - 04-24-2002

Thanks Arthur and PaperBoy.. you're right. I will set the options to "not" scan out-going mail. I appreciate your help Smile

- Kid Afrika - 04-24-2002

Quote:Scan's out-going e-mail? I can understand why it would scan in-coming e-mail, but if it's doing it's job then your computer is clean and won't be SENDING viruses. And why would it care if someone else got infected. It's job is protecting YOUR computer not theirs. In other words, stop scanning out-going e-mail entirely. Just scan the in-coming stuff.

Do you know anything about virii? Scanning outgoing mail is a safeguard against self-perpetuating virii that send themselves to everyone in your address book. In theory, they should be caught as they are inbound, but nothing is foolproof. It's called redundancy. And, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the dick that sent a virus to everyone I send e-mail to.

- Sluggo - 04-24-2002

Chances are more than good that you are in at least some of those peoples address books too...
If you send something out...
You will get it back...