The true art of making a sammich - No - it's not a maymay lunch thread - Printable Version

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- Grumpy - 04-23-2002

As I sit here eating my falafel sandwich, I think to myself: what makes a good sammich? first one to say Yopu gets raped by arpi without a condom....

for me, a good sammich is the perfect proportions of fillings.
Overstuffed with coldcuts,
Not too many tomatoes cuz it gets soggy.
not too much lettuce cuz it's nothing but useless filler folliage
a little mayo, a little salt and pepper and tons of hot sauce.

So what do you think makes a good sammich?

feel free to defile and hijack this thread as long as you don't mind being tossed in the cell by maymay cuz he thinks its teh funney.

- Ken'sPen - 04-23-2002

Either Potato Bread,
or on a hard roll.....
good cheese.

- Maynard - 04-23-2002

I eat paste.

- Arpikarhu - 04-23-2002

Quote:I eat paste.
ralph wiggums

- Luna - 04-23-2002

Toorhpaste sammichs are the best.

- Grumpy - 04-23-2002

who the fuck is ralph wiggums?

- JIMMYSNUKA - 04-23-2002

i love worms in my sammich

[Image: worm2.jpg]

- OAS - 04-23-2002

Luna and Ladi.

- Maynard - 04-23-2002

Quote:ralph wiggums
Mrs Krebopple

- Sluggo - 04-23-2002

Martins Potato bread or nothing.

- NaughtyAngel - 04-23-2002

i like vampires

- Arpikarhu - 04-23-2002

Quote:Toorhpaste sammichs are the best.
minty fresh

- Metalfan - 04-23-2002

the fucking retard from the Simpsons

oh....and bacon on my sammich please

Quote:Mrs Krebopple

Superintendant Chalmers

Edited By Metalfan on April 23 2002 at 2:54

- Arpikarhu - 04-23-2002

Quote:Mrs Krebopple
miss crabtree

- Grumpy - 04-23-2002

bacon for the heeb?

- Maynard - 04-23-2002

Quote:minty fresh
Altoid blowjobs

- virgingrrl - 04-23-2002

ralph wiggum:
[Image: november.gif]

- Arpikarhu - 04-23-2002

Quote:Altoid blowjobs
luna right now

- Metalfan - 04-23-2002

Quote:bacon for the heeb?

WTF...I'm going to hell anyway. Besides, I can just atone for it at Yom Kippur this year :thumbs-up:

- Grumpy - 04-23-2002

and once again, the midget wins...... game on