Make me post more motherbitches - Printable Version

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- lent - 04-25-2002

as you see i havent posted in ages. i cant humble myself to talk about maynerd's lunch, how ken's pen is gay or who ate out grumpy's mom tonight.

so make me post more. other than bad negro jokes, give me another reason to plug <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>SPAM!</span>

Edited By Sean Cold on April 25 2002 at 7:37

- Maynard - 04-25-2002

No. I'll tell you what. Don't post here jerk off.

You're a fuckign waste of space and all you do is take pictures of unsuspecting women when they're not looking.
I hope one of their boyfriends catches you and beats the ever loving pussy ass out of you.

And don't fucking spam our site with your fucking stupid shit website either.

Thank you and fuck off asshole.

- fbd - 04-25-2002

why should we make you post more, when we want you to post less?

- Sluggo - 04-25-2002

Wha? You're too intelligent to play?
Work sucks...
School make you crazy...
You must have something YOU want to talk about, Man...
Tell us...
We don't shread everything up...
Well...Not right away...:firebounce:

- Maynard - 04-25-2002

No, I'm making it my sole duty now to follow this piece of shit around and make his fucking life hell. You are nothing asswipe. NOTHING

I wish you'd cross the street and get run over by a mailtruck.

- lent - 04-25-2002

ooh i'm scared. at least i have a life to live from a message board. and all the girls who i take pics of say its ok. if they dont want their pic taken of, i will always respect that request. if they want their pictures down. i'll will do so asap.

for the record i make zero cents off the website. i do it for fun.

- Maynard - 04-25-2002

A life? What, banging fat goth chicks?

Yes asshole, I DO have a life.

And you're telling me that you've gotten permission from EVERY girl that is on your website? Every girl that was dancing on the bar at REd Rocks? I never said you made money from your site ass, I just said don't spam our fucking board with it.

- lent - 04-25-2002

i'm not really spaming. i just whore the website as a joke. i didnt even link it. and dont even refer to her thats really personal. okay.

- Sean Cold - 04-25-2002

You know what Lent, your a fuckin jerkoff and a half. You don't bother with us except to plkug your shitty half assed site? Nigger please, don't you have a good bye thread on OA to reneg on in three minutes or some shit?

Lets post for Lent, go fuck yourself you bloated douche bag!

- Maynard - 04-25-2002

Quote:and dont even refer to her thats really personal.
Good, maybe you'll realize that I DONT FUCKING LIKE YOU and I want you to go away. Why does it matter, she doesnt post here anymore either.

It's not the fact that you spammed lent, it's that, you don't post for weeks, then come back and start a thread talking about your website. And guess what you ignorant mother fucker, YOU ARE NOT ABOVE US!

Go humble yourself to a people that care. Like SA. Oh no, wait, they ripped you apart too. Then go to, oh wait. No, they hate you too. What about, they love everyone over there.

- Sluggo - 04-25-2002

You lied...
The site was linked...


- Sean Cold - 04-25-2002

I just don't get it, why even bother?

Lent, you are nothing more than an oversized chump stain you piece of runny dog shit you are. You made me come out of hiding just to rip into you.

Let me help you out a little: Most of these women, and I do use that term loosly, would not piss in your mouth if your gums were on fire. These are the same people who Hated your roach infested guts on OA.

If you want to post, thats fine. But, you can lick my dirty asshole after a night of atomic wings before I will sit idely by and let you pull some monkey shit like this.

Edited By Sean Cold on April 25 2002 at 7:55

- lent - 04-25-2002

well you know what. good. this site really sucks ass. all it is is a cliqish clone of

now i actually like now people like gaynerd and everyone else who posts meaning less shit is gone.
also is light years better than this lame ass place.
SA is probally hands down the best internet fourm ever.

And i wasnt spaming i was saying a JOKE

ooh. like the word nigger scares me. bye bye clique. and no i dont even need to start a goodbye thread this time. this place wont be missed.

- Maynard - 04-25-2002

Quote:But, you can lick my dirty asshole after a night of atomic wings before I will sit idely by and let you pull some monkey shit like this.
Oh no, I've eaten those wings before, and you don't want to be ANYWHERE near his ass after them. :crackhead:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-25-2002

Not to change the subject or anything here, but who the fuck do you think you are telling anyone here that they have no life outside a message board when you belong to how many? Sure, you might not have a lot of posts here, so I guess that makes you better than all of silly of me.

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

Time to move...

- Sean Cold - 04-26-2002

Awwwww, the jigaboo left and took his toys with him!

God damn it, where are we going to find the replacement for him? We have a quota damn it! Awwww, fuck, i don't know any more black peeps either.

Get lost, scum drinker, you will not be missed. Now, do me a favor and kill your lousy self. God, I really do fuckin hate you and your lame ass shit.

- FNMoron - 04-26-2002

OK... now that I found this again....

Quote:Lent, you are nothing more than an oversized chump stain you piece of runny dog shit you are. You made me come out of hiding just to rip into you.
And here I thought that was my job....Rolleyes

oh.... and BYE Lent.... :fuggin:

- Galt - 04-26-2002

Quote:ooh i'm scared. at least i have a life to live from a message board

Weren't you the one who posted a thread asking if you were addicted to messageboards becuase you actively post on no less than 4 messageboards?

Weren't you also the one who has constantly made a point of announcing when you are arriving and leaving various websites?

Apparantly, no one really cares about you one way or another. Learn it.

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

You know what...
This is a Clique...
You were a fucking invited part of it...
What a maroon...

Shit...Even Keyser gave up that attitude, and look where it got him...
He plays now...
Plus he has ALL teh buttonz...
Nobody would've said shit if you didn't come in fucking bitching about the "Quality" of the site...
If Sean, May, and myself didn't post in your goddamn thread,
the rest of the people here would've told you the same thing...
If you don't like what you read...
Post something of fucking interest and we'll fucking reply.

Edited By Sluggo on April 25 2002 at 8:18