Oh shit. there is trouble brewing. - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 04-30-2002

I just spoke with my cat, you can call him Sir Toby, and he has decided that he is going to take over the world. His first mission is that he plans on taking over my account on CDIH and turning the forums into Kitty Porn. He has decided to take Maynard on as a mod as well since they both enjoy licking themselves and Maynard tounged Toby's ass once and it was the best moment of his life. He would like everyone to deliver a three pack of Starkist Tuna and you will be allowed to post. He also request that to post here, you must sleep at least 14 hours a day. Hold on a sec, the master calls.....


Ok, I will tell them.

He also requires that the woman here dress up as Furries and stroke his back while you scratch yourselves. He is a hard person to please. Toby will be posting under this account until I can find a way to regain control of my house.

Sorry people.

be very wary.

- Jack - 04-30-2002


- Hybrid - 04-30-2002

on second thought........sir toby is a cool name.

Edited By HyBriD on April 30 2002 at 5:32

- Galt - 04-30-2002

people who have cats are people who like cock.

- Luna - 04-30-2002

Quote:you can call him Sir Toby

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

- IkeaBoy - 04-30-2002

Someone watched Cats & Dogs on HBO last night

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Sean, people have been posting alot of weird shit lately (myself included), but this by far takes the cake! Thanks dood, you made me laugh like a lunatic.

- Sean Cold - 04-30-2002

Toby wanted me to inform Hybrid that he is happy that Brandon Lee is dead and told me to tell him that he will be next if he doesn't watch his step.

Toby would also like to express that the dead cat in that picture doesn't bother him. He is pure while the cat in the picture is a shitty half breed.

- Hybrid - 04-30-2002

oh poo.

brandon lee was cool. Undecided

Edited By HyBriD on April 30 2002 at 5:34

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Quote:you can call him Sir Toby
He must be related to sleeper.

Whoa Sean, are you clairvoyant???

- JIMMYSNUKA - 04-30-2002

woo hoo...finally some your cat really young at least...i can take care of the hairless part myself

- Luna - 04-30-2002

Quote:Whoa Sean, are you clairvoyant???
I guess you saw what I saw because I was thinking the same thing. :-o

Quote:you made me laugh like a lunatic.
..and what, pray tell, does that mean? :clueless:

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Quote:and what, pray tell, does that mean?
It means I was laughing like SNUKA. :moonie:

- Sean Cold - 04-30-2002

Toby has spoken and has come to the bitter realization that Jimmy Snuke is a fuckin ass. Dude, sorry, but Toby says that you are not allowed any where near him because you reek of Ladi cooze. He said he rather sit and smell his own litter box after a week of spraying than to be anywhere near you. In fact, Toby now has said he is considering your execution rather shortly.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 04-30-2002

that sounds long as i get to smell his litterbox before i die.

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Smell? Where do you think your last meal is coming from? :roflmao:

- JIMMYSNUKA - 04-30-2002

sweet!! and to think all this time i thought i didnt like cats.

- HedCold - 04-30-2002

when i rule the world, i'm getting rid of all the cats.

- Sean Cold - 04-30-2002

Toby has proclaimed that he wants twelve grams of ct nip delivered to the docks by Jimmy and to drop said grams in the yellow rice Krispees box.

And, oddly, He would like to make sure that everyone knows that since he is now an admin, he will not take nude pictures of himself. I have no idea what he is talking about.

- Maynard - 04-30-2002

Quote:when i rule the world, i'm getting rid of all the cats.

HedCold=Sir Toby?

Does that mean you're gonna finally kill yourself? Confuseduicide: