Replacing bill maher - Possibly kimmel - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

It's essentially known that Bill Maher has been fired from ABC and he's just running down his contract. Unlike many, I actually like the show. I find it somewhat smart, has newstories I wouldn't here about elsewhere and I agree with a lot (not all) of what Bill has to say (fuck the animals). and even though I'm not conservative it is one of the few network shows that give conservatives a place to speak their mind and even though they mostly come across as foolish, it's a free exchange of ideas.

Anyway, ABC is looking for a replacement and is actually looking towards Kimmel to do a show which I find disappoitning for two reasons- a) no Carrolla might lose the excellent Man Show rapport and b) possibly no more Man Show.

So what I'm posing to you is this- is Kimmell a good replacement (obviously it won't be politically incorrect anymore) and if not, who would be?

- 66-1020695387 - 05-07-2002

i always thought Bill Maher was a self-important jerk

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-07-2002

I like the show too...I don't watch it often, but when I'm flipping through the channels, I tend to watch for a's always pretty interesting.

Honestly, someone with a political background should do the would be a shame for a show like that to completly change formats....odd as it sounds, I think Bill Clinton would be good.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

NO MORE MAN SHOW???? Confuseduicide:

- Galt - 05-07-2002

I despise Bill Maher and that show. It's always two celebrities (always pinkos like everyone in Hollywood) and then one liberal and one conservative political comentator. Add Maher's pompous elitism, and it always ends up being 4:1 on every issue.

The Daily Show is infinately better (though not on opposite so they don't compete) and it has consistently huge laughts. Jon Stewart is just great. If ABC really wants to do something try and steal Stewart from Comedy Central.

Likes like Bill Maher won't be banging playmates anymore.

- The Sleeper - 05-07-2002

Jon Stewart


Edit: I didn't see Galt's post before I posted.

Edited By The Sleeper on May 07 2002 at 3:53

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

I like the Daily show better when it was with that forgetable non-descript ESPN white boy.

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Stewart - good choice but I don't want The Daily Show to lose him. Any show that calls Big Bird "A giant retarded canary" automatically equals greatness.

Chances are they'll go away from political debate and into something more ready to be consumed for mass audiences so they can kick ass in the ratings. And yes Maher is a pompous elitist but I do think the show is interesting. My biggest problem is when a serious issue is being discussed and a comedian to stop everything to make a really lame, obvious sarcastic comment.

- Keyser Soze - 05-07-2002

Bill Maher is a self important jerk and the show will fail without him. The reasons why it is so successful is because Maher is such a prick. I will find the show far less entertaining without him. Kimmell is hilarious but he is not right for this gig. The show needs Bill Maher.

- IkeaBoy - 05-14-2002

It's official, Maher is gone, Kimmel's having his own comedy show and i'm disappointed. PI was a nice alternative to the monologue- skit -interview show and was a little thing to get me ready for Conan. A Kimmel comedy show will probably be funny but it's going to mean end of Man Show and might run into Conan time.

And as I said Maher is a pompous ass but PI actually did raise some good points, was intelligent at times and clued me in on news stories to cut and paste.

- Keyser Soze - 05-14-2002

I regularly watched PI over Leno and Letterman, I will miss Maher and the show. PI is what I hope this board could be more like. Lots of opinions from people with differing backgrounds and political affiliations squaring off.

- BeckyDC - 05-15-2002

I've always disliked that ugly F Bill Maher..Definately ok with Kimmel.