Israel suicide bombings- care??? - Yet another debate - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Yet today there's another bombing in Israel causing the death of 15 so today's Current Events Poll/Question is whether or not these suicide bombings affect you in anyway? Do you care or feel anything when you read about these deaths? Would your opinion change if an American were one of those killed?

I know it's part of a far bigger issue but just focusing on the bombings and aftermaths- what are your thoughts?

Personally, I've never cared

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:Do you care or feel anything when you read about these deaths?
I wonder how the people can do it. How can they strap explosives to themselves & know that at 2:13 today, it will be their last moment. If they chicken out, is their fate worse? :disappointed:

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

They don't chicken out because they know that when they die they'll be rewarded far better than on earth. Once again, it's religion.

- Ken'sPen - 05-07-2002

I care a lot.....
This whole situation has pulled the curtain away from the sham that Bush was perpetrating. He did a good job talking about the war on terrorism in the aftermath of 9\11. His approval rating as we were running through Afghanastan was soaring....
But where the fuck is he now?
what the fuck have we done?
Where is the war on Terrorism...
He has been wishy washy in Israel ....
AND domestically we have pipe bombs blasting away....
What ever happened with the Anthrax letters.....

For all the talk and flag waving what have we done....

And I am afraid the situation in Israel is doing nothing to lessen the hatred of the US.

I am sorry I will return to my pathetic attempt at finding teh funney.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

As long as Cardassia occupies Bejora, or were the Bejoran supposed to be the Polish Jews and Cardassians Nazis? Fuck it. The Kligons were Navajoes and there extinct. We need racist violent shit like this or else we won't have anymore Star Trek spin offs.

Wait Wait. Sauruman was the French and the Urul'erek were SS Troopers? The Men were the British and the Americans were the Hobbits? But then who were the Elves based on?

I got it. Sheridan was Gandalf. The Minbari and Vorlons were the Elves. The Shadows were the Nazguls. and Z'ha'dum was Kzha'dum!

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:they'll be rewarded far better than on earth
So they say. But I don't get how a whole society can think killing is going to help the 'problem.' "God likes it when you die. He made you in his perfect image, to kill the rest of his little creations." Yeah, that makes sense. Brainwashed & stupid they are.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

Hey Ladi, what about the Northern Irish Catholics?

- Ken'sPen - 05-07-2002

the less people have to live for, the easier it is to convince them to do it.....

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Quote:"God likes it when you die. He made you in his perfect image, to kill the rest of his little creations." Yeah, that makes sense. Brainwashed & stupid they are.
The same can be said for Christians.

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

I beat you Ikea. nah nah

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:what about the Northern Irish Catholics?
Psychos, the lot of them. Regular people are trying to go to work, get on their trains, and go shopping. Why should they have to worry that some militant is on the train thinking the gov't will reach an agreement faster is they blow everyone up. It's been going on for ages, and now one knows how to get what they want.
I don't like our military much either. They are pawns of our gov't too. Why do we have to police other countries, can't they get their own shit together. Education is good. Give them that, not bombs.

Make love, not War. :fuggin:

Edited By Hey Ladi on May 07 2002 at 5:44

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

well Sloatsburg, I had to quote it dick

- OAS - 05-07-2002

Cunt comment?

Israel will say this is because they let Arafat go free. Isn't it ironic this happened after his release and while Sharon is vivting Bush? Co-inky dink?

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

Quote:Education is good. Give them that, not bombs.
OK, ok. I'm not the greatest fan of the government but seriously, if we send in teachers and educators, they'll be the ones bombed.

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 07 2002 at 5:44

- Sloatsburgh - 05-07-2002

GOD damn IT!!!!


I feel like such a bitch. It's Car-o-line'

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:teachers and educators, they'll be the ones bombed.
China anyone? They killed Missionaries & students.

It's a power struggle. Men control women & gov'ts control men. No one gets educated & no one moves up. They have nothing, and are told they will get nothing in this life.

The Man is Oppressing the People!

I read something once..... India maybe. They found that when they made loans to women to start their own businesses, they were more likely to pay back. They wanted to make good & be able to support their families. When they had a brighter future to look forward too, there was something to move on towards. And children who see that will want to make something of themselves too, not blow everyone up.

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

But without military force protecting and inforcing the teachers, there is no way these kids raised from birth to not trust America, to kill Americans will even give them half a listen.

- OAS - 05-07-2002

Quote:Make love, not War.
Ladi, can I stop over before the big mushroom cloud shows up? :fucking:

- Hey Ladi - 05-07-2002

Quote:But without military force protecting and inforcing the teachers...
It's a giant onion...... the leaders are wrong for telling the people that, they need to be taken out, military force is bad, but the people have no chance if left alone, they'll just keep doing it.

- IkeaBoy - 05-07-2002

How do you remove the leaders? To teach them that they are wrong? That's not going to work. The people in these countries HATE AMERICA!! It's not just the leaders, not just the educators but the children as well. Why do they hate us? Becasue they're taught to hate us. Their teachers teach them, their religion teaches them and it's going to do more than just sending missonaries over to get them to change their ways and BELIEFS.

While I'd be the first to say kill them all because until one or both groups are wiped out this will never be over, I'm also willing to realize that that's impossible and illogical. Yes we need to re-teach them but it's not just going to work with a nice cornucopia.