Surreal experiences - Ever have any? - Printable Version

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- slackjaw - 05-16-2002

Ok, so I kinda had a very odd kinda morning. I was working at a large station today, spent the whole morning outside and out of nowhere I suddenly found a new best friend. I hear a flutter and feel the breeze from the flapping of wings as this large Blue jay flies over my shoulder and sits on the pump I am working on, no more than 6 inches from my face, and he just kinda stares at me, as if I am supposed to know what he wants. Now of course this freaked me out a little bit, I sure didn't want my eyes to be some birds snack, so I back away. As I do, the bird drops to the ground at my feet.

Fine, bird is a wee bit looney I am thinking, so i turn to walk away..... and he follows me. Of course, I have to make sure he really is following me, so I start pacing back and forth, and sure enough, each time I turn, the blue jay, turn with me, hopping along on the cement as if we are schoolyard chums playing follow the leader.

After 10 minutes or so, I decide I need to get back to work, and when I kneel on the ground, he sits right on top of the pump. He just keeps looking at me. Eventually he flies away.... or so I thought. Not 5 minutes later he comes back with a nut in his beak and seemed to present it to me, as if awaiting my aproval. Once he sees that I notice, he begins to eat his treasure. As the morning goes on, and the attendants at the station watch on in amazement, this daffy bird proceeds to follow me from pump to pump. Every so often he disappears and returns with more food. Each time he makes sure to sit right in front of me, proud of his conquests. Seeds, a couple of nuts, but his favorite was the still squirming cricket. Without fail, as soon as I acknowledge him, he swallows his food. I actually made him sit there for 5 minutes with that cricket before I would look at him. he must have gotten impatient because he started to pace on top of the pump.

I walk over to my truck..... guess who's there? For 5 hours this wacky little bird followed me, at one point I am pretty sure he was about to sit on my shoulder before I moved.

Now, this could just be a case of a bored bird, or a sick bird. Maybe the combination of chemicals I had on my clothing put off a smell that attracted him. If it was a crow or a raven, I certainly would have shit my pants, thinking it was some awful omen. I can't explain the behavior of this blue jay, I can only chalk it up as a bizarre little experience, which brings me to the point. What surreal experiences have you had? Preferably, they will not be drug induced, acid trips are just plain cheating. What have you seen that just wasn't "normal"?

- Luna - 05-16-2002

That's an incredible story. One question, tho....what color clothes were you wearing today?

- Maynard - 05-16-2002

Quote:What have you seen that just wasn't "normal"?
Arpi sent me these pictures the other night.

Man, they just wre fucked up. Changed the whole way I look at things. :crackhead:

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

a friend of mine had to give away her cat. 6 months later, i go to a party at a persons house who i had just met and there is the fucking cat. she didnt know my other friend. she had gotten the cat from someone else.

- slackjaw - 05-16-2002

Grey sweatshirt and jeans. I don't think my big ass was looking like a blue jay Smile

- Hey Ladi - 05-16-2002

Quote:I hear a flutter and feel the breeze from the flapping of wings as this large Blue jay flies over my shoulder
awww, you write so pretty :moonie: ;-)

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

Quote:Arpi sent me these pictures the other night.

Man, they just wre fucked up. Changed the whole way I look at things.
ixnay on the icturespay!!

- Kid Afrika - 05-16-2002

Either that was a great story, or I'm REALLY FUCKING HIGH!!! :fuggin: :thumbs-up: :fuggin:

- Hey Ladi - 05-16-2002

Quote:Either that was a great story, or I'm REALLY FUCKING HIGH!!!
Lay off the drugs!!! ;-)

( Undecided share with me)

- Maynard - 05-16-2002

Speaking of cats.....have you ever seen Moron's cats??? They all have 7 toes!!!! :crackhead:

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

Quote:Speaking of cats.....have you ever seen Moron's cats??? They all have 7 toes!!!!
do you want to see my cats? i have pictures. i would be glad to show them to you. really. hunh? hunh?

- Luna - 05-16-2002

I just thought I would ask because every spring I have odd dilemas with the robins in Pennsylvania. It seems they are always flying into my windows. They see thier reflections, especially thier big red breasts, in the glass and being it is mating season they are all pumped up to fight with other, mainly the males. This year I have one wacky one that likes to sit on my car on the side view mirror. I hope he gets it out of his system soon....I'm tired of cleaning his droppings off my car. :crackhead:

As far as surreal experiences go, tho.....this has been my only one (if this one even counts):

I used to draw and sketch alot. I had three things going at once, a self portrait, another of a friend of mine, and yet another of a different friend of mine....all females. I had been having some complications with certain features and it just kept pissing me off, so I would put them down and walk away from them. I finally just abandoned them all together and put them away for good...or so I thought.

One night, many months later, I woke up in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep. I pulled out those drawings and looked them over. Girl A - I was having alot of trouble with her eyes. Girl B - Her mouth...I just couldn't get they way I wanted it (I am a perfectionist when it comes to my artwork and I am my own worst critic). Girl C - Myself....I just couldn't finish my left hand.

Girl A had just had a cerebral hemmorage at the age of 27. Girl B and I were not talking at that time. We had a falling out. Then I had this very odd feeling that if I didn't finish my hand I was going to lose it. Literally. Needless to say, I finished all of them. Whewwww. Maybe it was paranoia...I don't know. It was just weird. :clueless:

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

i know that you just got out of the shower and am completely distracted by it. what did you say?

- Luna - 05-16-2002

Oh shuddup! :lol:

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

all soapy and steamy, hair all wet, oh yeah

- slackjaw - 05-16-2002

she did mention big red breasts..... anyone else thinking warpainted boobies? :-D

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

soapy beauty all covered in suds, wash cloth venturing to areas of delight

- Luna - 05-16-2002

Oh...good grief. Rolleyes

- Hey Ladi - 05-16-2002

Quote:anyone else thinking warpainted boobies?
Yes, the hand print kind. One print over each boob.

- Arpikarhu - 05-16-2002

fingers running through wet shampoo filled hair, water cascading over her taut belly....