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- The Sleeper - 06-26-2002

This movie sucked. A few scattered laughs, but the plot was disgustingly cliched. I loved Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and even liked Big Daddy, but for the most part Sandler movies seem to be getting worse and worse. You know its gonna make $100 million plus cause he's in it, so why bother with a good script or any semblance of a story right? Blech!

- Maynard - 06-26-2002

Why didn't they just call all these movies...Billy Madison, Madison on Golf, Madison's Bastard, Madison's Millions? They're all the same charcter aren't they?

- Sluggo - 06-26-2002

And YOU'RE all original...:moonie:

Edited By Sluggo on June 26 2002 at 11:22

- PollyannaFlower46 - 06-26-2002 did you see it already?

- IkeaBoy - 06-26-2002

I was looking forwarrd to this one. I think Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are two of the funniest movies I've ever seen. (Though the movies after those have gotten worse) and was hoping for Deeds to be back in the spirit of the first two.

Yes, all his characters are the same but Sandler admits that he plays the same character over and over. He doesn't have any delusions about his range.

Sandler's next movie is Punchdrunk Love directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.

- fbd - 06-26-2002

they're not all the same...the waterboy was stupid, played football and from lousianna, the wedding singer was a wedding singer, gilmore was a golfer, madison had a hotel chain...

- Maynard - 06-26-2002

I didn't say the movies were the same. I said that his characters were the same dolt.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:why bother with a good script or any semblance of a story right?
i agree, why bother. the masses in this country are morons. if you want to sell a movie you have to make for the lowest common denominator. This means that every movie is made with people like Ikea in mind. This is why people like sandle continue to do the same thing over and over. people like the familiar and are easily amused. they will laugh at the same joke over and over because they are simple. Shame on you for going to see this movie. you should have seen this idiocy walking down 5th avenue.

- IkeaBoy - 06-26-2002

Wow Arpi, didn't expect that sort of response from you.

Geez, I'm SOOO sorry that occasionally I'll like the stupid mindless comedy. At least I admit I laugh from them. I'm not saying their great, I'm not saying their superb but if I want to have a chuckle, i'll watch a Sandler movie at times. It doesn't mean I can't appreciate great cinema but that doesn't mean I can't like the Sandler movies for what they are. And keep in mind I really only liked Madison and Gilmore and Little Nicky (I thought it had a couple funny parts and it was acceptably different)- I hated Big Daddy and Wedding Singer and Waterboy his most popular.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:And keep in mind I really only liked Madison and Gilmore and Little Nicky
i love this line. idiot

- IkeaBoy - 06-26-2002

Quote:i love this line. idiot
What can I say, I figured why not be honest. I'm not in this to impress you.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:I'm not in this to impress you.
that's good, because you would be failing miserably

- The Sleeper - 06-26-2002

Quote:Shame on you for going to see this movie. you should have seen this idiocy walking down 5th avenue.
I didn't pay a dime. It's called file-sharing programs

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002

Quote:I didn't pay a dime. It's called file-sharing programs
it's not always about you jizz hands

- The Sleeper - 06-26-2002

Silly arpi, of course it is.

- Arpikarhu - 06-26-2002


- IkeaBoy - 06-29-2002

I saw Deeds tonight and I was disappointed. I can sum up the movie's biggest problem by going to the Gospel of Homer and reciting three words "Be More Funny."

Seriously, where was the comedy in this film? I don't see Adam Sandler movies for the best acting, the most creative direction, the most heartwrenching dialogue or ground breaking effects. I see them to laugh at the most inane things but LAUGH!!! In this latest Sandler installment, for some reason they decided to cut that out. Yes they had funny moments and the usual eccentric characters (John Tuturro being the best in that) but there were multiple scenes without any laughs or ATTEMPTS at laughs. That was the worst thing in it, they seemed to forget to attempt. It doesn't need to make sense or need to work but just throw so many jokes at us that we laugh through the ones that don't work. We don't need to see a cutesy montage but throw a midget riding a unicycle, SOMETHING that could appeal to the humor side of us.

"The Hudsucker Proxy" did the same thing in 94 but better in every single way.

- Tenbatsuzen - 06-29-2002

You underestimate the sneakiness.

- CrimsonKing - 06-29-2002

The only Adam Sandler movie I liked was Billy Madison. The others were horrible overall, so I won't be seeing this movie.