Wwe news and notes - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 06-27-2002

During today's WWE Conference Call, the Steve Austin situation was brought to the forefront and addressed by Linda McMahon. Linda stated that Stone Cold is currently on a suspension for his conduct, but didn't go into any more detail than that. She did go on to say that The Rock is splitting time between his film and wrestling careers and will be filming the latest dish on his plate, "Heldorado", later on this summer. In return for allowing him to take time off from his WWE contract, the WWE will be paid a producer's fee from the film company.

Some wrestlers are saying that The Rock was "different" backstage at RAW last week, while others said he was just the same old Rock. He was apparently friendly backstage, and didn't have an ego due to his recent movie success. One wrestler said, "Rock is either the best faker in the business, or he is a genuinely nice guy." Other wrestlers said he avoided some people backstage to stay clear of any political situations.

Many wrestlers backstage believe that the reason Shane McMahon hasn't been present backstage at TV shows recently is because he is unhappy with the current direction of the company. However, it is also believed that he doesn't have the "tools" needed to fix the problem.

Bill Goldberg did not meet with WWE when they were in Atlanta recently and in fact, has not gotten out of his way in the least to set up a meeting.

There is talk that WWE may drop the Hurricane gimmick altogether and instead revert back to the Gregory Helms character since most of the agents hate the gimmick. The precursor may have been Nidia unmasking Hurricane last week. (GENIUS!! fuckin morons seem to purposely wanna kill the WWE)

- Chris Benoit has been training very hard lately, even taking backdrops without any pain. He is pretty much ready to return now except that his stamina in the ring is not yet at 100%.

- Rey Misterio Jr. may not debut for another couple of weeks since Paul Heyman, the man who basically controls the Smackdown! show, wants to debut one new wrestler every few weeks in order that he or she get properly over. Right now that wrestler is Jamie Noble.

- Gooch - 06-28-2002

Bret Hart got in a bike crash and gave himself a stroke. Sadly, this is the precise reason why he was to never wrestle, b/c another headshot would give him one. Talk about no luck.

- Skitchr4u - 06-28-2002

is that for real gooch? i didn't hear that anywhere

- Gooch - 06-29-2002

Bret Hart suffers stroke
Canadian Press

Calgary — Legendary Calgary wrestler Bret (The Hitman) Hart has suffered a mild stroke and was in stable condition in a Calgary hospital, his personal assistant said Thursday.

"He's making phenomenal progress," Marcy Engelstein told the Calgary Herald.

Wrestling historian and author Dave Meltzer reported on his Web site that Mr. Hart's stroke resulted from a bicycle accident Monday.

Mr. Meltzer said Mr. Hart, who turns 45 on Wednesday, was riding on a city bike path when his bicycle hit a pothole. The wrestler flew over the handlebars and landed on the back of his head.

Ms. Engelstein said Mr. Hart called for help on his cellphone and an ambulance picked him up, taking him to an undisclosed Calgary hospital. After a battery of tests, he was told he had suffered a stroke on the right side of his brain.

"We'll never be absolutely sure whether the stroke caused the fall or the fall caused the stroke," Ms. Engelstein said. "Bret has maintained all along, and he remembers it clearly, that the pothole caused the fall."

Ms. Engelstein said doctors anticipate "a 100 per cent recovery," although that "may take a few months" and a lengthy hospital stay.

"Doctors have told the family that because he is in such good condition, it's helping him recover," she said.

Mr. Hart, a former world wrestling champion with both the World Wrestling Federation and Ted Turner's now defunct World Championship Wrestling, was forced to retire in 2000 after he suffered a concussion during a match with the wrestler Goldberg.

Mr. Hart was warned that he could suffer a stroke if he took another blow to the head.

When contacted Thursday evening, Bret's father, Stu Hart said: "He did have an accident while riding his bike and he's in the hospital."

Ms. Engelstein said Mr. Hart has limited control of the left side of his body and will require therapy to walk and to use his left arm.

The Hart family has seen more than its share of tragedy in recent years.

In May, Mr. Hart's brother-in-law, 39-year-old wrestler Davey Boy Smith died of a heart attack at a British Columbia resort, and last November Mr. Hart's 76-year-old mother died after complications with diabetes.

Mr. Hart's brother, Owen, plunged to his death on pay-per-view television while performing for the World Wrestling Federation in Kansas City, Mo. in May, 1999.

Another brother, Dean, died in 1990 of kidney failure. The family also lost a young member of their clan when Matthew Annis died in 1996 of flesh-eating disease.

- Gooch - 06-29-2002

Forget WWE rumours - pray for Bret
(Jun 29) ( I often hear the saying “what doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.” If that saying is indeed true, then the Hart family must be the strongest people in the world.

On Friday, the Calgary Sun reported the stroke that former WCW and WWF champion Bret Hart suffered following a bicycle accident is "unrelated" to the severe concussion that ended Hart's career. The article notes that Hart's left side was paralyzed on Monday after he suffered the fall and wasn't wearing a helmet while riding his bike.

Despite the loss of feeling in his left side, Hart was still able to summon help with his cell phone and was treated by EMS and brought to the hospital. Since Monday, Hart has made progress in use of his left side and has been able to begin to speak normally.

The article notes that doctors believe Hart can recover fully from the stroke, but it will take "a lot of work" in physical therapy over the next several weeks. Hart is expected to remain hospitalized for at least three more weeks.

- GonzoStyle - 06-29-2002

WCW not only shortened its lifespan fast helped hart shorten his as well.

- CrimsonKing - 06-29-2002

The Hart family has had more than it's share of bad luck.