Sports memorobilia - A little help - Printable Version

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- DGW - 07-01-2002

I've come into a bunch of sports memorobilia. Including autographed balls and photos, sets of cards as well as individuals cards. Ranging from Mantle, Williams, and Gehrig balls and photos to rookie card like those of McGwire , Griffey, Clemens, Patrick Roy and others. I was looking to catalog all these items. I was wondring if anyone had suggestions as to how to keep track of the cards and there prices. Is it possible to do it in Excel? Or do you know of a better way? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking to sell these items sooner then later. Thanx.

- Keyser Soze - 07-01-2002

there are software products built to store this info and even pull down the latest prices.

there may even be websites.

check google

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-01-2002

My friend is selling baseball cards on Ebay now, I think she went to websites and got the average price for things. From what I gather, she hasn't sold anything for less than $600 so far.

- GonzoStyle - 07-03-2002

I know the prices off hand but there is a price guide for autographs. I am more into entertainment autographs. But I have some sports like mays, mantle, maris, gehrig, ali, and others. There are also magazines that deal with autograph collecting. As far as pricing them if you need any input I can help, I will also get the name of the price guide for you from my friend he has one. As far as keeping a list, I am guessing without buying any software excel would be your best bet.

The gehrig baseball is the one I'm interested in, not to buy but that baby is worth a lot of fuckin cash depending on the condition.

The cards may not be worth as much though, I dunno why I like cards of certain players but people just do not like buying them.

**Main question now is how can you prove it's autheticity? I know of several people who specialize in authetication who are the best out there. They will testify in court if need be and are certified in the filed and also in handwriting.

So just holler if you need anything.

- DGW - 07-03-2002

Thanx all
Most of the autographs have either a letter of authenticity or a picture that my father took of himself with the athlete. I realize in today's market fakes are a real issue. Thanx again and i'm sure i'll contact you in the future.

- GonzoStyle - 07-03-2002

Quote:I realize in today's market fakes are a real issue.

It's bigger than you could realize, some of the biggest dealers have been indicted recently by the FBI. But seems like you've got that set.

Just remember one thing, what things may be worth is not what you will get. But that is the case with most collectors items and memroibilia. For example, I once had a Marlon Brando autographed 8x10 which I got in person and it was valued at almost 1,500 but I got 300 for it, which was more than fair.

I sold a Bogart cut signature that was framed for 700 but it was valued also at 3,000.

So just keep that in mind and like I said anything you need just holler, bro.

- DGW - 07-09-2002

I have 4 Ted Williams balls. No not the ones his kid is trying to freeze but 4. One stays with my pops and I'm definatley looking to sell 2. I have to go through it. He has weird shit to like Boxes of Garbage Pal Kids cards and Desert Storm cards. I'm going to make an effort htis weekend to go through it all. I'll let yah know what I find.

- GonzoStyle - 07-11-2002

Well like I said if you need any help just give me a holler in e-mail or IM. Now would be your best bet to sell the Williams balls, I know a few collectors and will see if any are interested in your items if you give me a list.