Fuck the rangers!! - Printable Version

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- Bag of Shit Howie - 07-02-2002

Well, it looks like they had to tap the Devils talent pool for some more players!! What a bunch of bags of shit!! No matter how much they pay for players, the Rangers will always suck cock and continue to be ranked 3rd in the tri-state area!!

- Keyser Soze - 07-02-2002

I liked it when they had they little glowing trail on the puck when the white guys slapped it around. Yeah, that was cool.

- LZMF1 - 07-03-2002

even with bobby holik, the rangers will continue to <span style='font-size:37pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:glow(color=limegreen)>STINK!!!!</table></span>

and that dirty little bastard darius kasparitis isn't gonna help them much either.

- HedCold - 07-03-2002

Quote:I liked it when they had they little glowing trail on the puck when the white guys slapped it around. Yeah, that was cool.
that goalie cam is pretty cool

- Tenbatsuzen - 07-03-2002


Am I going to have to go find the Mullet pics again?

Put a fucking sock in it, Howie. At least Ranger fans can sell out an arena, playoff game or not.

Oh, and nice parade for your last Cup win, in a parking lot.

Speaking of which, how was Daneyko's last stint at Betty Ford?

Edited By Tenbatsuzen on July 02 2002 at 10:02

- Tenbatsuzen - 07-03-2002

Oh, and one more thing.

Reading over the story, it sounds like the Devils are to blame for Holik's departure. Apparently, starting with arbitration last year, they did nothing but treat him badly. If my job treated me with disrespect, you could make damn sure that I'd want to go the competition and prove to them personally what idiots they are.

Mickey Mouse hockey strikes again.

- LZMF1 - 07-03-2002

lou lamoriello is to blame. but then again, only he can assemble a team that is in the middle of the pack when it comes to team salaries that can win the stanley cup.

sather and smith have to throw mad amounts of cash around. it worked for smith. so far it's made sather look stupid.

thank you, please drive through.

Edited By LZMF1 on July 04 2002 at 9:47

- Bag of Shit Howie - 07-03-2002

Hey LZ... you got that shit right! I'm sorry , but did some other "HACK" post something in this thread?? Yeah, no matter who the Rangers buy, it all boils down to coaching, look what happened when they got Gretzky....Fucking NOTHING!! Yeah, that's right all you ass-licking Rangers fans....NOTHING!! You can buy all the players you want...just remember, YOU WERE OUR BITCHS FOR ALMOST 4 YEARS!! So go out and buy all the talent you want, it isn't gonna help you!! What happened this year...ya started off pretty good but fell flat on your pitiful Ranger Asses when it came crunch time!! The Devs at least made it to the what they got beat by the least they had the shot at it! Here's my guarantee......The Rangers WILL NOT make the playoffs again this year....and if I'm wrong, Snuka's sister will give ya all a little stinky pinky in yer shit shooter while knobbing ya with her toothless gums..LOL!!

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

Well, speaking for the best hockey team in the tri-state area, with less than both your payrolls, I'd just like to say:

<font size=4><table style=filter:glow(color=red)>YOU BOTH SUCK!!!!!</table></font>:burnfucker: :burnfucker:

Thank you,

NY Islanders rule.

- Bag of Shit Howie - 07-04-2002

LMAO...well i'll at least say i like the Isles better than the Rangers! Is;es fans are always cool to party with when they come to town...oh, and Gooch.....the Isles went down in the first round don't go blowing that trumpet too soon...LMAO!! And as far as the payroll goes, i don't think the Isles are lower than the Devs....come on man...we have the tightest scumbag owner in the league...we keep losing good players because they don't want to open their wallets. The one player i think the Devs should have held onto was Claude Lemieux...the guy was one of the best motivational players that team has ever had. But then long as the devs keep pumping out new rookie talent...i'm not gonna complain. :toast:

- Gooch - 07-04-2002

Heh heh....just stirrin the pot. i wouldn't be surprised to see the Devs land Amonte, then ship off Elias for a legitimate Center.

- Bag of Shit Howie - 07-04-2002

Knowing the Devs, they'd do just that if Elias started asking for more money....I just wish they'd open their wallets from time to time and keep some good players. Ya know who's one of the Devils best players....god damn John Madden...he's gotta be one of the best special teams players around. Anytime he's on the ice the guy always produces!!

- diceisgod - 07-04-2002

Best team in the tri-state area: Flyers

Thank you. Move along.

- Tenbatsuzen - 07-04-2002

Quote:Yeah, no matter who the Rangers buy, it all boils down to coaching, look what happened when they got Gretzky....Fucking NOTHING!! Yeah, that's right all you ass-licking Rangers fans....NOTHING!! You can buy all the players you want

Gretzky came to the Rangers by choice. It wasn't a matter of money, he wanted to finish his career playing in New York. He knew he was in the twilight of his career, it's not like we were expecting him to score 200 points again or something.

I will give you credit in one aspect - Ron Low was a terrible coach and I'm not sure why Sather stuck with him for so long.

Quote:ya started off pretty good but fell flat on your pitiful Ranger Asses when it came crunch time!!

Injuries. Doesn't exactly help when Richter got his skull cracked open with two weeks left in the season and the Rangers still in the hunt.

Quote:Here's my guarantee......The Rangers WILL NOT make the playoffs again this year....and if I'm wrong, Snuka's sister will give ya all a little stinky pinky in yer shit shooter while knobbing ya with her toothless gums..LOL!!

damn, I was hoping you'd take your ball and go home, like you usually do when things don't go your way.

- LZMF1 - 07-04-2002

bag of shit howie is a-otay in my book but that aint saying much considering the fact that i'm a retard.

<span style='font-size:37pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:glow(color=orange)> FUCK THE FLYERS</span></table>
<span style='font-size:37pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:glow(color=royalblue)> AND FUCK THE STRANGERS AND THE ISLANDGIRLS</table></span>

thank you for coming to burger world, please drive through

Edited By LZMF1 on July 04 2002 at 10:32

- Raven - 07-04-2002

Holik and Kasper add tuffness to this team and make them much better -- now sign Amonte and Richter and move Nedved and Devo and get some more roll players:toast:

- Sean Cold - 07-05-2002

Well, Richter was resigned today. Now, there is rumblings that Amonte doesn't want to return to NY while Mess is still playing here. Thats not good in the least.

- Bag of Shit Howie - 07-05-2002

Quote:damn, I was hoping you'd take your ball and go home, like you usually do when things don't go your way.

Hey Scumbag, you only exist here now because I HAVEN'T BEEN!! You wanna start shooting your Hack ass mouth off mother fucker!!! Go for it you pile of shit!! The only place you can find sanctuary is on the Ron and Fez board, I refuse to go there....You wanna play douchebag...let's roll!! Everyone knows you're a wanna grow some balls and roll with the big dogs...bring it on scumbag!! I may not be able to check the board as much as your pathetic ass does, but let me tell you this much Cock-Gobbler.....Your days around here are numbered also!!! Yeah, that's right Bitch, the only safe-house for your Hack Ass is gonna be R&F. Ball's in your mouth....taste my swill Nigga!!

- Tenbatsuzen - 07-05-2002

Typical Howie Post:

Use lots of language and colorful imagery to get attention when he realizes he can't fight back.

What are you gonna do? Use your almighty powers to flood and/or edit my posts with your shit? Oh wait, you don't have those powers here.

Nor do you have them OA. Burned that bridge, oops. And in case you missed that, I was welcomed back at OA. And its funny, I'm actually known as a decent contributor there.

"Sanctuary" at RF? That's pathetically stupid to say on your part. The only reason you won't go there is because your idiotic ass would be banned in about three seconds because the mods there wouldn't put up with your, *ahem* "shit".

Tell you what, chucklehead. When you can actually have a debate with someone instead of using idle threats because, to be honest, my points about you taking off are about as valid as someone calling me a sig pic whore, then you can talk.

Until then, I'll let you go back to jerking off to your personal stash of Froy nude pics and tucking your junk between your legs wishing you were pretty enough for him to fuck you.

Edited By Tenbatsuzen on July 05 2002 at 02:21

- Sean Cold - 07-05-2002

well, guys, I am not trying to be a party pooper but i think this thread needs to be here now. Granted, I do see some sport like qualities in the way you hammer each other but alas, very few rules go around here and this is just a fuckin mess. I debated to actually move it to the bus but Jimmy likes more mother jokes in threads that are in there. Sorry, I know I suck but as is life.