Dear ken's pen - Where are you, my best buddy? - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 07-25-2002

I miss you in ways I can feel,
but have no way to truly explain.
Ways that are uncontrollable by reason and logic.
My heart stands like a lonely sentinel
looking through the windows of my soul
waiting for your long anticipated return;
An event which beckons on the horizon
with the inexorable slowness
of the earth turning coal to diamonds.
I feel like a solitary firefly flittering around aimlessly,
hoping to find you like a beacon in the night.
Has it only been a few days
since you went away?
The weight of your absence
has woven the tapestry of my time
into weeks bereft of heartfelt smiles.
I'm consumed by an emptiness and longing
as big as the night;
Only you can fill it.
At best, each day without you
is colored only in shades of gray.
At worst, each day without you
is a dark, fog blanketed night
that has no sunrise to look forward to.
I miss you in a way that
leaves the canvas of my dreams
painted with the brightly colored brushes of
the sound of your laughter,
the smell of your perfume,
and the enveloping warmth of your wonderful hugs.
My only solace
is I can already sense some of the
overwhelming joy I'll feel
when you return.
Just the hint of it
makes my heart start to swell.
This must be how a rainbow feels
as it arches toward sunshine and heaven.
Please hurry back to me!
I miss you!

- NaughtyAngel - 07-25-2002

yesterday we want him dead, and today we miss him (well not me)

- Luna - 07-25-2002

Where oh where has our little Pen gone...
Oh where oh where can he be?

- Grumpy - 07-25-2002

Fuckin Twinkie Poet of CDIH strikes again.....

- Gooch - 07-25-2002

Most true grumpy dogs
floss their teeth with fragments of
federal postal bags.

- Jack - 07-25-2002

I think that Ken hates us.

- DGW - 07-25-2002

I think he can't handle your name change
But I haven't seen Capn Longfingers either
Things that make yah go hmmmmm.........

- Jack - 07-25-2002

It's all a conspiracy. They are out to get us.

- OAS - 07-25-2002

Who the Fuck is Ken or Arpi? Have they been gone? Were they ever here?

- Gooch - 07-25-2002

The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

:lookatme: Gooch:lookatme:

- crx girl - 07-26-2002

[Image: wavey.gif]hi ken

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

now dance......

- Luna - 07-26-2002

Hi Pen! :lookatme:

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

smushy face

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

So Luna any big plans for this evening?

- Sean Cold - 07-26-2002

Awww, fuck, now that Ken has finally gotten his dad off the kiddie porn sites and signed on, does this mean Goochie won't write any more poems?

- Ken'sPen - 07-26-2002

How bout you Sean,
anything fun going on this evening?

- The Sleeper - 07-26-2002

What about me? ask me if I'm having anything fun going on this evening.

- Gooch - 07-26-2002

hopefully it's more <font size=3>b:bouncer: :bouncer: bsh:bouncer: ts</font> so I can be a more pathetically over-the-top drooling tool