David Letterman's top ten..... - Good Things About The Strike - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 08-01-2002

I don't watch the Late Show anymore but caught this on Sportscenter and though I would share it with those who missed it.

Top Ten Good Things About A Baseball Strike

10. Players can spend more quality time with their performance-enhancing drugs

9. Plenty of stadium parking available

8. Will be spared the gruesome sight of Mo Vaughn adjusting his cup

7. Yankee Stadium becomes affordable place for weddings and bar mitzvahs

6. World Series of Poker would finally get the attention it deserves

5. Fun to think, with each passing day Alex Rodriguez is out another 85 grand

4. Have you seen the Devil Rays?

3. Exhausted, overworked baseball players deserve a long rest

2. Fewer drunken New Yorkers riding the D-train

1. Gives Mike Piazza a chance to catch up on all the Broadway theater he's missed

- criticslovesnatch - 08-01-2002

Quote:1. Gives Mike Piazza a chance to catch up on all the Broadway theater he's missed

- GonzoStyle - 08-01-2002

Quote:Fun to think, with each passing day Alex Rodriguez is out another 85 grand

aaaahhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahah :bow:

- Keyser Soze - 08-04-2002

11. Mike Piazza gets to spend more time on Saturday Night Rocks.

- Tenbatsuzen - 08-04-2002

Yeah, Piazza can fall back on his second career... unfortunately, when he sees what AFTRA scale pays, he'll be screaming for the strike to end. Smile