The Super Bowl - Which team do you want to win? - Printable Version

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- Maximus - 01-29-2002

Just trying to get a feel for who is rooting for who. Personally, I feel the Rams have a better offense and defense which will allow them take the championship without any problem.

Why do you think the team you pick will win? Post your opinions here.

- Maynard - 01-29-2002

I'd love to see New England win. That's who I'm rooting for. But in all honesty. I think the Rams will win.

- Danked - 01-29-2002

um... before this thread, i really didn't know who was playing.

- criticslovesnatch - 01-29-2002

Rams, but the pats will probably cover the spread, which is now 16.

- Francine Banger - 01-29-2002

I dont really like either team, therefore I could give 2 shits who win. But I do see the Rams killing them, and I guess I would rather see the Rams win, because I dont want to see Bellichick and all those ex Jets win a Super Bowl, and being in a position the Jets might have been, if they could have beaten pathetic Buffalo.

- Sean Cold - 01-29-2002

This years Super Bowl: A lame ass excuse to have a party and to wreck mi casa.

I am such a glutton for punishment, I will take the Rams and the 16. I am locking that in as my spread and tomorrow, yes I know you are all looking foward to it, I will start my cheezy super bowl pool for cookies!

Yeah, I suck. Confusedhot:

- crx girl - 01-29-2002

i will refrain from picking a team for this one since i seem to have some kind of a curse.. :roll:

on the other hand, what's everyone doing for the superbowl? going to a party/bar? staying home and ignoring it? getting a 6 of coors lite and sitting at home in your own filthy undies? :crossbones:

- Rape Fantasizer - 01-29-2002

I say lets party! And I think the rams will win, but I don't want them to because that will make my ex bf way too happy, so GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!

- The Sleeper - 01-29-2002

I like both teams and this was the matchup I was hoping for, so I'm pretty impartial. So I guess I'll root for the underdog Pats, especially if they start Brady cause he is the fuckin shit!

- AFDude - 01-29-2002

Who do you think I'd picK?

Call it blind optimism, or just plain stubborn, but I'll take the Pats. I've been a fan all my life, and even though I know how incredible the Rams offense is, I think they have a shot. Why?

Superior special teams
a veryunderrated defense
Belichick is the ace in the a man, the Rams players/coaches all admitted that all year, the toughest opponent they had was the Pats. hell, if Brady hadn't thrown two picks in their game, they could have won. I know, that game was on grass...but to hang with a team like the Rams gives your whole group a huge shot of confidence.

Of course Marshall Faulk is fairly close to unstoppable,but Belichick is a master at game planning for people....he knows how to take away the star player for teams, and as shown against Pittsburgh last week, in a hostile environment, the Pats run defense came up huge, and shut the "Stillers" down.

All the pressure is on the Rams to win this game...after all, they are supposed to be here, and the Pats weren't even supposed to make the playoffs.

I will say one thing, though: I hope Bledsoe gets some PT in the game....I've been a fan of his since he joined the league, and if nothing else, a good showing will help his negotations with other teams.

So to make a long story short, my picK:

Pats 28
Rams 24

- Cluster F - 01-29-2002

Patriots 27, Rams 17

MVP: Troy Brown

THis game will be nip and tuck the whole way, as Belichek's defense stymies the Rams high power offense. Both defenses should perform solidly, and the games will be decided by special teams (Troy Brown and Vinateri). ANd the Pats will win it all Smile

- Maynard - 01-29-2002

Quote:getting a 6 of coors lite and sitting at home in your own filthy undies?
Actually, I'm planning on going to a friends house and doing that.

- DGW - 01-29-2002

The official Vegas line is now Rams -14 1/2.

I want the Pats to win but if i'm to bet I may have to go with the horned ones.

Doing??? Got a dart tourney, from 12-5 before the the Game. Then heading to bud's house. He's got some big ole 60 inch tv in his basement. Nice! Plus i can smoke green over his house with his boxer....and I got the next day off ....woohoo....I think the Superbowl should me made a national holiday. :roltflmao:

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2002

I am goin with DGW only cause I will do whatever he wants to get a chance to fuck him till he dies of cerebral adema.

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2002

Maynard Wrote:
Quote:getting a 6 of coors lite and sitting at home in your own filthy undies?
Actually, I'm planning on going to a friends house and doing that.
Strawberry doesn't drink coors.

- DGW - 01-29-2002

Quote:cerebral adema
Sounds kinda sexy. Count me in.

- GonzoStyle - 01-29-2002

I'm gonna hold off until the Pats announce who their starting QB is. If it is bledsoe I am going with the rams if it is brady I'm goin with the pats.

- Banana_juice - 01-29-2002

Being a hardcore Tampa Bay Bucs fan, i dont care who wins, but I think the Rams will take it

- crx girl - 09-10-2003

where the hell did this come from?

- HedCold - 09-10-2003

someone must have voted