Favorite episodes? - Best tv has to offer - Printable Version

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- IkeaBoy - 02-09-2002

We all see the best movies, best shows ever thread but I've been thinking and what are some of the best individual episodes of TV shows you've ever seen. The hour or half hour that defines why you own a set:

* M*A*S*H: Abyssina Henry
* Duckman: The Once and Future Duck
* NewsRadio: Bill Moves On
* Homicide: LOTS: Night of the Dead Living

- GonzoStyle - 02-09-2002

Honeymooners - 'Young at Heart'
Odd Couple - 'Hawaii Vacation'
Oz - all of them pretty much
Diffrent Strokes - 'The Ali Episode'
Growing Pains 'When Carol's B/F Died that was so funny.'

- Luna - 02-09-2002

The only one I can think of right now is:
Sienfeld - The Puerta Rican Day Parade (too bad nobody will ever see that one again)

- The Sleeper - 02-09-2002

Seinfeld: Soup Nazi, Masturbation Contest
Family Guy: Every Episode I've seen
Simpsons: Flaming Moe's (Not funniest, but most memorable for me)
Twilight Zone: "You think about that now"

- 82-1012268026 - 02-10-2002

Seinfeld: Masturbation Contest
Dragonball Z: Majin Vegeta Vs. Goku- The Beginning
Dragonball Z: Vegeta Vs. Android 19
The Simpsons: The Gay Episode
Cowboy Bepop: The Real Folk Blues Episode 2
The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror (Evil Krusty Doll Episode)
Seinfeld: Urban Sombrerro Episode
Seinfeld: Kramer's Cough (Smuckers), Newman's Hawaii Route
Dragonball Z: The Death of Cell

- IkeaBoy - 02-10-2002

Simpsons: Homer's Barbershop quartet
Twilight Zone: Five Characters in Search of an Exist
NewsRadio: The Dream Episode
The Critic: Dial M for Mother (the one where he insults his mother on national TV)
The X-Files: Jose Chung's From Outer Space
South Park: NAMBLA 2000

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 09 2002 at 11:30

- Arpikarhu - 02-10-2002

newsradio- monkey death fist
simpsons- the one where homer mistakes the kids asking for allowance for the ice cream man

- Galt - 02-10-2002

I'm sorry, the ***OFFICIAL*** best episode of Seinfeld was "Bizzaro Jerry"

In that episode....
....Elaine obviously hung around with the Bizzaro Jerry and his group of nice friends
....Kramer started to work. He went to the office every day with a briefcase filled with Ritz crakers and was eventually fired for his completely incompetant and rambling "report" despite the fact that he didn't work there.
....Jerry started dating man hands
....George took a picture of man hands, passed it off as his dead fiance and was whisked into this Xanadu of hot models in a warehouse.

- Weird NJ - 02-10-2002

News Radio - Matthew tries to make Dave like Dilbert, and ends up suspended from the ceiling, aka Mission Impossible, and then Dave walks in and sees him there. :giggles: Yeah, I liked that one

- Hybrid - 02-10-2002

south park-when kenny gives his dad abortion in a bottle.
Dragonball Z- every episode ever. uncut of course.

- Sephiroth - 02-10-2002

Upright Citizen's Brigade: Ass-Pennies.
The adventures od Pete and Pete: Tunnel to Freedom
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: Manos- The Hands of Fate
Dragonball Z- The one where Akira Toriyama died of a Massive Heart Attach at the age of 58, ths ensuring the world will never again have to live through such a godawful excuse for anime.

- Kid A - 02-10-2002

Quote:Dragonball Z- The one where Akira Toriyama died of a Massive Heart Attach at the age of 58, ths ensuring the world will never again have to live through such a godawful excuse for anime.
Seph, there is no excuse for anime.

- Hybrid - 02-10-2002

Quote:Dragonball Z- The one where Akira Toriyama died of a Massive Heart Attach at the age of 58, ths ensuring the world will never again have to live through such a godawful excuse for anime.
i know deep in your heart you wish you were a super saiyan.

- Sephiroth - 02-10-2002

Kid- I hate you.

Hybrid- No. Just....... no.

- Hybrid - 02-10-2002

i would. :lol:

- Danked - 02-10-2002

Sephiroth Wrote:Upright Citizen's Brigade: Ass-Pennies.
how could you forget Bong Boy?

- Hybrid - 02-10-2002

upright citizens brigade was a GREAT show. i wish they would show it more often on comedy central.
another good episode was either upright citizens or kids in the hall, im not sure- they had the game where it was kind of like baseball, but they had the circle with the gun and every once in a while a car would come on the field and run over people. what a great skit that was.

- The Sleeper - 02-10-2002

If you like UCB, they do Improv shows every Sunday for FREE at the UCB theatre on 22nd st and 7th Ave in Manhattan. I go almost every Sunday and its absolutely hilarious. I wasn't even a big fan of the show but it is well worth it to see them live.

- Sephiroth - 02-10-2002

HyBriD Wrote:upright citizens brigade was a GREAT show. i wish they would show it more often on comedy central.
another good episode was either upright citizens or kids in the hall, im not sure- they had the game where it was kind of like baseball, but they had the circle with the gun and every once in a while a car would come on the field and run over people. what a great skit that was.

Edit- Danked, that is the "Bucket of Truth" episode, fucking classic. If anyone else is wondering how I know all this, it's because I have all the episodes on CD-R's.

Edited By Sephiroth on Feb. 10 2002 at 01:56

- Danked - 02-10-2002

Sephiroth Wrote:Edit- Danked, that is the "Bucket of Truth" episode, fucking classic. If anyone else is wondering how I know all this, it's because I have all the episodes on CD-R's.
i swear to god i will stop harassing you if i can just get those from you. please send me your address so i can send you blank cd-rs so you can copy those for me. i swear to god i will not come over and rape you.