I need to say this - And you need to read it. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-12-2002

Quote:I really wish you'd all take fbd's advice and stop revelling and finding joy in the demise of

It might not have meant much to some, but to me and others, it represented some fine and important times in our lives.

If you want to shit on our feelings, memories and nostalgia, then by all means continue.

If you want to bash Froy, Ant, Roger or one of "them", go nuts, but be considerate of others.

Gonna do something dumb here but I will anyway. Please read the whole post to understand what I am trying to say.

It didn't hit me till I talked to Buttmunch just now, but like a ton of bricks it did.

Call me an emo fag but I am in tears literally. BM and I mentioned some of the old times we had last years pool tourney the brooklyn part almost 2 years ago. It finally hit me what was lost, not a site. The site was merely housing for us. It is the people, like an old friend you say bye too after you have lived, grown, loved, fought, and did crazy shit with for years. The memories of the fun we had and more importantly the lost opportunity of the fun we should have had, I don't mean in the last months or so. But we shoulda partied more and hung out more but like with all things, the longevity seems endless.

It hurts more not that the site is gone, I can post here. But all the times, the fun, etc is closed now. I pictured BM and myself in his kitchen and that image is what was. The little moments with people you cared about like fuckin crazy. That moment may mean shit to you but it means the world to me. You have your own moment probably, not a post someone did but an IM convo you had with someone just as people. A moment you spent with someone or a group of people.

Instead spend this time learning from the past and not repeating it, time is short and precious. Look how fast over 2 years flew by. I remember showing up at the ESPN zone in sept of 2000 like it was yesterday and now look where we are.

Remember and don't fuckin forget what we been through. For those of us old enough in tenure, remember the simplicity of how something like ground control started and what it became. IP, Up, all them, alkeys fu to his penis when he first joined. My eggplant story, a day in the life. Or like I said the small moments, a joke someone told you that you couldn't believe someone else got or remembered. Some inside joke you had with someone. For me I always remember FTL waaaaay back sending me a gif of a sig he made me which inspired my "gonzo's date" sig.

I had a Hell of a day today, explaining myself to people who thought I didn't care when I am hurting emotionally more than most of you now. For some of you it was just a board but for many people it was more than that. Had nothing to do with posts, it was the people. The times, the fun, even the arguments.

I implore you to quit bickering amongst yourselves, you will all fuckin miss eachother one day when this is all gone as I have come to this realization now. What are we arguing over? Froy is a piece of shit, who fuckin ruined this for us cause he wanted his way. It wasn't what someone posted, the post coulda been deleted and the site coulda gone on. Froy wanted an out no matter how much you don't wanna believe it. What was posted was dumb but there have been tons of personal dumb things posted and the site never shut down. That is not the point no more, we can argue it over and over, but why?

It is gone, while for many that means shit, "it was just a board". Like BM said be considerate to others memories and hurts. People said "the board is dying" and it did die finally. But that doesn't mean that it is so easy to let go of.

So instead of bickering and arguing, have some fun with eachother, do you wanna have regrets later on that you didn't have fun when you should have? Or that you had the most fun you could have when you had the chance.

I know this is not, I wish we could bring back Who knows what will happen, weirder shit has happened. But for the time being just have fun.

We can still have parties, we can still have softball games, etc etc. Most importantly we have eachother and we ain't goin nowhere.

Thanks for listening.

PS: Instead of being pissed at someone, try to forgive someone instead.

- The Painter - 10-12-2002

I'm over it. And I still love you. After all, you are a sweet talker.

- JerseyThunder - 10-12-2002

Brav-fucking-O!!! Thanks for reminding me of the fun times. The site was my lifeline back home when I was in mississippi for those nine months I was down there two years ago. I made a lot of friends(belive it or not) and had a few fights but it was still fun.

There were times I will never forget such as Ground Control, and the infamous A day in the life of thread off the top of my head that I can call to mind. I had a lot of fun over there.

I still think the board was going downhill after syndication and people tried to make it all nicey nice. There seemed to be a purge between the time I left MS and the time I was able to get back online. It was very wierd seeing I.P. and Up there when I left then gone when I got back for no reason at all. I considered them both to be good friends even though I never met either one and for them to leave and give no reason or even a good bye was something that to this day I still don't understand(when I think about it).

Anyway, I guess like a dead loved one, we should try to remember the good times had by all of us. I guess there's no reason talking bad about the dead. They can't hear and they can't say anything back anyway.

- Cunk - 10-12-2002

To be honest I envy a lot of you people. You all obviously got something out of the board that I never did and I doubt I ever could have. I'll miss for the unique sense of humor that flourished there.

- GonzoStyle - 10-12-2002

Quote:Anyway, I guess like a dead loved one, we should try to remember the good times had by all of us. I guess there's no reason talking bad about the dead. They can't hear and they can't say anything back anyway.

He ain't as silly as we thought.

- JerseyThunder - 10-12-2002

Quote:He ain't as silly as we thought.

I have my moments.

- GonzoStyle - 10-12-2002

Yes you do my friend, you may be crazy and annoying at times but I still love you, we had our good moments. This ain't goodbye, just the start of a whole new day.

- JerseyThunder - 10-12-2002

Quote:Death is only the beginning
-The Mummy

Never has that one quote held more meaning than now.

I love you too Gonzy. I think I might post better when I'm drunk and on some sort of stimulant, as sad as that may be Undecided .

Damn down to my last beer. Well here's a toast to the and what it was and to the friends I've made through the years. :toast:

For some reason I couldn't get this line outta my head when I read your post except I haven't totaly lost it yet:

Quote:Pvt Pyle maybe silly and ignorant but he's got guts, and guts is enough.
- GYSGT Hartman- Full Metal Jacket

Edited By JerseyThunder on 1034421268

- onehung - 10-12-2002

Emo fag

- Jack - 10-12-2002

How can I even begin to give back what I got out of The friends I've made, the choices it helped me make, and my path to eventually end up here.

I cannot put into words what my frienship with some of the people here means to me. Even though I may have never actually met anyone of them in person, some of them I feel very close to.

If it were not for Gonzo, and his love for, I never would have gone back to school. How can I return that kind of favor?

What happened yesterday is like a shot in the arm. I tried to ignore it, I tried facing it direct on and ended up arguing with someone I used to like, I even tried to laugh about it. But I just don't know what to do anymore.

You can go ahead and say I never got out of it what some of you did because of how far away from NY I am, and you would probably be right. However, I may have taken something far greater away from there.

- Teenweek - 10-12-2002

Quote:To be honest I envy a lot of you people. You all obviously got something out of the board that I never did and I doubt I ever could have. I'll miss for the unique sense of humor that flourished there.

I liked o& because of the people there. It does not matter what the site name is. It was a fun place to waste time and bullshit and crack jokes or have a serious conversation about anything. I got to know many of you online and I know I enjoy talking with most of you. I never did attend any events so I don't know any of you personally, but this place can be as good and probably better than o& When I ran my awards over there and one of the things was who do you miss most. All those people are over here.

It is not about the url and it isn't about the mods or teh watchdogs who watch over and monitor the board. It is about the people. Those are the ones I care about. It is weird and I do miss that place, but I know I can have as much enjoyment over here as I did over there.

Just stay away from the personal crap that was the undoing of that board. We can argue, we can disagree, we can laugh. It is just nice having a place like this to go.

Edited By Teenweek on 1034427711

- radioguy - 10-12-2002

I understand everyone's feeling that they coulda/shoulda done something.
But remember you didn't kill the board, Froy did.
It didn't have to come to this.

- FAST FREDDY - 10-12-2002

Quote:PS: Instead of being pissed at someone, try to forgive someone instead.

[Image: freddylove.jpg]

:bow: Confusedmokey:

- Buttmunch - 10-12-2002

Eddie, I forgive you for wearing those god-awful sandals at the Brooklyn party.

- Silera - 10-12-2002

I feel better today.

I will resume to hating humanity as a whole and not specific members of it.

- Gooch - 10-12-2002

Quote:Eddie, I forgive you for wearing those god-awful sandals at the Brooklyn party.


But will anyone ever forgive Corpse for not bringing the food. :bouncer:

- FollowThisLogic - 10-12-2002

No doubt that the board changed my life. I've met some of my best friends... including my best friend. I fell in love, love deeper than I've ever felt, or am likely to feel again.

The board may go away, but the people don't have to. I've got a buddy list full of you guys, and I don't plan on having a delete spree just because the douchebag who ran the place decided to take his ball and go home.

At least the board went down in flames. It died with some fucking honor. I don't know, it's kind of nice to say that Grandpa died in the war, instead of Grandpa was suffering for years, dying of cancer. It didn't get merged onto OTL like dipshit wanted. Though I'm sad to see it go, I would have been a lot sadder to see it go THAT way.

- virgingrrl - 10-12-2002

very nice kitten. that place is where we all began, the good and the bad. even though it will no longer be there, no one can take our memories.

- GonzoStyle - 10-12-2002

Quote:Eddie, I forgive you for wearing those god-awful sandals at the Brooklyn party.

Ron, I forgive you for wearing those piss-yellow shorts to bar 9. Then sitting down in front of me, while I realized you had no underwear on cause your cock slid down the left thigh of the short.... it looked like it was dancing when you tapped your foot to the music.

But beyond that, I must admit. You are a blessed man.

- GonzoStyle - 10-12-2002

There is more than enough to go around.