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- PeterDragon - 11-01-2002

Well, it may be cold outside, but die hard baseball fans find stuff to worry about even in the winter time.

Just today alone there is all sorts of rumors regarding the 2 NY teams.

The Yankees seem to have made behind the scene deals for Japanese slugger Godzilla Matsui, who announced yesterday he will seek to play in the US. We all know how wrong Newspapers can be, but all have said that the Yankees have already made some sort of deal involving showing the Yomauri Giants on the Yes network.

Roger Clemens has (surprise, surprise) decided to take his $10Mill for free and become a free agent. Will the Yanks resign him, or will he go to a team like Texas?

Andy Petite may not be back with Yankees if you believe other rumors.

On the Mets front, they again continue to amaze me in what a joke the management is. It looks like now they will go and bring back Dave Wallace as a pitching coach, who isn't bad but obviously isn't Howe's choice, instead of trying to get Leo Mazzone who has put out the word he might be ready for a move.

And in today's biggest joke story, today's <a target="new" href="">Newark Star Ledger</a> today's story is about the Mets threatening to void 2 years of Mo Vaughn's contract if he doesn't lose weight. I'd love to hear what Donald Fehr has to say about that one... :banana: :twak:

- HedCold - 11-01-2002

Quote:I'd love to hear what Donald Fehr has to say about that one...
its in his contract he has to stay in shape
Quote:but one high-ranking baseball official close to Wilpon said the owner reminded Vaughn about a clause in his contract that states he's obligated to stay in shape. Paragraph 3a of the standard players' contract says a player agrees "to keep himself in first class physical condition and to obey the club's training rules."
would they actually void the contract, probably not, but at least wilpon finally said something about it and is showing some balls.

- Arpikarhu - 11-01-2002

the yanks will sign the jap, clemens and pettite will be back. el duque is gone. weaver moves into a starting role. ventura will be back. vanderwal is gone, they will trade white. either rivera or thames will be the 3rd outfielder.

- HedCold - 11-01-2002

plus wilpon is cheap so anyway for him to get a few extra million he'll try and do it

- PeterDragon - 11-01-2002

Quote:its in his contract he has to stay in shape
but as it says later in the article it would be really hard to get it voided.

As for Clemens, a lot depends on who makes the call - Steinbrenner or Cashman.

And I forgot another one - there is that cuban pitcher, Contrares (or something like that) who is supposedly better than El Duque was and is "28". He is trying that to get that bogus dominican residency so that he can be a free agent. He may very well be the big offseason wildcard, and of course we know how George likes those cuban refugees. :fucking:

- Galt - 11-01-2002

The Yankees won't keep Clemens because it would be a stupid move to, and the Yankees don't make stupid moves.

The Red Sox will, however make stupid signings galore

- Keyser Soze - 11-01-2002

mazzone wanted to work under pinella, after that deal fell through, so did mazzone

- PeterDragon - 11-02-2002

Quote:mazzone wanted to work under pinella, after that deal fell through, so did mazzone

Actually after Pinella decided on Tampa Mazzone's agent still said he'd be interested in NY (although Pinella definitely was a draw he isn't going to Tampa).

Mets need to move Steve Phillips away from the power, and having him select coaches is a bad sign, even if the coaches aren't bad.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-02-2002

I have a feeling Clemens will NOT be back, not because the Yankees don't want him, but because he's a douche.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-07-2002

Arghh...I knew they were going to do this...but give me a break...I love my Andy...and besides, he's one of the best lefties out there....when he's consistent.

Quote:Club would like Pettitte back, but for less money news services

The Yankees have a slew of personnel decisions to make this offseason, including whether to pick up left-hander Andy Pettitte's option for next season.

But New York has begun talking to other teams about the possibility of trading Pettitte, the Newark Star-Ledger reported Tuesday, in case it can't negotiate a three-year deal whose average annual value is less than his $11.5 million option.

The Yankees have until Nov. 15 to decide whether to pick up the option, but according to the Star-Ledger, their preference is to negotiate a new deal with Pettitte. If they can't do that, the Yankees probably would try to trade him. For that reason, they have begun trying to gauge other teams' interest.

According to the Star-Ledger, the Philadelphia Phillies, who were on the verge of acquiring Pettitte before the Yankees backed out of a trade-deadline deal in 1999, are a strong possibility if the Yankees decide to deal him.

An unnamed Phillies official confirmed to the newspaper on Monday that the Phillies have an interest in the left-hander, but the Phillies also are looking at free agent Tom Glavine and fellow veteran left-handers Chuck Finley and Jamie Moyer.

"We definitely have interest in Pettitte," the official told the Star-Ledger. "We're trying to improve our rotation with a veteran."

The Yankees' desire to discuss trading Pettitte, a consistent winner in their rotation since 1995, is fueled by several factors.

There has been talk that the team is more concerned than ever about the health of Pettitte's elbow. He had a strong second half last season after returning from an elbow injury, but the injury did cost Pettitte two months of the season.

According to the Star-Ledger, the Yankees could be shopping Pettitte around to create doubt in his and his agents' minds about his value as they begin to negotiate a new deal with him.

New York wants to know what Pettitte's value would be in a trade in case they decide they should deal him to reduce their payroll. There have been indications that team owner George Steinbrenner wants Roger Clemens back in the rotation next season -- and it would be very difficult to bring both Clemens and Pettitte back if their goal is to cut payroll.

The Yankees also would like to move Jeff Weaver into the rotation next year, and if Orlando Hernandez and David Wells return, they won't have room in the rotation for both Clemens and Pettitte.

Yankees GM Brian Cashman said Monday he has not begun negotiating with any of the team's potential free agents and probably wouldn't until after baseball's free-agency period opens and he can assess his outside options. By that time, though, all 29 other teams will be free to negotiate with any player they choose to -- including Clemens.

"We're just going to be very cautious," Cashman told the Star-Ledger. "I've definitely reached out to clubs to see what they're looking to do, and to let them know what we're looking to do. We're assessing the market, and we'll see."

- PeterDragon - 11-07-2002

Yankees have good team, and still look like they will be dealing (Even Giambi getting into the Godzilla promotional tour);
my Mets sucked and they don't even have a pitching coach yet. (Righetti is latest rumor).

Petite is an interesting guy. Not too old and lefthanded; does little things well (field & hold runners), but they are really concerned about that elbow.

I have a feeling I'm going to hear it from DIG sooner rather than later; Phillies look to be very active, and are in the running for the few good free agents (Thome, glavine) in addition to Petite.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-07-2002

are their any rumors about the mets hiring John Franco as a pitching coach?

- Keyser Soze - 11-07-2002

ok, the Mets might still be in the hunt for Mazzone after all, and Glavine as well...

Quote:<font size="3">Mets talk to Glavine's agent</font> news services

The New York Mets are apparently turning to one of their most bitter rivals to try and boost their own lineup.

According to a report in The New York Times on Thursday, the Mets have contacted Atlanta's Tom Glavine's agent and are also in the midst of asking the Braves for permission to speak to pitching coach Leo Mazzone.

The Mets were looking to replace pitching coach Charlie Hough with Dave Wallace, but Wallace told the Mets on Monday that he would stay on as the Dodgers' vice president for baseball operations.

With that, New York might turn to Mazzone, whose contract runs out on Dec. 31. According to the report, Mazzone might consider the Mets since they might offer a more lucrative deal.

But Braves general manager John Schuerholz said Wednesday that the team and Mazzone's place in the Atlanta organization would play a part in whether or not to grant permission. The Mets face a similar problem with Giants pitching coach Dave Righetti, who is still under contract. New York has not yet asked for permission, but Giants GM Brian Sabean told The Times on Wednesday that if they did "they would be denied permission."

Glavine, meanwhile, rejected Atlanta's one-year, $9 million offer, and can begin negotiating with other teams starting on Tuesday.

The Mets have at least two open spots on their starting rotation.

- PeterDragon - 11-07-2002

Quote:But Braves general manager John Schuerholz said Wednesday that the team and Mazzone's place in the Atlanta organization would play a part in whether or not to grant permission.
If that is the case, the team had better be smart enough to wait until Dec 31, when no permission would be necessary.

As for Franco, he still thinks he can pitch.

- PeterDragon - 11-08-2002

NY Post reporting today that Yankees have already signed Godzilla for 2 yrs 24 mil, even though he can't officially be signed until next week (which is why they probably are denying the report).

Mets meanwhile seem to have lost out to Leo Mazzone.

The more things change, the more they stay the same :disappointed:

- Teenweek - 11-08-2002

the yankees are making a pitch for glavine too according to the post and news.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-08-2002

Quote:the yankees are making a pitch for glavine too according to the post and news.

good thing they are looking for younger pitchers.. Rolleyes

- Teenweek - 11-08-2002

i think it was just because the mets were interested

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-08-2002

maybe it was because you are gay :lol:

- Teenweek - 11-08-2002

that's not what your mom said. :rofl: :banana: