Just when i was getting comfortable - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 11-02-2002

I was in a really bad car accident last year around this time. I have not driven since then which was a little over a year. I just started driving again last week, I was nervous as Hell. I'd get flashbacks of the accident at every intersection, it was really bad.

Today I finally was getting back into my own and it was starting to feel fine again. I was going to pick my mother up from work and I am at a red light. All of a sudden I hear a thud just like the one in my accident and glass crunching and I don't feel nothing but my heart fuckin goes crazy and I start shaking.

In the lane next to me 4 cars slammed into eachother, I got even more nervous when the first car started coming in my direction but it was just being pushed at that point from the truck behind it. Luckily the light turned green and I went around the front car and got my ass out of there. There were a ton of people there and someone was already calling 911. I turned off onto the next street and stopped till I could calm back down.

Now all I keep on hearing is the fuckin sound of those cars crunching together and glass breaking.

- The Sleeper - 11-02-2002

Driving scares me as well. That's why I like living in Manhattan where everything is accessible through walking and trains.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-02-2002

If things are seriously still bothering you that bad, you should see someone about it, trust me when I say its not going to get better on its own. If you don't have insurance, you could probably join a support group which would also serve the same purpose. Also there are even support groups online which may be helpful.

- Mad - 11-03-2002

Post-traumatic stress disorder. Take some valium (5mg.) as needed. That will be $500, thank you. Have a nice day.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2002

When I was getting physical therapy after the accident, for my back, knee, shoulder and neck. They sent me to physchiatrist, didn't really do shit for me. I just enjoyed fucking with his mind, more than seeking help. Cause their advice is so fuckin generic anyway. This is something you do on your own, I am honestly fine with it but the accident today just bought back bad memories is all.

I'll deal with it, shrinks are for people who can't think for themselves. Pampered fucks.

- PatCooper - 11-03-2002

Just be thankful you weren't in the other lane.
I've been in a few accidents but only one with me behind the wheel.
Luckly no one got hurt and i started driving again a few weeks later.
That was 11 years ago and still driving,so dont let your fears win.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2002

Well I was in 2 accidents, one was completely not my fault. The other one was really bad though and I was partially at fault. I got sideswiped but I did cross over the lane a bit and I swerved into a building. My whole side of the car was smashed in and my knee was just torn to shreds.

I think mostly it is the fear that the car I am driving now is my moms, since I don't need a car now I use hers whenever I need it. Plus since I am not comfortable driving yet I don't need a car yet. The fear of ruining her car is probably what scares me most, I have more concern in inconveniencing her than hurting myself.

- Mad - 11-03-2002

Quote:I'll deal with it, shrinks are for people who can't think for themselves. Pampered fucks.

Damn straight.

The drugs help to deal with the flashbacks. I had a head-on crash and was lucky enough to walk away with minimal damages (mild TBI, banged up knee and mild whiplash). Out of work for just two days from it.

Then about eleven months later hit from behind after coming to an emergency stop. Major TBI, three blown disc's and an Insurance company full of evil fucks.

So it goes.

Be well and watch out for the stupid fucks on the road.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2002

I don't believe much in prescription drugs, i was on a few anti-depressents for a while. But that wasn't due to the accidents it was just personal shit. But I feel a person should help themselves and never rely on outside help, cause it usually sucks. No one cares for you like you do, nor does anyone know you as well as you do. Just think about things and you can usually come to the same realizations, just be honest with yourself.

- Kim - 11-03-2002

Quote:I've been in a few accidents but only one with me behind the wheel

No it wasn't me driving...Those Damn houses get in the way ;-)

I was in a really bad accident 7 years ago (wasn't my fault). Some old fuck blew a stop sign, hit me at like 50 mph and caused my car to go into on coming traffic. I only suffered minor injuries...I didn't get back into the drivers seat until a month or so later...I still avoid that intersection whenever possible...That guy should have never been on the road, this was his 3rd accident in 2 years!

- PatCooper - 11-03-2002

Quote:Those Damn houses get in the way

I didnt hit the house. I just took out a bunch of bushes and Ok maybe a few shingles came off but it's not like i went through the fucker.

- The Jays - 11-03-2002

... this reminds me of the ER episode where Abby was trying to keep Carter occupied so that he wouldn't notice that the person who stabbed him two years ago had come back and when Carter saw him, he suddenly became distraught and went to the bathroom and threw up in the sink while the same music that played when he was stabbed played in the background.

- IrishAlkey - 11-03-2002

Just keep driving.

The more you do, the better it'll get.


- The Sleeper - 11-03-2002

that was amazing advice

- IrishAlkey - 11-03-2002

It's true.

After my accident I couldn't even be in the car with anybody driving except myself. I always felt they were getting too close to the car in front of me. After working a job for the last two years where I'm on the road seven days a week, it isn't an issue anymore. So... :fuckoff:

- OAS - 11-03-2002

I probably just jinxed myself but I have been driving for 30 years and have never had an auto accident. Not even a fender bender. I know the law of averages are working against me and I will have one soon. I did have one motorcycle accident 20 years ago when some asswipe cut in front of me and I had to swerve the bike into a curb to avoid being hit. I never have been back on a bike since.

I was in my share of them when I was a kid. My dad had his share of them. One when I was 6, back in the day before seatbelts were all the rage, threw me over the front seat and threw the windshield. All I got out of it was a broken leg.

- Arpikarhu - 11-03-2002

Quote:All I got out of it was a broken leg.

- Gooch - 11-03-2002

Quote:I'll deal with it, shrinks are for people who can't think for themselves. Pampered fucks.

Friend of mine who was almost killed on 9/11 said same thing. He had something different to say once he went in. There is something to be said to talking things out, externalizing issues, with a profesional. Whether you do or not, that statement my friend sounded defensive, b/c he, like you, is a smart and capable guy. He is much better now, having gone in to work it out.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2002

Well don't get me wrong, it is extremely soothing to talk shit out with a friend or people you trust. I don't mean keep shit to yourself and deal with it. But to go out and pay someone to listen and then give you some bullshit generic advice or hear him quote what someone else thinks of what is wrong. Even worse to have him sit there and ask "wll what do you think?". Is a waste of my time, money and patience. It's good to get shit off your chest to people you know and who know you, not who know what freud or jung thought.

Ultimatly though the only person who can change you, is you though.

- Arpikarhu - 11-03-2002

Quote:Ultimatly though the only person who can change you, is you though.
this made me a little misty :-p