Smackdown tapings for 11/7 - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 11-06-2002

Smackdown tapings

Big Show-Brock Lesnar recap feud video is shown.

(1) Kidman & Torrie Wilson beat Jamie Knoble & Nidia when Kidman pinned Knoble after the Shooting Star Press. Good stuff from the Cruiserweight and Wilson's getting better in the ring, passable action throughout.

John Cena rapped backstage and Rikishi interrupted him rapping on his own.

(2) Rikishi beat John Cena with a Banzai Drop. Pretty much a squash here with Cena getting very little offense, not much heat in this match, a very common ocurrance throughout the night due to the horrible crowd.

Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore talked backstage about Mattitude, Matt said he had a challenge of sorts for the Big Show...

Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero talked backstage with Stephanie McMahon (her only on-air appearance all night) they both demanded that they should receive title shots, Steph said Eddie could get a title shot, against the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar.

(3) Big Show beat Matt Hardy when he caught him coming off the top rope for a chokeslam...Total squash. Big Show was NOT over by the way, but at least we know he can beat one of the Hardy Boyz.

Al Wilson (Torrie's Father) came to the ring, cut a monotone promo and proposed to Dawn Marie, after much hesitation and thinking, she said "Yes."

(4) Edge & Rey Mysterio beat Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle in a Two out of Three Falls match that went 25 minutes and was re-started after a controversial third fall. This match was the best and worst of both worlds for me. The best was seeing one of the best TV matches all year and four great athletes, while the worst was the downright awful crowd, who didn't pop, didn't care and even chanted "Boring" when Kurt Angle put Rey Mysterio in a side headlock 15 minutes in. But to the positives, first fall was won by Mysterio/Edge as they used some double team moves to score the pin on Benoit. Second fall, Benoit hit Edge with the Tag Title belt and Angle put him in the Anklelock to even things up. At this point I believe they went to a commercial break as they stalled in the ring. When they came back we got a false finish with the referee counting three on Angle only to see him reverse the decision and re-start the match. They went into an awesome ending sequence with everyone hitting their finishers and eventually Edge pinned Angle for the team win. New Tag champs. Manchester definitely didn't deserve this good of a match as they really didn't pop for anything.

(5) Brock Lesnar beat Eddie Guerrero with the F-5 in a solid match, albeit a clash of styles. In the end Chavo Guerrero tried to interfere but it ended up that Lesnar fought them both off and won the match easily. Note that Heyman refused to go to ringside with him, as they argued earlier.

Big Show jumped Lesnar from behind and threw him off the stage Undertaker style to the end the show. He cut a promo for the live crowd that I'm not sure whether or not it will air on TV. All he said was he was going to be the next WWE Champion.

Notes: The WWE will have to use lots of canned noise as this was the worst live crowd I've ever seen, and this is after going to about a dozen shows.

Biggest Pops
1. Edge
2. Lesnar
3. Torrie

Most Heat
1. The crowd itself for sitting around doing nothing
2. Kurt Angle
3. Dawn Marie after accepting the engagement.

- JerseyThunder - 11-06-2002

Quote:Al Wilson (Torrie's Father) came to the ring, cut a monotone promo and proposed to Dawn Marie, after much hesitation and thinking, she said "Yes."

More Dawn Marie is good but not like this. Where are they going with this story anyway?? Dawn as Torrie's step mom???? Ponderous, fucking ponderous. :disappointed:

- Peachy - 11-07-2002

Quote:Al Wilson (Torrie's Father) came to the ring, cut a monotone promo and proposed to Dawn Marie, after much hesitation and thinking, she said "Yes."

Sure, because everyone knows a proposal/marriage is always guaranteed to improve storylines. Rolleyes

And only one Steph McMahon appearance on the entire show? It's not often I say this, but maybe Hunter could learn a little something from his woman, like "less is more."

- x-file - 11-07-2002

whats this I keep seeing on TV for this tuesday about smackdown Vs. Raw wrestlers? Something involving SS?

- Teenweek - 11-07-2002

They were taped after Raw and before Smackdown.

UPN Raw/Smackdown! Special next Tuesday @ 9:00pm:
-Torrie Wilson vs. Trish Stratus (Interpromotional Bikini Contest)
-Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
-Rob Van Dam, Kane, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley and Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H, Chris Jericho, Christian, Rosey and Jamal

Results below:
**Interpromotional Bikini Contest Challenge - Trish Stratus and Torrie
Wilson went to a no-contest. Tazz served as commentator and did the usual
"Who do you like" deal. Both ladies looked phenomenal, especially Trish who
simply is stunning in person. Torrie ain't that bad either. Nidia broke up
the proceedings though after running in the ring and attacking Wilson. Trish
and Torrie then beat down Nidia and sent her packing, embracing for the fans
and giving us great dreams for years.

1) Eddie Guerrero beat Chris Benoit and Edge in a Triple Threat match when Guerrero pinned Edge after Mysterio interfered. Went about 13 minutes with all of them doing awesome as usual. Lots of stiff suplexes from Benoit and Eddie. In the end Mysterio ran out, fought off Chavo Guerrero and Kurt Angle then ran out attempting to fight off Mysterio but ended up costing partner Chris Benoit the match...

RVD, Booker, Kane, Jeff, Bubbs v. Jericho, HHH, 3-Minutes, Christian
Pretty good match that the crowd was finally into.Everyone was flaying around
for this one and nobody had a clue who was the legal man after about 45
seconds into the match. HHH picked up the win for his team by

- x-file - 11-08-2002

what is the purpose for this? or is there one at all or just for shits and giggles?


- Teenweek - 11-08-2002

I think it is just extra hype for Survivor Series.