Everquest Online for PS2 - anyone seen it yet? - Printable Version

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- slackjaw - 11-13-2002

So, for shits and giggles I put my name in for beta testing, second phase, should have my copy any day now. Anyone heard anything about it? I am pretty stoked for it.... I'll report in when I check it out for the first time.

- LZMF1 - 11-13-2002

i signed up too. so did keyser.

- Keyser Soze - 11-13-2002

just cause i signed up im assured to be a beta tester? i thought they were only picking the first x number of people.

- LyricalGomez - 11-13-2002

Alot of games often have an open beta...When Everquest first came out for PC they had like 6 Beta tests, I got into phase 3, phase 6 was an open beta for anyone that signed up

- QuickStop - 11-13-2002

where exactly do you guys sign up for beta testing?

edit: nevermind. i just figured it out myself and signed up

Edited By QuickStop on 1037159527

- LZMF1 - 11-15-2002

:thumbs-up: i just got my everquest online dvd in the mail! :thumbs-up:

- JustJon - 11-18-2002

I got the everquest dvd last week. The only good thing I can say so far is I figured out how to kill a garder snake before getting killed. a few times.

- LZMF1 - 11-19-2002

the servers frustrate the shit out of me!!!!
i'll play for a while and i'll get disconnected often! WTF?!?!?!? it's not like i'm using dial-up or sony wasn't expecting a huge amount of activity on their servers.

- slackjaw - 11-21-2002

Personally, I like it. They have seriously fixed the servers and I rarely disconnect anymore. What is making it rough is that there are no real instructions, so if you haven't really played EverQuest before, you will struggle at the beginning. I am sure the official release will have plenty of instructions, so there goes that. Gameplay is pretty damned smooth, I've never experienced any real lag, except maybe when connecting, it does seem to take forever to finally get into actually playing. Graphics are solid. Manipulating the chat modes takes some getting used to, but at this point I have become pretty proficient. All in all, I think it will be a big success..... unless they decide to rape us for subscription fees, that could be the demise.

I'll check in later with more, but at least the gag order has been lifted Smile

- LZMF1 - 11-21-2002

yup, i have no fucking clue what i'm doing in it or how to play it. eventually i'll figure it out.

- QuickStop - 11-21-2002

i heard $10 a month

- Keyser Soze - 11-21-2002

i didnt get it Sad

- slackjaw - 11-21-2002

phase 3 is starting early in december, so maybe you'll be put in for that. Smile

- Keyser Soze - 11-22-2002

someone burn me a copy! :lookatme:

- QuickStop - 12-09-2002

I just got my phase 3 disc in the mail. woohoo!

- LZMF1 - 12-09-2002

Quote:I just got my phase 3 disc in the mail. woohoo!
me too!!!! :thumbs-up: Confusedmokey: :thumbs-up: :bouncer: :thumbs-up:

- QuickStop - 12-09-2002

Now i have to go do a fucking asswad project on the Industrial Revolution that's due tomorrow. not woohoo. :angry:

- LZMF1 - 12-09-2002

Quote:someone burn me a copy! :lookatme:
keyser, you know that you need a modchip to play a burned game on a ps2 right?

if you ps2 is modded i'd be more than happy to burn you a copy.

- Keyser Soze - 12-09-2002

Damn, i wonder if its worth having my ps2 mod'ed. how much will it run me?

- LyricalGomez - 12-09-2002

probablly between 50 and 100 bucks, just remember that you void your warranty, and if you ever need the ps2 fixed don't even think of calling sony, they will blame the mod chip, blame you, and basically say fuck you buy a new one.