What's on yer mind? - .... - Printable Version

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- DGW - 11-13-2002

my nose has been itching and running all day and it's kinda sore now

payday? yer billz day is more like it

i like the fact Winona Ryder stole.....lil bitch needz a spankin!

my eyes are bad...realized it last nite in the rain

fuck iraq

does snapple iced tea smell like piss to anyone else?

how come all my friends are having kidz yet i can't find a woman that i would want to have my kidz?

OAS has started the only other thread this really the end?

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-13-2002

i got a fucking speeding ticket today, and im pissed at myself for speeding through a known speed trap

- JimmyBlueEyes - 11-13-2002

Why is it that the water coming out of my shower smells like a fart?? How the Hell did I get sick with a cold?? Why the fuck is my girlfriends grandmother ragging on my girlfriend because she is dating a non Jew(me) Doesn't this old lady have anything more important to worry about?? She felt it absolutely necessary to call her this morning and yell at her about it?? WHY???

- Hey Ladi - 11-13-2002

"Doctor pleeeze some more of theeeeze,
Outside the doooor, she took four moooore"

I'm looking forward to my birthday. 26 will be a good year. :-D
I'm so happy today. :bouncer:

- Weird NJ - 11-13-2002

I'm sad at the fact that my dog can't see colors.

I wish it was Saturday already. I hate working.

- Maynard - 11-13-2002

I'm thinking about a girl.
In fact....I'm always thinking about her.

Nothing else on my mind.
It's better that way. Less room for error.

- Sloatsburgh - 11-13-2002

I haven't found a way to get rid of nose hairs.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-13-2002

Why are my eyes burning?

How am I going to write six term papers in three weeks?

Why were they selling lobster at the deli salad bar today?

- Danked - 11-13-2002

I've painted myself into a corner.

- Hey Ladi - 11-13-2002

I might not hate my job today
I'm hungry, I want soup, I've wanted soup all day
I had a very yummy Western Omlete this morning, w/good toast

Other people in love, gives the the willies
... I don't know why, but it can't be good.

I wonder what it would be like to be deaf
:banana: I wonder if I'm a good dancer

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-13-2002

I wonder how to buy a hooker for my friend.

- Sloatsburgh - 11-13-2002

Quote:Why were they selling lobster at the deli salad bar today

Whatever became of Melinda?

- Maynard - 11-13-2002

Now I'm thinking that I shouldn't have told my friend I'd help him move tonight.

BRRRRRR! It's fuckin cold out.

- virgingrrl - 11-13-2002

a lot of stuff.

my arm hurts...i've been shot.

my grandpa would have been 81 today.

im mad at the post office.

my coffee is kinda cold.

i need to do laundry.

i need more candles from pier one. mmm water blossom mmmm.

i feel like knitting...make some more christmas presents. it's mitten's this year!

i wish o&a were on. i miss them.

- Maynard - 11-13-2002

I like mittens. But it's hard to pick stuff up while wearing them.

- virgingrrl - 11-13-2002

they arent meant to pick stuff up in silly.

just to keep your hands warm.

my eye is still bloodshot.

- Maynard - 11-13-2002

I'd like my hands to be warm.


- virgingrrl - 11-13-2002

place your hands between your legs, or in your arm pits.

- Danked - 11-13-2002

Or in your vagina.

- virgingrrl - 11-13-2002

danked has a vagina? :clueless: