I'm going to burn down my office.... - I mean it this time.... - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-22-2002

So I just found out a few minutes ago that it was decided that I don't need my own desk anymore, so I'm going to have to share it with the two homeless people who work here, who are DIRTY and DISGUSTING. I've been moved around a lot before, even put in the closet, but this is ridiculous. They're making me like take all my stuff down and clear out all my stuff. ARGH.

- Sloatsburgh - 11-22-2002

but but but just dont take away my stapler because Bill said I can listen to my radio at a reasonable level when I'm collating and these two squirrels used to sit outside the window because they were married and this is the third time they have moved desk so if I don't start getting my paycheck soon I won't get a piece of cake like I didn't get a piece last year......

- HollywoodJewMoses - 11-22-2002

sharing a desk with 2 actual homeless people?!!?


- Goatweed - 11-22-2002

homeless people work? then why are they homeless? and if they're getting paid the same as you, I'd be more pissed about that than about sharing a desk with them!

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-22-2002

Yea, they're getting paid the same as me. I'm pissed on so many levels its not funny.

- Sloatsburgh - 11-22-2002

I think Managment is sending Polly a message......

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-22-2002

I think so too....they're treating all the people here who are students like shit recently. Fuck them...I just wish they'd come out and say whatever it is they're thining.

- LyricalGomez - 11-22-2002


Ok there Nick

- kindred - 11-22-2002

Burn down the office and blame it on the homeless people. It's not like they have a home to go to. :thumbs-up:

- Mad - 11-22-2002

Quote:I just wish they'd come out and say whatever it is they're thining.

You're FIRED!

That's the message they are sending. They just don't have the balls to do it right now.

I believe they are going with the "let's make life a living Hell and see who quits first route."

Now how can you make your boss's life a living Hell before you are gone?

- Arthur Dent - 11-22-2002

MAKE them fire you. If you quit, you don't get all the bennies. That's the shit they're pulling. Have fun. Be a bitch. :firebounce:

- The Painter - 11-22-2002

Just come into work and start spraying Lysol all over place. Or catch a disease, blame it on the homeless co-workers, and sue the company for making you work in a unsafe environment. You'll make millions!!!

- LyricalGomez - 11-22-2002

AHHH...The page is talking to me again

- PollyannaFlower46 - 11-23-2002

I'm not quitting...fuck them...I know how unemployment works. They know that I'm leaving in May when I graduate and they want to make sure that the transistion is super smooth...I think they're going to hire someone, have me train them and then let me go....fine with me...I just don't like being jerked around...