I need some advice, what to play next - Ps2 - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 02-12-2002

Since I am just a fuckin woman when it comes to buying shit so I own all of these and after wasting 129 hours on Final Fantasy, I have hit a rut in deciding what to play next. I left my sports games off the list for I always throw them in from time to time. Write in ids for any ideas if there is something new to go buy that is a must play.

So help me out, guys.

Keep it to PS2, though. I don't play games on the comp. And, GameCube does nothing for me. I am in the process of learning how to burn DC games so I just want to get some worth out of the Ps2 at this point.

- Hybrid - 02-12-2002

if youve never played any of the games youve listed, go with mgs2. GREAT game. amazing graphics, pretty good story. the first ones story with the seconds graphics would be the best game ever made.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 02-13-2002

Go for Ico. It's a tad short but it's a completely new concept. That or Jak and Dexter.

- Sephiroth - 02-13-2002

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

The Dreamcast version was excellent, so I would Imagine the PS2 would be much better. The Sony Corporation tend to take existing ideas and products and make them better by adding stuff like.... hardcore rape and fireworks. Illegal Fireworks at that!

- Galt - 02-13-2002

Of those listed, I've played Tony Hawk, MSG2, and GTA3. I don't know what the big fuss is over Tony Hawk. I tink that the SSX games are way better than Tony Hawk

Between MSG and GTA, I'd say GTA just because of the replay value, and how fun it is with a bunch of people around. The story of MSG is extensive, but I wouldn't say interesting. It's very complex and some of the 10 minute cut scenes get pretty annoying pretty fast.

There are so many different things to do in GTA3, and with all the cheats and codes and shit, there's always something new to try.

However, State of Emergency is coming out in a couple days and that's going to be the next big thing..

Edited By Galt on Feb. 25 2002 at 4:57

- 82-1012268026 - 02-13-2002

In those lists of games... this order

1. MGS
2. DMC

Knock yourself out, mon ami. Need help, ask away.

- LZMF1 - 02-14-2002

tough call, it all depends on what kinda games you like.

i'm into cerebral games and i finished ico without cheating in less than a day.

games that involve a lot of thought are my forte yet i do enjoy pointless, senseless games also.

ssx tricky is cool as hell, not based on reality but a shitload of fun

- Bondgirl - 02-14-2002

The James Bond game for PS2 is pretty cool...lots of different missions and best of all, you get to drive the Sean Connery Bond car Smile

Other then that, Gran Turismo 3 rules, especially with cheat codes.

- Keyser Soze - 02-20-2002

Are you kidding? You haven't played GTA3 yet?????? What is the matter with you??

- Buttmunch - 02-20-2002

How come Space Invaders isn't on the list?

- PatCooper - 02-20-2002

Ok first off go with MGS2. I'm just about too finish it, and it is a very good game.

Quote:Between MSG and GTA, I'd say GTA just because of the replay value, and how fun it is with a bunch of people around. The story of MSG is extensive, but I wouldn't say interesting. It's very complex and some of the 10 minute cut scenes get pretty annoying pretty fast.

Yes GTA has alot of replay value but in my mind so does MGS2. You gotta love choking the guys out and tossing them off the side of the tanker. And i enjoyed the story, and you the fuck doesnt wanna watch the FMV cut scenes more than once.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 02-25-2002

To me...MGS2 sucked donkey dick. If you want to sit back and watch more than half the game then play it..sure go for it. Yes it has great graphics...and fun at times. But the cinemas suck. the ending SUCKS. after i beat it the last thing i wanted to do was sit through this game yet again.

for ps2 jak and daxter is very good. ico is very good. if your into a puzzle type of game frequency is a great game. gta3 although highly hyped boring to me very quick. you can only jack someone and hear them say the same thing so many times before you get sick of it.

or you could just get an xbox. :bouncer:

- PatCooper - 02-25-2002

Quote:To me...MGS2 sucked donkey dick

And i bet you got tired of GTA3 very quickly too.

Quote:gta3 although highly hyped boring to me very quick. you can only jack someone and hear them say the same thing so many times before you get sick of it.

Your a bad judge of games.You disliked 2 of the best games of the year. Next you'll say FFX bored you after the first hour.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-03-2002

Why am I a bad judge of games? Because I dont agree with what others like? 2 of the best games of the year...yeah maybe to you and others BUT NOT ME. MGS2 had kick ass graphics a good story but it was way too short and very boring at times. GTA3 got repetitive QUICK! I didnt even bother finishing it. It is at the bottom of my game pile sitting in scabs that fell off my uterus picker. I cant say that FFX bored me cause I havent played it.

- PatCooper - 03-03-2002

Quote:Why am I a bad judge of games?

This is one reason why
Quote:for ps2 jak and daxter is very good. ico is very good. if your into a puzzle type of game frequency is a great game

Jak and dex sucked monkey shit. It looks and plays like a PS1 game. Next your gonna say you really thought Crash Bandicoot was really good. And i'm sorry but fucking frequency??? Are you the only person in America who has played this game? Look it's your opinion..You like what you like but to say MGS2 sucked donkey dick and that GTA3 got boring quickly makes your opinion on games very low to me.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 03-03-2002

Jak and Dexter doesn't suck it's one of the best platformers EVER. And I haven't played Frequency but I've heard lots of good things. And MGS2 had the silliest storyline I have ever been sorry to see.

- PatCooper - 03-03-2002

Quote:Jak and Dexter doesn't suck it's one of the best platformers EVER

This coming from someone with no pubic hair. Your the exact age the Jak and Dex creators were gunning for to buy the game. I enjoyed the MGS2 story. Ok it was silly at times but that's what makes the game fun.

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-03-2002

LOL....i dont care if my opinion is low to you with videogames. I usually disgust people in different ways than video game opinions. this is good broadening my horizons. I did however just run in circles when Raiden had no clothes on. I didnt want to find Snake with his clothes. I liked jumping onto soldiers with naked Raiden. THE FUNNEST PART OF THE GAME BY THE WAY.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 03-03-2002

Oh you really got me there. Just because a game doens't have an unbelieveable amount of violence doesn't make it bad. And the storyline in MGS2 nearly ruined the game because I felt like I was playing a cheesy game with 10000 plot twists that all sucked.

- PatCooper - 03-03-2002

Quote:. Just because a game doens't have an unbelieveable amount of violence doesn't make it bad

I never said anything about the violence in ANY game. Were did you pull that shit out of ? The FF series is one of my favorite of all time and there's no blood and guts. So that blows your theory right out of the water.

Quote:I felt like I was playing a cheesy game with 10000 plot twists that all sucked.

Are you sure you weren't playing FF9? No but really the story wasnt that bad in MGS2. It was like watching a dopey movie. You ask yourself why am i sitting here but at the same time your laughing your ass off.