WWE screws Mattitude Version 1 - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 12-09-2002

Quote:Earlier today it was reported that Matt Hardy was scheduled to be the one to "injure" Rey Mysterio on TV, before starting a program with Edge. In the end, WWE decided to give that role to Albert. More details have now been made available.

Apparently, Matt Hardy got the call just a few hours before the SmackDown! taping on Tuesday that he would not be a part of the angle. This, as evident in his commentary, really upset him. And, I'm hearing that more than a few backstage were also disappointed with Matt Hardy losing the chance to do the program, as they feel Matt and Edge mesh much better in the ring than Albert and Edge do.

However, it is also known that WWE has a soft spot for "big men" and will give them extra chances to excel, as opposed to smaller talent, who really have to prove themselves on their first shot. Thus, when choosing between Albert and Matt Hardy, WWE went with the bigger talent, a move that many would call traditional.

Paul Heyman, however, is a big fan of Matt Hardy and will likely set him up in an angle on SmackDown! as soon as one is made available. Many do not expect Matt Hardy to become a standard Velocity talent, although that is possible as well.

SO instead of Matt Hardy and Edge at the PPV , which would have been a great match and they have tons of history already with all their tlc matches, we see Edge and Albert at Armegeddon. Albert fucking sucks. WHo wants to see that fucking hairy pierced Asshole.

- Skitchr4u - 12-09-2002

oh yeah, another example of vince sucking big guy dick...way to go...screw the fans, but hey vince can get more on the roid market with a guy like albert than he can with matt so...

- GonzoStyle - 12-09-2002

bring back T&A!!!!!

- LyricalGomez - 12-09-2002


- Peachy - 12-10-2002

Quote:WHo wants to see that fucking hairy pierced Asshole.

Vince McMahon...although he'd probably prefer him naked and with a huge frenum piercing.

- The Jays - 12-10-2002

.... I'm surprised he didn't call in the Warrior to injure Rey Rey.....

- Hybrid - 12-10-2002

i wish